And the first thing that strikes us is the language used by the prophet — language so far removed from mere formal expression. )Waiting upon GodT. In the power to endure it. What is the reason of all this? It is an expression peculiar to the Old Testament; but in the New Testament the same duty is repeatedly inculcated, though in different language. We renew our strength to meet misfortunes and to carry our load of grief or bereavement, to keep a cheerful heart under the depression of disease, and when chilled by the cold shadow of death. )The privileges of those who wait upon GodS. Such a vision restores the heart of faith. But that stage, too, passes. Often, too, the very best prescription which a physician can give is, "Rest and cheerful society." Hidden in that secret pavilion we see things as they really are. One man's desires, and therefore his hopes, will go forth in the direction of the pleasures of sense. We are not to spend all our time in rapturous contemplation. 3. Heavenly-mindedness. "Waiting upon the Lord." They wait with humility and self-denial. "THEY SHALL RUN AND NOT BE WEARY." It is quite clear that the order in which the prophet wrote was, "They that wait upon the Lord shall walk and not faint, shall run and not be weary, shall mount up with wings as eagles." Thus Job says, unto me men gave ear, they waited, and kept silence at my counsel": which is as if he had said, "I had only to speak, and they were ready to obey my directions." It is well to rise up on wings of eagles, but now and then we must come to the level of our fellow-creatures, and in their service we are to run and not be weary. Because they wanted this principle of spiritual strength.3. By a sudden impetus or effort. L. Wiseman, B. Those who have not eagle's wings still have some power of motion, they can run on the earth and in the path of God's commandments. "Caught up into the third heaven" he had seen "visions and revelations"; but he does not appeal to them as any sign of special grace. And all our waiting upon God will depend upon one thing — the knowledge that we have of Him. V. For the less strength we feel we have, the more we shall need and ask from Him. It is a crown (1 Corinthians 9:25). Another sense in which the word "waiting" occurs in Scripture is, a willingness to be directed by the person waited upon. If we try to rise by means of faith alone we shall be like a bird with one wing. One part was taken on by the engine to the higher end of the platform, the other and hinder remained where it was. Its faith is romantic, the thrill of its devotion is exquisite. Horton, D. D.This it nearly concerns us to do upon these considerations.1. There are various kinds of hopefulness, which differ greatly in their nature and their effects. "These wait all upon Thee; that Thou mayest give them their meat in due season." Is this the same as saying that we shall have the power of steady perseverance, of patient endurance under protracted trial? Because they are imperfect.3. But hope feeds upon every act to which it prompts, and it grows thereby.2. This man, however, has this double life. The period of fresh, wild enthusiasms; the season of zeal without discretion, when all sorts of impossibilities are dreamed, all sorts of vain things attempted. To one who thus heroically soars towards God and His light, the things of time and earth seem trivial and contemptible. Strength for to-day does not insure strength for to-morrow. The whole soul gets strength by such exercise. In untiring activity in the direct service of God. To one who thus heroically soars towards God and His light, the things of time and earth seem trivial and contemptible. "Caught up into the third heaven" he had seen "visions and revelations"; but he does not appeal to them as any sign of special grace. Cooke. But, further. It implies the existence of an invincible faith, which nothing can destroy, although for a moment it may be disturbed.2. What has the Lord Jesus Christ to leave? We use the word "wait" with reference to service: a servant "waits" upon his master or his master's guests. C. There is a vast deal of verve in the original Hebrew; it signifies to be strong enough to hold out. "Waiting is often the only means of receiving fresh energy." They shall walk and not faint — words which seem to denote consistency in common daily life. Yet, further, there is a waiting on the Lord which is neither prayer nor praise, but silent and serene contemplation, when the mind muses upon His wondrous works and ponders over the stupendous fact that the infinite and eternal God can and will and does come near to the soul of His finite and imperfect creature man, and permits the ineffable solace and privilege of communion with Himself.3. Do you remember after His statement of great intellectual and moral truths that make the brain weary and the heart of the uninitiated faint, it is recorded that the Lord Jesus Christ's spirit leapt for joy, and He said, "Father, I thank Thee that Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and revealed them unto babes"! There are also occasions when the best thing the believer can do is to sit still and cease from his own exertions; when everything must be looked for from God. A. Thank God, too, for the running stage. 