The part of the brain area activated if an expected outcome does not occur following a decision would be the _________. Define and use anatomical planes of reference. Physiological psychology, biological psychology, or behavioral neuroscience is a field of psychology that connects behavior and mental processes to bodily processes, and to the functions and actions of the brain. a. When _________ was given to Parkinson's disease patients schizophrenia symptoms often emerged. _______ are critical for keeping our genes intact during chromosome replication, a protective function that becomes increasingly important as we age. Alcoholic patients suffering from the memory disorder known as _________ may show confabulation. Additional Psychology Flashcards . a. recognize emotional facial expressions. This relation resulted in one of the main theories for which physiological psychology is known for. T or F: Lesions of the medial amygdala reduce aggressive displays between male rats. It is also known as biological psychology, biopsychology, or psychobiology, and is closely related to neuroscience. T or F: Reactive-impulsive aggression is a purposeful type of aggression. __________ directly targets the prefrontal cortex to treat depression. Delta waves (0.5-3 hertz), are ___________. Sign up here. Degradation of our __________ may account for the functional decline of various body organs, including the brain, during normal aging. Jobs in Physiological Psychology. T or F: Progesterone is produced in the brain, T or F: A subdural hematoma is a malignant brain tumor, T or F: The neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer's disease are made of tau protein, T or F: Among primates, the human brain packs the highest number of neurons, T or F: The evolution and development of different species' brains has been a conservative process, T or F: Transgenerational genetic trends are influenced by life events of a single generation that can extend beyond an individual's lifetime across several generations, T or F: Important environmental events such as stressful experiences leave an imprint that is passed on to a subsequent generations along with the DNA code, T or F: Increased maternal attention during the first week of a rat pup's life modified a specific hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor gene promoter by altering DNA methylation. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. _________ include behaviors such as talking, walking and eating during sleep. The ___________ suggests that animals evolved different sleep durations according to which helped them survive best. How does the mechanism of epigenetic explain the phenomenon of transgenerational inheritance? If a previously defeated hamster is placed in the cage with a smaller, nonaggressive male hamster, the previously defeated hamster will _________. Physiological. T or F: The limbic system refers to a proposed circuit of specific rain areas involved in emotional processing. Physiological psychology is a branch of psychology that is concerned with the biological basis of behavior, as opposed to the social influences on behavior. Choose from 500 different sets of physiological psychology flashcards on Quizlet. a. are highly social and have no social stress or anxiety. b. the prevalence of spider phobias compared to gun phobias. Level. What is physiological psychology? Cannon and Bard proposed that the ____________ was a key brain region generating the expression of emotional experiences. According to ___________, different bodily reactions that occur in response to different stimuli lead to the experience of emotions. Start studying psychology ch 9&10. Research has indicated that poor fetal nutrition _____________. Roger N. Morrissette, PhD . Choose from 500 different sets of physiological psychology exam 3 flashcards on Quizlet. Modifications in dendritic arborization patterns and spines. d. the relationship between behavior an consequences. d. female rats recovered faster from brain damage than male rats. Generally, high levels of serotonin in rodents are associated with _________. Hallmarks of reactive coping include _____________. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. _____ is famous for writing the first psychology textbook (Principles of Physiological Psychology). Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The offspring of the more attentive mother rats exhibit _________ activity in the hippocampus. Research suggests that childhood bullying is related to both _________ in adults. c. activation-synthesis model of dreaming. Gravity is just strong enough to condense stars and planets…, Humans have much bigger and stronger brains than animals. The ability to inhibit irrelevant responses that interfere with the completion of a task is known as _____________. Physiological, or biological psychologists as they are also known, study how a person's physiology, or biological makeup, affects their behavior. The concordance rate for schizophrenia is identical (monozygotic) twins is __________. What process(es) does the brain use to exhibit plasticity or change over time? c. low-intensity sleep waves that are found in stage 1 sleep. Auditory and visual hallucinations by paralysis experienced while falling asleep are called __________. 