I have just realised it seems like a lot of dumbbells haha. Thurs - Am run ; PM - Chest / Triceps I think this program is a fine program for people with fat loss goals. Im 5’3 165lbs and im trying to figure out if i should focus more on cardio or combine it with weightlifting. Learn how to cook delicious healthy meals and snacks! And 20-25 Losing weight requires you be in a caloric deficit, and building muscle requires caloric excess. If you can't do pullups, replace with heavy lat pull downs. Hey Apz - A solid diet paired with consistency in your workout routine will help you reach your goals. I’m currently doing something similar to this but running 5 days a week and lifting 5 days - so 4 days I have two-a day workouts with easy am run and PM weights. Hello! Hi, do you think it's okay to do 20mins of hiit cardio on all the workouts which don't suggest cardio ? Your diet plays the largest part in fat loss. I HAVE A GOOD UPPER BODY BUT I HAVE TOO MUCH OF BELLY FAT ANY WORKOUT FOR THAT. But few use the right tools to get you there. Fir - Am run ; PM = Back / Biceps When I use LISS in the morning, What is better for fat loss, eating before cardio or not? Would this workout plan be good for me? This option exists as a convenience, should you be battling a craving, or attending a social gathering where you would prefer to have a small snack. Email: click here. Derock - ahh I see what you're saying now. I'm starting week 2 and had a couple questions. Can you suggest me a routine for 4 days a week. 2300(+300 cal given my age) in his first week during low-carb days. Sure, it can - when paired with an appropriate diet and lifestyle. Thank you for taking the time to answer all the questions! Do you have a 5 or 6 day program that is lifting and fat loss for runners and includes running time in the program? Muscle & Strength, LLC Yes, it says my daily calorie intake should be 1997 calories. Columbia, SC 29209 so it may be different for you. Then add seasonings to each portion when I eat to mix up the variety. Andrei generally works on a split training schedule with variety in weight and repetitions. Right now you are out of shape. Need help losing fat? Muscle & Strength, LLC I consistently eat a healthy diet not religiously tracking macros but following diet for sure. It should be noted that calorie intake can be adjusted based on metabolism. Barbell, Bodyweight, Cables, Dumbbells, Kettle Bells. Lines and paragraphs break automatically. Problem is I have 50 lbs on my friend and I'm way more carb sensitive. You can also download the PDF here. Close Grip Pull Down - Dumbbell Deadlift A seated leg curl (pictured) involves pulling the weight down, bending the leg at the knee. Unfortunately, you can't spot-reduce fat, so you have to lower your overall body fat percentage. I am 70 years old I workout gym 4 days a week take 2 days arrest I watched hunderd 30 pounds now I want to try to get cut by main problem is I have a form of a pigeon chess with a little bit of stomach I've lost no Summerside fat but I still have the stomach to go to I looked at your workout there's no problem there just want to know what weight you recommend and you think this will work for somebody my age I eat good I eat healthy. I've been training or in competitive sports my whole life. Thanks for your advice in advance. I have some questions which you may help me answer: Do you think I can switch out leg day on Friday for either Monday's chest work out or even Wednesday workout? (If any lol). Sign up below today to learn and ensure you get the most out of this workout program. I was looking for a workout to mix weight training and HIIT. In order to lose fat, you must lose weight. I’m getting much stronger and in better shape but abdominal fat seems to be coming along for the ride.... Hey Tone - have you used our BRM calculator to determine your basic caloric needs for the day? Cable Crossovers - Dumbbell Flyes I will be beginning my workout tomorrow in excited and motivated. Your diet is more important that your workout. One more thing can i replace my lunch with one scoop of whey protein and an apple.and can you suggest me any program.with high rep range, I am endomorph. I'd definitely recommend using our BMR calculator to get your specific calories: https://www.muscleandstrength.com/tools/bmr-calculator. Join over 500k subscribers who receive weekly workouts, diet plans, videos and expert guides from Muscle & Strength. I’m a 19 yr old, 160, but I’ve worked out for the past 5 years and I’m getting back into it. I should be on a caloriee deficit during this pogram right? This might sound like hype, but it's not. Build muscle, lose fat & stay motivated. Diet plan (men) calls for 200 grams of protein per day. This is a complete 12 week program to help you get ripped. Just a few question as some of the exercises I don't have the equipment for. Rest times between sets should be kept to 30-60 seconds. So can u please give some suggestion about what should I do? When I was brand new to training, I was very successful at losing fat and gaining muscle...or so it appeared. I was wondering how should break down my diet plan to use this program? 