The deltoids are comprised of three heads: the anterior (front), lateral (side) and posterior (rear) heads. The incline press, as a whole, uses smaller muscle groups than the flat bench press, so you'll need to decrease your weight a bit for the incline press. Make the exercise harder by switching out your dumbbells for a set of kettlebells. Reverse Grip Incline Bench Press: Involves holding the barbell with an underhand grip so that the palms are facing towards you. With a stronger chest and shoulders, you can push heavier objects, perform better in athletics, improve your posture, and boost your overall confidence. The decline fly is another dumbbell variation that targets the lower chest. With both weights by your chest, press one … Variation: Incline dumb-bell press Variation: Incline Smith machine press Work both sides of your chest independently to prevent your stronger side doing all the work. The trick, though, is selecting the right angle to work the muscles you want to strengthen. Tara Laferrara is a certified NASM personal trainer, yoga teacher, and fitness coach. When you round the shoulders, your deltoids take over the lifting motion. The incline dumbbell press is a free weight exercise designed to target the chest, shoulders, and triceps, hitting each side of the body independently. In other words, if you're doing a right arm kettlebell press, your core has to engage to prevent your left shoulder and hip from rotating to the right as you perform the movement. Once you master the form, try experimenting with lower rep ranges and heavier weight to further challenge your muscles.Â. As you press the weight upwards, your triceps contract to extend your arms upwards. Next, bring each dumbbell down one at a time. Reference: Style type . If your bench is adjustable, set the incline to between 30- to 45-degrees. Laura Williams is a fitness expert and advocate with certifications from the American Council on Exercise and the American College of Sports Medicine. Using a bouncing movement to gain momentum to help propel the weight up again is essentially cheating. Not only is this safer, but you will achieve better results too! After lying back on the bench, many lifters tend to flare out their elbows to the side. The incline press also hits the anterior head of the deltoid muscle of the shoulders, or the front part of your shoulder.. But that still leaves you with dumbbell presses and Smith machine presses—both rely on incline or decline adjustable benches. The barbell exercise targets the same muscle groups in the same way but doesn't require the unilateral control that the dumbbell press requires. J Strength Cond Res. 2) Curl the dumbbells up until you feel a full contraction in your biceps, pause briefly at the top, and then lower them back down to the starting position. Grab the handles with an overhand grip and bring them to your chest. As you get stronger, instability starts to limit the weight you can use, making it only moderately effective for … The Incline dumbbell press is a variation of the Incline barbell bench press and an exercise used to build the muscles of the upper chest. Then, they thrust upwards to complete the dumbbell incline press. Maintain tightness in your chest and repeat! Incline bench presses increase the range of motion at the shoulder joint, which provides more work for the chest. “Of the three moves, dumbbells allow you to use the greatest range of motion,” says Poli. (THIS IS A TEMPORARY SOLUTION UNTIL WE ADD A MEMBERSHIP AREA'S BUTTON. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with hands positioned at your shoulders, elbows bent and angled down below your ribs. Use only one kettlebell at a time, performing a full set with your right arm before switching to your left arm. Cocking your wrists backward while holding the dumbbells—forming a 90-degree angle between the back of your hand and forearm—may not seem like a big issue, but holding the dumbbells this way puts a lot of strain on your wrists. Incline dumbbell chest press form. Exercises such as the incline dumbbell press can help to emphasize the upper chest and build size and strength more evenly in your pec muscles. Their … When you speed through a movement like this, you end up losing the target focus for the exercise, allowing other muscle groups and momentum to help you complete the move. In addition, your abs and upper back activate to stabilize the body during the exercise motion.