09/22/2010. - in search of the engram- 1950... - where do we store memory? We can define ___________ as subjective feelings that are influenced by activation of various parts of our central and peripheral nervous systems. The neurological assessment known as the _________ determines the patient's ability to speak, move, engage in conversation, and perform other basic cognitive functions. The risk of __________, which is characterized by severe memory loss increases dramatically with age. 28. b. more regular or consistent in their shape found in awake, but drowsy brains. Damasio's _________ hypothesis states that physiological emotional responses serve an important role in guiding the brain's decision to carry out a particular behavior. physiological psychology Flashcards and Study Sets | Quizlet Physiological psychology is the study of the physiological basis of how we think, • Physiological means pertaining to physiology, but psychological means pertaining to psychology. This field of psychology takes an empirical and practical approach when studying the brain and human behavior. In his famous work, Meditations on First Philosophy, the French philosopher introduced terms such as mind and body. Levels of _________ are related to increased neurogenesis which may protect against the onset of stress-related mental illnesses. d. Previously defeated hamsters will exhibit submissive behaviors, even with smaller hamsters. Undergraduate 4. Biological psychology, also called physiological psychology or behavioral neuroscience, the study of the physiological bases of behaviour.Biological psychology is concerned primarily with the relationship between psychological processes and the underlying physiological events—or, in other words, the mind-body phenomenon. Humans experiencing ___________ damage prior to two years of age exhibit impulsive, aggressive behavior in adulthood. Natural circulating levels of _____________ provide a buffer against the effects of stress hormones in the brain and other tissue. Start studying Physiological Psychology Practice Questions. Flashcards at ProProfs - Physiopsych test 2 preparation! D. instead of muscle paralysis during waking hours, those with…. _________ refers to changing one's understanding of an event in a way that also changes one's emotional response to the event. After being released from the hypothalamus, _________ travels through the hypothalamic-pituitary portal system to the anterior pituitary to trigger the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone. Psychology 311: Physiological Psychology Final Exam Take this practice test to check your existing knowledge of the course material. According to the ___________, an important function of sleep is to reduce weaker synapses to provide more energy and resources for the stronger synapses. __________ is characterized by increased exploratory behavior and a dampening of emotional responses like fear and aggression. [ref2]It's also known as biological psychology and behavioral neuroscience. The lack of pleasure experienced by depressed patients is referred to as ___________. Anxiolytic drugs (i.e. c. ascending reticular activating system (ARAS). When young mice received blood from old mice their __________. PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY Tests Questions & Answers. 09/10/2014. Patients diagnosed with ___________ have a fully functioning brain that is essentially trapped in a body that cannot move or communicate in traditional ways. __________ refers to patients with brain damage effortlessly making up stories to fill in gaps in their memories. See more. ___________ refers to the brain's ability to restructure itself. Compared to adults, the adolescent brain may have a _______ ventral striatum and _______ prefrontal cortex and amygdala? The limbic regions of the brain mature at a faster rate than the prefrontal cortical areas during adolescence suggesting ________ in adolescents than adults. Start studying Physiological Psychology. The ________ proposes that a dream is a storyline synthesized to turn random brain activity while asleep into something intelligible. Cards Return to Set Details. Study Flashcards On physiological psychology exam 1 at Psychology. More important to intelligence than the actual size of the cortical area was the ________ associated with the cortical area, especially in the frontal cortex. ________ is an atypical antipsychotic drug. Click here to study/print these flashcards. ___________ suggests that compulsive behaviors have evolutionary causes. Slow-wave sleep (SWS) has been shown to consistently facilitate the consolidation of memories that are associated with _________ sleep. Cells in the rats hippocampus that are activated when the rats are in specific locations are called __________. d. depression, eating disorders, anxiety disorders, and schizophrenia. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. From childhood to adulthood, performance in a response inhibition task improves from _____ of trials containing errors to only about _____ in adulthood. Start studying Physiological psychology (Chapter 18). Physiological psychologists study the electrical and chemical functions and activities of the brain, and how they … T or F: Charles Darwin identified universal facial expressions that could be understood across cultures. ​It has the greatest perception of detail. There are many more ______ among the brains of various species. Start studying Physiological Psychology. ___________ is a condition of uncontrollable facial and tongue movements seen as a side effect of neuroleptic drugs. Scientists in the field of physiological psychology believe that a person’s mind is a result of workings of the nervous system. The Physiological Psychology Quizlet physiological psychology quizlet road stretched out Physiological Psychology Quizlet from the foot to the distance, and the tarmac was steaming with trepidation under the scorching sun. _____________ refers to the failure to attend to a detail that could be relevant while selectively focusing attention on another task. Acces PDF Physiological Psychology Study Guide physiological psychology Flashcards and Study Sets | Quizlet Where To Download Physiological Psychology Study Guide it's not only kind of imagination. Those with _______ experience uncontrollable bouts of sleep in their waking lives. Collectively, the entire group of anxiety disorders has an approximate ___________ lifetime incidence rate in the population. Physiological psychology definition is - a branch of psychology that deals with the effects of normal and pathological physiological processes on mental life —called also psychophysiology. T or F: Facial microexpressions are associated with deception and lying. You must be in charge of the official seal of the village party secretary Ma million got up and sent Yang Yeqing, and said yohimbine gnc I It is the village head, and the election of the branch … Under a microscope brain tissue from those diagnosed with chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) resembles tissue from _________ patients. C. Paul Broca. The hippocampus is __________ in species that are opportunistic and adapt to new environments. ________ can result from administration of dopamine agonist to patients. Thorndike's law of effect described ___________. A physiological psychologist studies the ways our bodies, particularly our brains, affect our minds. ​the membrane's resistance to the flow of sodium ions decreases, ​ability to locate where they are being touched, That neurons were physically connected in a mesh of filaments, airborne chemicals released by animal that have physiological…, - vomeronasal organ (cluster of receptors in the nasal cavity)…, increase or decrease in physiological activity that is accompa…, emotional experience results from the physiological arousal th…, is the study of brains and nervous systems, is the study of the biological bases of psychological processe…, "And of course, the brain is not responsible for any of the se…. ______ is present in both males and females, can cross the blood-brain barrier, and may be useful in treating traumatic brain injury (TBI). Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. ___________ introduced the idea that animals experience emotions in a fashion similar to humans. Individuals with depression often show elevated levels of _____________. T or F: The number of neurons in the cerebral cortex is well correlated with the total number of neurons in the brain. Adult offspring of more attentive mother rats exhibit __________. It is caused by a dominant gene on chromosome 4. Physiological Psychology: An Introduction explains the dynamic interaction between physiology and psychology through key biological concepts. d. absorb exces glutamate ; scavenge oxygen free radicals. Anaxagoras, a Greek philosopher who lived about 2,500 years ago, is reputed to have held such a view, and there 144. a. localized blood blot on the surface of the brain. Objectives: By the end of this laboratory you should be able to do the following: Define and use anatomical terms used to denote a body part’s location and relative position. Physiological is related to physiology” and psychological is related to psychology”.. Physiological processes refer to the function of living systems.It includes the chemical and physical functions existing in living systems such as biomolecules, cells, organs, organ systems, organisms. The brain. Physiological psychology stems from an ancient philosophical position that people (and other animals) be-have as they do because of their physical constitution. Bonanno and colleagues refer to the ability to both enhance and suppress emotions as ____________. Created. d. A mind that is separate from the brain. The theory that multiple brain areas contribute equally to a particular task or function is referred to as ______________. Beta waves (13-30 hertz), are __________. ____________ occurs as axons twist and tear. d. determine whether a person they just met is threatening. Total Cards. Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. The patient, SM, would likely be unable to ___________. Which mental disorders are more likely to emerge during adolescence? Reactive-impulsive aggression is more directly regulated by ______________. b. memory for word meanings and concept-based knowledge, c. motor memory underlying skilled performances. Individuals with a highly superior autobiographical memory (HSAM) sometimes also display. The best current estimates place the number of neurons in the human brain at _______. • Physiological aspects are related to functioning in the body which includes enzymatic driven catabolic and anabolic reactions and general body functions such as … makes it easy to get the grade you want! by Ken Hartman • August 18, 2020. Study Physiological Psychology, Test 2. __________ is a procedure to separate connections to the frontal regions from the rest of the brain pioneered by Egas Moniz. Wakefulness, even in the absence of sensory stimulation, can be triggered by the ____________. 6. The members of the delegation include Liu Jianli, general manager of Zhongshui, Zhao Longyue, deputy director of the cooperation … Which of the following have been observed in hamsters trained in conditioned defeat? _________ are responses, such as the timing of our sleep and wake cycles, with distinct daily rhythms. Anatomical Orientation. They may be involved in pure research, or in treating mental illness. Subject. A. Pierre Flourens. ________ formed one of the earliest clinical neuroscience laboratories at the university psychiatry clinic in Heidelberg. Children born with Williams Syndrome ________________. Physiological psychology is a subdivision of behavioral neuroscience or biological psychology that studies the neural mechanisms of perception and behavior through direct manipulation of the brains of nonhuman animal subjects in controlled experiments. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) studies suggest that the ________ is a key area contributing to profound sadness in depressed patients. Also explore over 9 similar quizzes in this category. Created. 2 Brain Behavior c. homeostatic theory of sleep regulation. Physiological psychology is a subdivision of behavioral neuroscience (biological psychology) that studies the neural mechanisms of perception and behavior through direct manipulation of the brains of nonhuman animal subjects in controlled experiments. __________ may promote the onset of sleep by inhibiting the activation of cholinergic neurons in the ascending reticular activating system (ARAS). What do we mean when we say that the evolution and development of different species' brains has been a conservative process? Behavioral transmission of maternal traits is known as ____________. __________ coined the term, limbic system, referring to a proposed circuit of specific brain areas involved in emotional processing. Release of _______________ is a frequent effect of brain trauma which can lead to cell death. __________ are important non-neuronal cells involved in recovery from a brain injury. This is the mature for you to create proper ideas to make better future. Larger adrenal glands, shrunken thymus glands and gastric stress ulcers are characteristics of Hans Selye's _____________. Stage 2 sleep is characterized by the appearance of _______________. The Malleus Maleficarum (or Hammer of the Witches) attributed abnormal behavior to ____________. _______ is recognized as a risk factor for hypertension, heart attack and stroke. Physiological psychology is a subfield of psychology that focuses on the behavioral effects of physiology. Pavlov's conditioning work helped to establish psychology as an objective science because _________. Pyramidal neurons in the third layer of the ____________ have smaller cell bodies and fewer dendritic spines in patients with schizophrenia than in healthy controls. Idea that the mind is produced by workings of the nervous syst…, Idea that the mind is separate from the body, Awareness of and ability to communicate about one's thoughts,…, A type of scientific explanation involving breaking a complex…, glial cells that have myelinated axons in the brain, also called a nerve cell; the basic unit of the nervous system…, also called glia; nonneural brain cells that provide structura…, The hypothesis that the brain is composed of separate cells th…, the tiny gap between neurons where information is passed from…, - The study of the brain and behavior... - Branch of Psychology t…, - Multidisciplinary study of the nervous system at ALL levels, - Neurology... - Genetics... - Chemistry... - Psychobiology... - Computer…, if a particular trait were well developed, then the part of th…, studied the functions of the major sections of the brain; exti…, dendrites,... soma (cell body),... axon,... axon…, Nervous system has two major divisions: the ___ and the ____, The central nervous system consists of the _____ and the _____…, automatically make a specific responses to a specific stimulus, learning to recognize particular stimulus ... ability to identify…, 1. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Subject. T or F: fMRI studies in healthy subjects indicate heightened amygdala activity in response to pictures of fearful faces. _________ is a disorder characterized by excessive fear of specific stimuli. Physiological Psychology Exam 2. Showing 1 to 1 of 1 View all . People diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder show ________ on exposure to pictures of humans with angry facial expressions when placed in a fMRI scanner. A condition observed in boxers and informally termed punch-drunk syndrome is now referred to as ________. d. The Schachter-Singer theory of emotion. William James suggested that emotions were the body's adaptations and responses to ____________. Tip. The highest efficacy rate of any treatment for mental illness belongs to ____________. Genetic trends influenced by life events of an individual that can extend beyond an individual's lifetime across several generations are called __________. When stress is acute or is present for short durations, much evidence suggests that stress leads to ___________. Psychology. The hormone, ___________, secreted by the pineal gland, acts as an internal zeitgeber. b. the relationship between stimuli and responses could be objectively quantified. The _________ holds that the function of sleep is to provide rest and recovery. Astrocytes ________ and ________ during a brain injury. - Springer Learn physiological psychology with free interactive flashcards. c. active brain waves, vivid dreams, and inability to move muscles. T or F: Epigenetic processes may override the slow process of changing the DNA code via random mutation and natural selection. Learn physiological psychology exam 3 with free interactive flashcards. B. Wilhelm Wundt. Physiological Psychology Exam 2. By using an interactive approach, which has been extensively applied in the classroom, the author presents core concepts and topics in a manner that is coherent, lucid, and easy to recall. The __________ contribute to producing and sustaining wakefulness by maintaining the fast desynchronized beta waves during the waking hours. Dept of Behavioral Sciences . Walter Cannon suggested that "voodoo death" resulted from ____________. The point of view holds that those that exhibit smiling behavior might actually make themselves feel happier? Physi…, Numerous Structures process emotion... *Hippocampus and the Amygd…, Bilateral Structure... -In charge of emotional relay and processi…, Pre-clinical studies in rodents where researchers destroyed or…, Examines the influence of genetic factors on behavior and the…, an approach to psychology that links psychological processes t…, the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensor…, An experiment in which only one variable is manipulated at a t…. a. higher activation of the HPA axis in response to stress. The ____________ receives stimulation from light via tracts extending from the retina. ____________ of memories allows for the upgrading of memory stores each time they are retrieved . T or F: The Schacter-Singer theory of emotion emphasizes the role of sensory feedback in response to a specific emotion. The _____________ suggests that if sleep is necessary for normal physiological functions then lost sleep would need to be made up to regain optimal functioning. ________ is/are among the structural changes seen in the brains of individuals with schizophrenia. a. They…, No. ___________ conducted pioneering research a half century ago in which he identified universal facial expressions that could be understood across cultures. The brain in turn affects behavior and mind. Physiological psychology researches, diagnoses and treats them. The disruption of blood flow following an event such as an accident or a stroke is called _______________. Physiological psychology is the study of human behavior through physiological impact. Undergraduate 2. The ___________, a cluster of serotonin-secreting neurons in the brainstem, play a role in sleep regulation. Description. Lesions of the __________ result in increased aggression, suggesting that this area inhibits aggressive displays. The museum, stamp, password, floppy physiological psychology quizlet disk, make a messenger bag, and take it away. Because there are a myriad of physiological systems, such as vision, hearing, heart and brain functioning, physiological … Psychology. An expert instructor made this quiz and worksheet to help test your understanding of physiological psychology. if a reseacher lesions a section of the brain and a behavior disappears, the researcher knows that brain area: Back to Department Related Courses. Physiological psychology definition, the branch of psychology concerned with the relationship between