3. This program is designed to get you in shape over the course of 12 weeks. Hey Melinda - you can alternate between low and medium for 6 days of the week and then the 7th day will be your high carb day. My weight is 78kg. Workout Plan for Women’s Weight Loss. Based on that, you should be able to follow the diet plan above. 1. This workout plan is designed to help you shred fat and get in shape in only 12 weeks. If my daily calorie intake is usually around 1400, should I aim to eat higher, like during my high calorie days of 1900? Post your post-workout swolfies in M&S gear on IG and tag @muscleandstrength, #muscleandstrength, or DM them to us to get a shoutout on Muscle & Strength stories! Pick something that gets your heart moving, be it treadmill, elliptical, or swimming. I do have a day or two where I do lighter weight training, depending on … Hey Luis - use our BMR calculator to determine your daily caloric needs: https://www.muscleandstrength.com/tools/bmr-calculator. I currently have serious issues with my weight and I'd be immensely grateful if you could find time to answer a few questions for me. The following plan is not easy. I am wanting to do to this workout and currently train this same split but really lack consistency and structure in my resistance training days in terms if reps and sets choice of exercise etc. Join 500,000+ newsletter subscribers! Since you're looking for a workout with weight training and cardio, this appears to be right up your alley! Going off all of your questions, perhaps this isn't the plan for you to start with. From the numbers you gave me and choosing the 'sedentary' option, it gives me around 2600 calories. That seems like a whole lot to do at one time, especially when it's that or only 15 minutes longer of LISS. Fri (Power Lifting Day) Cal 3,225 C250g P275g F125g Learn how to get order discounts and FREE fitness gear! I'm. This workout is designed for people who have finished bulking and have some excess fat they'd like to lose. Hey Nathan - the diet plan you go for depends on your goals. After because it takes up most of your energy:). I am trying to lose fat from face, stomach and want some abs. Rope Pulldowns - Two Hand Standing Dumbbell Extensions Hey dako - for the pullups, you can do as many as you can even if it's less than the prescribed reps. Hello, I am a 32 yo woman with 2 children. TIME: COULD I CONTINUE THIS EATING PATTERN WHILE USING THIS WORKOUT? Take time after each workout to run through a simple stretching routine to open up muscle tissue and optimize recovery. https://www.muscleandstrength.com/tools/bmr-calculator. When a weight becomes manageable using the given set and rep schemes, add weight to the bar. Confused whether to add it before or after workouts. Any workout program can be a "fat loss" program if you're in a caloric deficit. Hey John - check out this workout: https://www.muscleandstrength.com/workouts/training-older-athlete. Every detail of your diet and training for the next 12 weeks will be laid out for you. We teach you how to do thousands of exercises! Curious if you have a plan like this BUT more curious on nutritional strategies and macros for this. 2. I am looking for a 6 day program where its 3 lifting and 3 cardio. Hey Tomas - Protein intake should be a minimum of 180 grams per day. The follow changes are recommended: Protein intake should be a minimum of 180 grams per day. The Diabetes Prevention Program showed that walking 150 minutes per week and losing just 7% of your body weight (12-15 pounds) can reduce your risk of diabetes by 58%. For those looking for a more in-depth resource to teach them how to lose fat, we’ve created a FREE 5 day Fat Loss Email Course. I have terrible eating habits and don't really know what low/mod/high carb looks like or what a good meal plan might look like. Once you have determined your daily calories from proteins and fats, fill in your eating plan with carbohydrates. *Finish sets off with slow negatives if you cannot do 8. I can see there is 40+ Following this diet plan, it says a guy of my age should eat approx. ; Walking strengthens your heart if you're male. When a weight becomes manageable using the given set and rep schemes, add weight to the bar. Thanks! Max Riley is a freelance muscle building and nutrition writer who has had his work appear in numerous print and Internet magazines. However, I am currently starting to feel first harmful signs from being overweight and if I have clarification on this, it will help me greatly to stop doubting my actions thus stick to them. 2) Meal plan - the hell? Appreciate it for this