Â. Incorporate this move and similar ones into one of these popular workouts: Get exercise tips to make your workouts less work and more fun. The incline dumbbell press secondarily engages your triceps, upper back, and abs. When designing a workout to take advantage of multiple bench settings, the barbell bench press is the first to go because the bars and benches are fixed in one position. Our deltoids also play a major role in executing the incline dumbbell press but they should remain as a secondary mover. It's common for one arm to be stronger than the other. If you're unsure of the right weight, start light and work your way up until you feel challenged but can still do an entire set using proper form. When you finish your set, safely exit the exercise by sitting up and placing the dumbbells on your knees before you stand up. Functionally, the dumbbell incline press transfers naturally to a range of pushing and pressing motions, such as pushing open a heavy door or putting groceries away on elevated shelves. Also known as the incline dumbbell bench press, the incline dumbbell press builds size and strength in your chest, specifically targeting the upper chest. a) Retract your shoulders to create a slight arch in your spine and breathe out as you press the dumbbells upwards. This variation changes the angle of the motion, targeting more of the upper chest... 2. This exercise stretches the muscle fibers more than any of the other dumbbell variations, which can lead to greater “muscular damage”. You don't want to eliminate this natural curve. The combination of the constant tension, metabolic stress, and high levels of mechanical tension make it an effective variation … If using dumbbells or isolating each shoulder independently doesn't work for you, you can modify the exercise and still get similar results. See HERE for the difference between incline and decline pressing variations. The dumbbell squeeze press is a tremendous exercise for building functional strength and hypertrophy in the chest, triceps, and shoulders. Even if you're familiar with the incline barbell press, you may still need to decrease your weight for the dumbbell version of the exercise. While lying down on the bench, slowly manoeuvre your hands to a pronated grip position on both sides. Set Up: To set up for the alternate incline dumbbell curl, set up in the same way as regular seated incline dumbbell curls, with two dumbbells and an exercise bench adjusted to a 45-60° angle. Rest both dumbbells on your thighs and hold them in a neutral grip position. Avoid dropping the dumbbells while you're lying on the incline bench. This exercise is otherwise performed in the same way as the incline dumbbell press, but you're pressing kettlebells with each hand, rather than dumbbells. Starting Position: Grab a dumbbell with each hand with a supinated grip so that your palms are facing forwards. Incline Bench Press. Reverse the movement and slowly lower the dumbbells back to the top of your chest as you inhale. Sit on the bench and lean back. The incline dumbbell press is designed to increase chest strength and size, so it's typically included in a well-rounded, intermediate strength training program. Relax your neck against the bench. By using dumbbells to perform this exercise, each arm works independently, which prevents the dominant arm from "taking over" to perform the lift, improving strength and stability on both sides of the body. Selecting a weight that's too heavy typically leads to other common mistakes, which can undercut your efforts or result in injury. Aim to complete sets of 8 to 12 reps. Start with one set and work up to two to three sets over time as you build strength. Armed with an incline bench and a pair of dumbbells, this exercise can bolster your entire upper body fitness routine. Not only that, but with a stronger upper body, you will improve in other exercises as well! With both weights by your chest, press one dumbbell upwards, then the other. Barbell Bench Press. Try to maintain the natural arch without increasing it. A reverse grip bench press utilizes an underhand (supinated) grip on the bar. The incline press can be problematic for those who experience shoulder pain. This keeps your shoulders in a natural position so that you can keep making gains in the safest way possible.Â. The bigger the angle, the more the exercise will engage the shoulders. You can also engage your core more substantially by performing the exercise as a single-arm kettlebell incline press. Lauver JD, Cayot TE, Scheuermann BW. During the incline dumbbell press, the most tension is directed to the anterior deltoids. The dumbbell incline press targets the upper portion of the chest—specifically, the clavicular head of the pectoralis major—an area of the chest that's almost completely unengaged during other common chest exercises, like the traditional bench press, incline pushups, and chest fly. 7 Dumbbell Chest Press Variations for a Stronger Chest 1. The 45-degree angle will hit more of your shoulders, while the 30-degree angle will target the pecs to a greater degree. DEAR MEMBERS: TO ACCESS YOUR MEMBERSHIP AREA, PLEASE "LOGOUT" AND THEN "LOGIN" AGAIN. Now, use your chest and shoulders to drive the