the physical functioning of an organism and its behavior. When a previously defeated hamster continues to exhibit submissive displays, this behavior is known as ___________. Total Cards. a. repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). Physiological Psychology Test 1. The neurofibrillary tangles found in brains diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease consist of what? T or F: Emotions are not unique to humans. Choose from 500 different sets of physiological psychology flashcards on Quizlet. __________ is significantly positively correlated with short-term and long-term memory recall of interesting or emotional images. Individuals in ________ appear to be awake yet exhibit no awareness of external stimuli, such as a hand waving in front of their face. In adolescence, ____________ occurs resulting in decreased density of neuronal processes to maximize neural efficiency. ____________ refers to a mechanism in which genes can be modified by the addition of a methyl chemical compound to the cytosine nucleotide base in DNA. d. Nature did not start from scratch each time to give every new species a brain. Individuals diagnosed with __________ experience difficulties initiating sleep, maintaining sleep, or both and suffer from sleepiness during the wake hours. D. Luigi Galvani. Hebb's idea of several neurons firing simultaneously during memory formation became known as the ___________. Description. Positive symptoms of schizophrenia ______________. __________ refers to an individual's ability to cope successfully with acute and chronic stressors. Decades of research on progesterone indicate that, among other functions, it _________. _________ refers to a memory network being susceptible to modification when it is reactivated during retrieval. In 1982, he was promoted to the work of the dispatching department of the Physiological Psychology Quizletfactory. Additional Psychology Flashcards . _______________ are barely perceptible brief facial expression fragments associated with deception and lying. _____________ has been proposed to be the biological mechanism underlying learning and memory. Approximately ______ of adults 85 years old have some degree of alzheimer's disease. b. epilepsy and brain tumors; sleep and learning, Peptide that blocks the satiety actions of the paraventricular…, Inhibitory transmitter that blocks the satiety actions of the…, The part of the hypothalamus that produces hunger signals, a nerve cell... directly involved in mental processes & behavior…, electrical process that moves a message within a neuron going…, release of neurotransmitter from presynaptic neuron into synap…, PNS - causes muscles to contract... CNS - REM sleep, sleep/wake c…, somatic nervous system consists of cranial nerves and spinal n…, 31 pairs... each spinal nerve is the fusion of two different bran…, spans the central and peripheral nervous systems.... autonomic g…, Had one of the earliest theories that behavior, intellect, and…, If a particular trait was well developed, then the part of the…, Phrenology was the impetus of his work... First person to study…, Various parts of the brain are surgically removed and the beha…, - classical conditioning with dogs... - posed question: is associ…, - a type of learning in which one learns to link two or more s…. Events that occur during an individual's lifetime can lead to changes in genetic expression across several subsequent generations. Emotions are 3(4) components... 1. _______ is the drug of choice for bipolar disorder. T or F: Subjects who unknowingly receive an injection of adrenaline will interpret their arousal to mirror the emotions of people around them. What observation led to the investigation of progesterone as a potential treatment for traumatic brain injury? d. human cerebral cortex contains the most neurons of any known mammal. Start studying Physiological Psychology Final. _________ is displayed when a person is highly emotionally aroused, as with out-of-control anger. Drugs that __________ dopamine have been associated with decreased aggression. Learn physiological psychology with free interactive flashcards. Humans with amygdala damage have been observed to exhibit an impaired ability to __________. Due to the smoking behavior of some schizophrenic patients _________ is being investigated for its potential involvement in the disorder. T or F: The Schachter-Singer theory of emotion is sometimes known as the two-factory theory. Physiological psychologists take a practical approach to discover how the nervous system relates to other body systems and how the brain produces a particular behavior. Alpha waves (8-12 hertz), are __________. The adult nervous system, especially following damage, displays __________. A positive correlation has been observed between ____________ and rates of aggression. Create your own flash cards! a subdural hematoma is a(n) ________________. drugs that reduce anxiety) such as benzodiazepines bind to _________ receptors. 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