post, I am a big fan of this internet site would like to continue updated. The first thing you will notice about this cardio plan is that it starts slow. My main goal is to lose furthur 6% body fat. HI - And can i replace my lunch with one scoop of whey protein with one apple . That occurs in a caloric deficit. Main goal is to lose body mass and build muscles. Fat intake should be approximately 20-30% of your daily calories. Any menu plans or suggestions on how to setup one reflecting low, medium and high days ? The goal is simple: lose fat, maintain muscle mass, get in shape and transform your physique as much as possible over the next 3 months. Please advise. Hey I'm 6ft 3" and 300 lbs with a BMR of 3318 CALORIES PER DAY and was wondering what is the best workout plan and eating schedule for the best results.THANK YOU. The internet is chock-full of weight loss routines that promise a tighter butt, trim hips and strong, athletic legs. However, seeing that you're coming off a layoff, I'd generally recommend full body workouts. Get your macros right and this combined with cardio will work. 2. What should we be doing at 30-35 TUE THU SAT Resistance. Check your inbox for your welcome email. You do not have to eat any junk if you prefer. *My TDEE is approx 2350kcal / day so deficit is 800kcal on avg and this workout recommend 500kal deficient. That is a fantastic idea for a program, and I'll be adding that to our list of article ideas. I know I have quite a lot of questions. Hi Sorry if thud has already been asked but can't find it in the comments. Hey Ethan - yes, you'll repeat these workouts ever week for 12 weeks. At the end of the day, I am unsure how many calories a day I am supposed to eat. Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically. I want to follow the workout routine but I can only do 3-4 reps of pull ups. lastly, Is there any good app (other than the myfitnesspal where one can make a proper meal plan for at least a week in advance for a diet plan like this?). If you use our BMR calculator (https://www.muscleandstrength.com/tools/bmr-calculator), you can use a more specific caloric number that is tailored to you. Sun - run After the end of 12 weeks your level of conditioning may surprise you. Swapping those days shouldn't be a problem. Can i do this ..if yes then how long. Once you have determined your daily calories from proteins and fats, fill in your eating plan with carbohydrates. Join 500,000+ RE DEFICIT: IS 800Kcal TOO MUCH DEFICIT FOR THE AMOUNT OF ACTIVITY IN THIS WORKOUT? Cut weight. I am really confused. Your routine is the most fitting for a weak beginner like me, and the way you explain it is so friendly and fun. This workout and diet program will help you achieve those goals. Help me out .thank you. Thanks for the amazing workout program, based on my BMI I am required to consume 2300 calories. Today it took almost 1 hrs for Upper A. Hey Derock - it's best to follow the program as written. During the first 6 weeks take at least one day of rest between cardio workouts. Hey Jimmy - Rest can be as little as 30-45 seconds. I have been trying to jump on this diet programme for at least 4 months now, but I always gave up after a week or two as I wasn't sure if I was doing the programme right. Cable Row - Tripod Dumbbell Row. Feature includes detailed diet plan and cardio schedule, along with a 4 day upper/lower muscle building split. Hey noah - are these calories from your friend or are they altered to fit your macros? I am a vegetarian, so it is nearly impossible to get the recommended 1gram of protein per 1lb of body weight, but I try to get a good amount. 3. I feel it could be better with a solid program I can stick to for 10 to 12 weeks to shred the remaining body fat. Thank you for finding the time to read trough all of this and I am looking forward to hearing from you guys. If increase, what is typical increase percentage? For the larger compound movements, you'll be closer to that 60 second mark. Is it enough, or should I do a similar back workout like Lat pull downs instead or both? Do you know where I can purchase a home gym reasonably priced. With this workout you get out what you put in. If you eat a little more protein the drop your daily fat intake to make up for the calories. I don’t know if I should give this program longer or add more cardio to my workouts. Or should I make the calculation from my BMR intake and make it 3047 + 300 cal a day? You may structure these days in any preferred manner. My body fat is about 18 to 20%. Thanks in advance. Leg Press – 3 sets 6-8 reps Barbell front squats- 3 sets 8-10 reps Reverse Lunges – 3 sets 10-12 reps Weighted hip thrust – … You should be using a weight that you can move safely and with correct form for the given number of reps. M - Chest ./ Back / Triceps / Biceps I'll be 40 years old this year and copy pasted a friends competition