dumbbells back to the starting position in a consistent pathway. Keep your wrists straight (don't let them "cock" backward). Dumbbell Chest Press Variations 25 September, 2020 The barbell bench press is a staple strength exercise that has benefits for all levels of fitness and desired physiques. Incline Alternating Dumbbell Press Dumbbell Incline Close grip Press Variation $3.60. Brace your core and press both dumbbells straight up over your chest as you exhale. When performed correctly, the incline dumbbell press allows you to safely develop your upper chest without unnatural shoulder strain. While both heads are engaged during the lift, the incline of the bench places more tension on the clavicular head of the pectoralis major. 2010;24(7):1925-1930. doi:10.1519/jsc.0b013e3181ddfae7, Ⓒ 2021 About, Inc. (Dotdash) — All rights reserved. Due to the uneven weight distribution of kettlebells (the "bell" portion weighs more than the handle of the equipment), it requires more stability and control to perform the exercise correctly. HOW TO DO THE ALTERNATING DUMBBELL CHEST PRESS Start by sitting at the end of the bench. You'll end up recruiting muscle groups other than the specific muscles intended to be targeted by the exercise. It's important to keep tension on the working muscles and increase the time under tension for each and every set. The dumbbell version of the incline press is especially beneficial for correcting strength imbalances between each side of your body. Incline Close Grip Dumbbell Bench Press The incline close-grip dumbbell bench press is similar to the above dumbbell pressing options in the variation section. The most important thing to remember when performing the incline dumbbell press is to select an appropriate weight for your strength level, which is probably less than you think. The incline dumbbell press is one of the best exercises to strengthen and grow the pectoralis major, your upper chest. Here are a few variations you can use to mix up your training for incline press. The dumbbells should be positioned close to your chest. The goal of lifting weights is not to simply move weight from one position to another. It’s better if the decline bench has a … c) Use your legs to kick the dumbbells up and lie back on the incline. Instead, keep your elbows pointing to the floor. Get into the best shape of your life with 9 Alien Secrets to Long Term Fitness Success!Just enter your name and email address and we will send you our FREE Ebook filled with close kept alien secrets! The incline press also hits the anterior head of the deltoid muscle of the shoulders, or the front part of your shoulder.2 Functionally, the dumbbell inclin… One advanced method to achieve this is called continuous tension sets, which is a technique that defies the time-honored tradition of locking out every rep. Just stop right before the weig… The Floor Press. Regular performance of this exercise will consistently activate these muscle fibers and increase hypertrophy of the chest and shoulders. The incline barbell bench press is a military press alternative that works … Reverse Grip Incline Bench Press While these exercises are important, you can run the risk of over-training the lower, sternal head of the pec and under training the upper, clavicular head. Set up a pulley system at the lowest setting. If you find yourself straining toward the end of a set, ask a friend to spot you as you lift. Likewise, doing a press on an upright bench positioned at 90-degrees targets your shoulders. Read our, Save Your Knees and Hips With These Exercises, Fitness Tools, Calculators, and Equipment, Try This Upper Body Strength and Endurance Challenge with Supersets, Get Strong With This Intense Upper Body Workout, Build Your Best Upper Body With a Progression Workout, These Exercises Give You the Best Bang for Your Buck, Study Shows Weight Training Is Better Than Cardio for Back Pain, 10 Lower Ab Exercises for a Stronger Core, Work Your Chest Muscles to Burn More Calories, Build Strength With This Full Body, Intermediate Workout Progression, Strengthen your Upper Back With the TRX Row, Challenging, Intense, and Unique Upper Body Pyramid Workout, Advanced Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps Workout, Influence of bench angle on upper extremity muscular activation during bench press exercise, An electromyography analysis of 3 muscles surrounding the shoulder joint during the performance of a chest press exercise at several angles. In that case, start with machine weights or a barbell incline press to grow accustomed to the movement, then move on to the incline dumbbell press once your ready. The dumbbell incline press targets the upper portion of the chest—specifically, the clavicular head of the pectoralis major—an area of the chest that's almost completely unengaged during other