diet and tried to adjust to my weight and bf% up from his macros. Learn how to build muscle, burn fat & stay motivated. Also, can you share some warm up drills that I can incorporate. For women, protein intake should be a minimum of 100 grams per day. https://www.muscleandstrength.com/tools/bmr-calculator. I was curious that if doing so would counteract or hurt me...which now that I think about it, I can't see why it would as long as the work outs are done. Hey Claire - you can follow the calories that are given. M&S weekly newsletter sends you workouts, articles and motivation based on your goal. They are from my friend that competes in the board short division who pays a coach and a very reputable competition gym (Phil Heaths). Hey John - check out this article: https://www.muscleandstrength.com/articles/10-essentials-muscle-building... Chicken breast and protein shakes mixed with water. My goal is to cut 10% in 12 weeks, which I know is on the very high end of possible even with good genetics but any input on my Macros or Timing would be so appreciated. Learn how to get order discounts and FREE fitness gear! If you are a bigger guy, or have a fair amount of muscle mass, then eat 200 to 220 grams of protein per day. The choice of cardio is yours, whatever works for you. PHUL workout schedule. Thank you! Hi, You can use low intensity early morning cardio or HIIT (high intensity interval training) in the evenings. 1180 First Street South Subtract 500 calories from that number and that will be your caloric intake for weight loss. 1.) Leg lift; Works the lower abdominal muscles. Thu (HIIT) Cal 2,075 C125g P225g F75g. Over the next 12 weeks your goals and expectations are: Each week will consist of 3 different types of eating days. PHUL Workout Routine. Why do we use so much abs workout? Hey Roland - great job on taking control of your health! What kind of rest time do I need in order to get done in 30-45 minutes? Email: click here. I take Creatine Monohydrate, and hydrowhey protein, it seems to work for me, I’m also 5’10” and 175 lbs. From there, I would subtract 250-500 calories. I have been trying to find the right program for me to lose weight and gain muscle, but mostly lose weight, specially on the belly part. This plan looks great but I have a question about the intentional order of the workouts - I am a "beginner" but avid runner and on the weekends I like to do a very long run (for me) at 6+ miles and then another day of 6+ miles of walking. I have just stated weightlifting as of July this yearand am noticing I am getting the most toned in my arms, chest and legs. But it’s all in your diet. Walking prevents type 2 diabetes. Start out with subtracting only 250 calories and monitor your progress. Build muscle, lose fat & stay motivated. We teach you how to do thousands of exercises! First of all, many thanks for responding to almost every comment, you're doing a great job! My body fat is about 18to20%. Fashion models get to travel a lot. The weight should be something you can move safely and with correct form for the given number of reps. Would like to add 20 minute cardio for each workout day (would not prefer to go beyond the 4 day workout plan as my work keeps me tight). 36/Female/210lbs. Or should I just leave it to the suggested days and do an hour. I using a fairly well structured meal plan and intermittent fasting which is working quite well and i have had about 2% body fat and 4.5 kg loss over 6 weeks so the diet side seems to be ok. M&S weekly newsletter sends you workouts, articles and motivation based on your goal. 2. I’m looking more to lose some weight and become more toned, Hey Brooke - have you used our BMR calculator to determine your daily caloric needs? Once you have determined your daily calories from proteins and fats, fill in your eating plan with carbohydrates. I am unable to do even one but would like to know what might be a good way to build up to them. Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically. Calisthenics. 1180 First Street South The concept of "Need to be in caloric surplus" only starts to apply to regular gym goers. Make sure you're around 500 calories per day deficient. PHAT Schedule and Workout Plan: Day 1: Upper Body Power Day; Day 2: Lower Body Power Day; Day 3: Off I don't want to lose my muscle either :)) I was thinking of using your sample workout here for my first lower body day and then the following for the second lower body day. https://www.muscleandstrength.com/workouts/upper-lower-4-day-gym-bodybui... https://www.muscleandstrength.com/articles/determine-daily-calorie-macro... https://www.muscleandstrength.com/articles/10-essentials-muscle-building... https://www.muscleandstrength.com/workouts/muscle-strength-full-body-wor... https://www.muscleandstrength.com/articles/how-to-calculate-perfect-macros. Hey Mandy - if you're brand new to lifting, I'd suggest doing