common chest exercises, like the traditional bench press, incline pushups, and chest fly. Often times, the dumbbell bench press is recommended after reaching a certain point of strength on the barbell bench press to avoid pec and shoulder injuries. Super band kettlebell chest press. She also created her own online training program, the TL Method. Variations: Incline, reverse, rear delt, standing, decline, underhand dumbbell fly Alternative: Incline dumbbell flyes, cable crossover, butterfly The dumbbell fly is a traditional bodybuilding exercise used for isolating the chest muscles, promoting growth in the pecs … A woman explains how to properly perform the dumbbell bench press and the dumbbell incline bench press. The incline dumbbell press can be modified in various ways or made more challenging to suit individual needs and fitness goals. The dumbbell incline press is generally a safe exercise, but it does require a baseline level of strength, and it shouldn't be attempted if you're brand-new to strength training. Verywell Fit uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. 11. Assume a standing position and grab a pair of dumbbells with your palms facing forward. They shouldn't splay out to the sides, pointing toward the side of the room. Far too often, I see weightlifters drop the dumbbells down to their chest in a split second. This exercise can seem deceptively simple, making it easy to overlook possible mistakes. The basic form for the seated incline dumbbell curl is pretty straightforward… 1) Adjust an incline bench at roughly a 45 degree angle and hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides with your palms facing up. ), Director of Writing | Certified in Plant Based Nutrition at T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies. The incline bench press is used to place more emphasis on the upper chest as well as the shoulders. The client will start in a supine position with both feet flat on the ground. However, that doesn't mean you'll be able to lift the same amount when trying the dumbbell incline press. This allows for greater hypertrophy (muscle growth) of the upper chest when the exercise is performed regularly.. Copyright © Anabolic Aliens 2020 - Gains Out Of This World. Using a stability ball will turn your incline press into a … This will allow you to finish your set without altering the movement. Incline Dumbbell Chest Press. At the top of the movement, the dumbbells should almost touch each other and your arms should be perpendicular to the floor. When your elbows drift away from the body, you place a huge strain on the tendons in your chest and shoulders. All you need to perform the incline dumbbell press is an incline bench or an adjustable bench and a set or two of dumbbells. Instead of the dumbbell incline press, opt for the barbell incline press. > Media content > Animated GIFs > Dumbbell Incline Close grip Press Variation $0.9 per 1 animated GIFs after 10 items in cart New. It is a great option to work out your upper body at home! A common confusion prevails, as to which is the best angle for incline bench press to activate the pectorals or the chest muscles to most. This targets more of the lower chest muscles and allows you to lift more than you do... 3. If you start with the right weight for you, you'll be less likely to encounter the other issues mentioned below. This will help you maximize the contraction of your pecs. As a result, this will strengthen your rotator cuffs and increase your mind-muscle connection. Focus on keeping your wrists straight so that they're perpendicular to the ground throughout the exercise to prevent wrist injury. Best for: Hypertrophy. Selecting a lighter weight helps ensure you'll be able to complete the exercise safely. c) Maintain tightness in your chest and repeat this motion. It'll develop your muscles to their greatest potential and accelerate your gains. Dumbbells also offer a freer range of motion compared to a barbell. If you experience sharp or shooting pain at any point during the exercise, stop and opt for exercises that don't cause pain. This can open you up to the possibility of a back strain. This action is more challenging to control and ends up using more of the stabilizing muscles of the shoulder. This incline alternative is another great exercise that significantly engages the upper chest. For the incline dumbbell press, you will need a pair of dumbbells and an incline bench. Working your muscles through a full range of motion is almost always a good idea. There is a natural arch in your back that should be there while performing this press exercise. Next, lower the weight in a controlled fashion to each side and stop when the weights are roughly in line with your shoulders. The incline dumbbell press may be superior to incline barbell exercises because dumbbells require greater stabilization. Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. When you are fatigued toward the end of a set or if you're trying to lift more weight than you should, you may find yourself straining and over-arching your back to try to force the dumbbells upward. Doing this exercise with dumbbells helps improve shoulder stability and balances … Unlike the more traditional flat bench press, the incline press shifts the focus of the movement to the upper portion of the pectoral muscle groups and the front of the shoulder. You want to move weight in a way that safely challenges your body the most. a) Pick the dumbbells up off the ground with your palms facing toward each other. This is because the dumbbell press requires each arm to lift its own dumbbell independently, which requires more strength. If you enjoyed these chest exercises, check out this intense 5-minute dumbbell chest workout: This Anabolic Aliens membership will grant you access to workout classes, rehab programs, diet plans, and more exclusive content to help you achieve sustainable success! However, there are a couple of things you must consider. A variation on a dumbbell chest press, the incline dumbbell press targets the upper portion of the pectoral muscle and shoulders more than a standard bench press does. This exercise will help you develop the baseline strength required for the movement while also starting to engage the stabilizing muscles of the shoulders without isolating each shoulder independently. Our pec muscles are made up of two heads: the clavicular head, which comprises the upper chest, and the sternal head, which makes up the mid to lower chest. When the dumbbell incline press is performed regularly, you'll develop a more well-balanced chest and shoulder musculature, helping to keep the shoulder joint stable and strong. Doing a chest press on a flat bench positioned at 0-degrees targets the middle of your pecs. It is important to be mindful when we build muscle in order to maintain balance in the body. For that reason, the incline dumbbell press is one of the best exercises for exercising our upper chest.Â. While the reverse grip push up may take a little while to get used to, this pushup variation places more tension on the upper chest. Also, your efforts will be shortchanged. Bench/dumbbell press forms the primary movement for chest development. Set up a bench at a 45° angle and then lie … Incline Bench Press. A supinated grip externally rotates the humerus , which puts the shoulders in a much more favorable position for the lift, decreasing injury potential without compromising range of motion. Dumbbell Chest Press Variations. Muscles worked: Pectoralis major, anterior and lateral deltoids, … Lowering the weights quickly and "bouncing" them up off the top of your chest is ineffective. Go here if you are looking for a great guide on Standard Dumbbell Bench Press Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Variations. If you enjoyed the incline dumbbell press, check out these other upper chest focused exercises to improve your upper body training! Also Known As: Incline chest press, incline dumbbell chest press, Equipment Needed: Dumbbells and an incline bench. › ... › strength › incline-dumbbell-bench-press › ss-BBtOa5e If you do the hammer press on a bench set at an incline, the upper chest muscles will take more of the workload. Incline/Decline Dumbbell Chest Press. Keep your feet flat on the floor. Instead of overlifting, reduce the weight you are lifting until you can complete the exercise without any bouncing. The incline dumbbell press is an essential exercise for people of all fitness levels. The Incline Dumbbell Press is the most obvious variation. Incline Barbell Bench Press. Incline Dumbbell Press On A Stability Ball. Different Variations of Dumbbell Bench Press 1. This type of single-sided exercise requires your core to engage to prevent your non-working side from rotating toward the side you're working. Generally speaking, 30-degrees is the ideal angle for hitting the upper portion of the chest. The setup is the same as the standard bench press, with the exception that the bench is now at an incline. Be sure to keep a slight bend in your elbows at the top. Brace your abs and press upwards in a controlled fashion. A barbell is most suitable for this movement; although you’ll likely be able to decline dumbbell press more than flat/incline, it’s likely your triceps will take more of the load during this exercise, and so if you want to make sure you’re targeting your chest optimally, you should opt for the barbell variation and ensure a full range of motion on each repetition. You'll want to select dumbbells that are lighter than you'd use for a flat dumbbell bench press and when performing a barbell incline press. To correct this mistake, bring shoulder blades back and down to create a slight arch in your back. You won't need much more space beyond the space required for the bench itself. Eur J Sport Sci. If you've been doing dumbbell bench press or incline barbell press for a while, you probably have a good idea of how much weight you can handle for these exercises. To avoid risking major injury at the gym, try to feel like you are keeping your elbows slightly tucked inwards during the incline dumbbell press. Similar to the Barbell Bench Press, the Dumbbell Chest Press can be performed in incline and decline variations to change the stimulus on the muscles worked. 2016;16(3):309-16. doi:10.1080/17461391.2015.1022605, Trebs A, Brandenburg J, Pitney W. An electromyography analysis of 3 muscles surrounding the shoulder joint during the performance of a chest press exercise at several angles. If you have ongoing shoulder pain, attempt the exercise on a machine or with a barbell before trying it with dumbbells. When you try hard to push your back into the bench, your shoulders will naturally roll forward. That’s a shame because it’s arguably the better pec builder. This may not seem like a big deal, but it ends up reducing the effectiveness of your workout, making it harder to see the improvements you want to see. The alternating dumbbell press allows you to isolate muscles in both sides of your body. Breathe in.Â. Barbell Military Press. Step 1: Set the weight bench up (click to read more) at a 30% decline and remember that any more declination would be too extreme for you. Its variations, which include the incline and decline bench presses are also used widely in the strength & conditioning world. To start, choose a relatively light weight. The concept of “muscular damage” is one of the main drivers of hypertrophy (muscle growth). While seated on a 30 degree incline bench, tighten your abs and push the bar upwards in a controlled fashion. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press Reverse Grip Incline Bench Press This variation of the incline bench press is performed the same way as the traditional incline barbell bench press except the barbell is held using an underhand (supinated) grip so that the palms are facing toward you. When training their chest, many lifters tend to favor flat bench exercises. Contract your pecs to bring the dumbbells together until they reach chest height. If you split up your weekly workouts by body part, include this chest exercise on your upper body or chest day, after exercises like pushups or the flat bench press. During the dumbbell incline press, you want to avoid rounding your shoulders and keeping your back flat against the bench. Option 1: Incline Dumbbell Press. Instead of rushing the motion of the dumbbell incline press, slowly bring the weight down to your chest and push upwards at a steady, controlled pace. While seated on a 30 degree incline bench, lift your arms above you with your palms facing together and a slight bend in your elbows. Aim to complete 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps at a lighter weight. Using dumbbells to train your chest helps to recruit more muscle fibers in your shoulders to stabilize each dumbbell throughout the motion. Influence of bench angle on upper extremity muscular activation during bench press exercise. Slowly lower it back down all the way into your chest and repeat! The barbell military press is a standard strength and hypertrophy movement … Generally speaking, you should set your bench between 30- and 45-degrees. If further increasing strength on your bench press is your goal but you find yourself … Slowly return to the starting position and repeat! If you find yourself over-arching your back from the get-go, choose a lighter set of dumbbells. Read on to learn about potential issues as well as how to avoid them. As you lower the dumbbells, your elbows should come down at roughly a 45-degree angle to your torso. You should be able to complete between 8 and 12 repetitions with the weight you select for a typical workout routine. Decline Dumbbell Chest Press. The incline dumbbell press primarily targets the pectoralis major, which is the largest muscle in our chest. b) Assume a sitting position on an incline bench at a 30-45 degree angle and place the weights on your thighs. While the incline bench press is a well-known exercise, many lifters treat it as a secondary or assistance movement rather than a primary one. If you find yourself doing this (or if you are tempted to do so), that's a good indication you're lifting more weight than you should be. Perform the exercise in the exact same way as the dumbbell press, except use a barbell gripped with both arms instead of individual dumbbells. b) Next, slowly bring down the dumbbells all the way down into your chest. 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