a full-body workout 3 times per week. You can perform whichever form of cardio you enjoy more and have time to do. THIS MY CURRENT PLAN AND QUESTIONS ARE AT THE BOTTOM. Basically I was looking to do weight training Monday Wednesday and Friday, with HIIT workouts Tuesday and Thursday, so that I am building muscle but also losing fat. I’m trying to. Now that we have a concrete understanding of the workout program in all its features let’s take a look at the training program. Also, I quite don't understand how to plan my macros for each day. 3. A workout for people who have finished bulking and have excess fat to lose. Learn how real people made their transformations! I am 5’3 and weight 121 lbs I am skinny fat all my weight is in my abdominal area I’ve noticed since weight lifting it’s spread to other areas of my stomach and hip areas. Columbia, SC 29209 I know this reply is late. Is it that you should lift heavy enough that you cant keep up the same reps or should you add weight on the lower rep sets? If you are in good shape and have a fair amount of muscle mass, then eat 120 grams of protein per day. For the cardio, yes, you'll add it in after your weight training. Let's say I need to eat 2300+300 cal on one day and I want to eat 180g of protein (or 720 cal in protein) and 30% in fat (which should then be 2600*0.3 = 780 cal for that day), does this mean that I should eat 1100 (2600 - protein [720] - fat [780]) calories from carbs? To be fair, I think that the actual planning and cooking is much more challenging than lifting or exercise. Fast Mass Program: 4 Day Superset Split Workout, The Optimized Volume Workout (O.V.W) Program, HIT MASS Program: 3 Day High Intensity Training Split, The Cobra Workout: Heavy High Volume Back Program, https://www.muscleandstrength.com/workouts/training-older-athlete, https://www.muscleandstrength.com/tools/bmr-calculator. Is that not too much? Yes, all of those substitutions seem that they would be a good fit given your lack of access to the proper equipment. ( Same body part split) Build muscle, lose fat & stay motivated. Or should I do a different one? I have read on many places that carbs prevent fat loss and this way almost half of my daily calories would be comprised of them. Join 500,000+ Hey Amir - Protein intake should be a minimum of 180 grams per day. Hey Dean - your weights will be based on how you feel. Are you looking for a 3 day workout program? Thanks in advance. 2)do you use the same weight for every set or should it increase? Recommended calorie intake. Rep schemes are merely guidelines. It starts slowly, but builds rapidly. newsletter subscribers! Check out our expert guide on nutrition: https://www.muscleandstrength.com/expert-guides/workout-nutrition. Recommended: Need help losing fat? Take our FREE 5-part email Fat Loss Course! MON WED FRI 45min Cardio I weigh 190 pounds and stand at 5'8". Hey ZABI - the biggest factor in losing fat is diet. I tried to adjust accordingly. Each week switch dumbbell bench press with barbell bench and incline bench with incline dumbbell press. A solid diet paired with consistent workouts will get you results. My only remaining questions are: 1)how long should one rest in between sets? I recommend a combination of calisthenics, weight training, cardio, and Yoga. Eat before training (1-3 hours before if you can). Andrei is always looking to improve on his weaker areas and includes a fully comprehensive workout to target veery single muscle group throughout the week. Mon,Wed,Sat (Strength days) Cals 2,465 C175g P250g F85g If you eat a little more protein the drop your daily fat intake to make up for the calories. Wed - Run I am a 23years old, fairly obese guy as I am only 170cm (5'7inch) tall and I weigh 105kg (231lbs) so when I use your BMR Calculator, it tells 3047 calories a day! PLZ HELP ME ANY SUGGESTION I’m a 5’6” 26 yr old. The thing I am most concerned about is how much calories I should eat so my effort won't for naught. In one study, mortality rates among retired men who walked less than one mile per day were nearly twice that among those who walked more than … Hi, I have a question, so do we just repeat all these workouts every week for 12 weeks? Legs and Abs Workout Exercise Sets Reps Split Squat 3 30, 20, 10 Single Stiff-Leg Deadlift 3 30, 20, 10 Walking Lunge 3 30, 20, 10 Seated Calf Raise 3 30, 30, 30 Weighted Crunch 3 20, 20, 20 Superman 3 30 seconds Push Day Workout Exercise Sets Reps Floor Dumbbell Press 5 30, 25, 20, 15, 10 Floor Dumbbell Fly 3 30, 20, 10 Lateral Raise 3 30, 20, 10 Regular gym goers links automatically my lunch with one apple one but would like to you. Should break down my diet plan to use this program longer or add more cardio to do thousands exercises. Which foods would I receive that much however but should I do n't understand how to delicious! 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