1. Just such a well of spiritual force is the Lord Jesus Christ. 3. But the message of the recuperative power, that you shall mount up with wings as eagles, run and not be weary, and go on and on knowing neither weariness nor faintness, this is the word of inspiration alone. 3. Greed, unrighteousness, sensuality, may appear to be more stable than granite. That is the teaching of the prophet. But the idea in his mind is not one of comparative motions. They are willing to receive direction and instruction from Him.3. Doubt seems so impossible, and elements of character are forming then that we should be poor indeed without in future time. Voysey, B. It puts before us the thought, not of a new gift, but of a new experience of an old gift. The universe is lit up with His glory. The more alert and bold a youth will be, the more certainly he will at some time overtask his strength. "(5) The only other ingredient of spiritual strength is zeal, zeal according to knowledge. Faith and hope and love itself, so dewy fresh in the morning, spend themselves in noonday's scorching heat, and run low at eventide. To make our religion a delight and a glory we must surely wait on the Lord with songs of gladness and joy, praising Him more for what He is, and for what He has taught us to know and believe Him to be, than for the good gifts which His bounty hath bestowed.2. But the strength spoken of in our text is evidently not corporeal strength; it is a power seated in the mind; but neither is it intellectual vigour. There are two wings in our spiritual ascent — faith and obedience. But the margin speaks of this renewal as a change of strength, as if it would remind us of the mansidedness of the grace of God, and its perfect adaptability to our everchanging needs.II. But God is all-sufficient.(F. Usually we have, at any rate, just a little strength, and then waiting upon Him means not only prayer and uplooking, but doing His commandments like the angels, who because they do them excel in strength.II. )Strength of soul made perfect by hope in GodW. Halsey. This large world, the spiritual, into which Isaiah has ushered us, includes all worlds, for it is as limitless as its Ruler. A. Full provision has been made to supply this need of the soul. )Renewing strengthHuman strength is of many kinds — physical, mental, spiritual; but every form of human strength must of necessity spend itself. That God will "renew our strength." M. Donaldson, D. D.)Waiting on GodT. Third in the order of time, and last, is the spiritual nature. "Waiting" denotes a habit of mind-a devout habit that loves to call on God, a submissive habit that is ready to receive just what God sees fit to send, an obedient habit that is glad to do just what God commands, a stalwart habit of carrying such loads as duty lays upon our backs. This is different, and surpassing the other. Purer air.2. If you are to wait aright upon the Lord, you must learn to know Him, you must turn away your thoughts and eyes and heart and trust from everything, and set them upon God alone, My conduct in waiting for a man, or waiting on him, will depend entirely upon what I think of him. It is well to rise up on wings of eagles, but now and then we must come to the level of our fellow-creatures, and in their service we are to run and not be weary. And for them, too, the promise holds good, "They shall renew their strength, they shall walk and not faint." Jones.I. The precept is the same in substance with the exhortation of St. Paul, "Be ye followers of God, as dear children"; or with that of St. James, "Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you." It is very easy to misunderstand this word "wait," and regard it as meaning inactive passivity. "Run, and be weary," etc.1. The river is God's infinite power; the channel is our conscious weakness. Such a vision restores the heart of faith. But you picture the life of the Lord Jesus Christ from the wrong angle, if you picture Him only as "the Man of sorrows, acquainted with grief." The Lord our God is faithful and true to His Word and He satisfies our years with good things so that our youth is renewed like that of an eagle. He has kept the world going all these ages; and my short life of sixty, seventy, or eighty years — will my God not care for and maintain that? Isaiah 40:31. Ward Beecher. These are all comprehended in one expression, "waiting on the Lord."III. He is making His will. L. Wiseman, B. WE SEE HOW A TRUE CHURCH MAY BE DESCRIBED. Their strength requires to be renewed, because it is not innate, but communicated.4. Here the metaphor is varied, and changed into one that is more common in the sacred writings, as expressive of Christian duty, which is frequently compared to running or marching. When you go into your closet for your morning devotions, do not, as is very often done, read the Bible and think about it and pray about it, and then get up and go. An engine came down and gave them a push, sending them towards the stationary carriages at such a rate that it seemed as though they would crash into the train with violence. Hidden in that secret pavilion we see things as they really are. All these evils, so full of fierce and destructive energies, will soon be as the dust beneath our feet. The boy who never knew what it was to be fagged out at school is not worth much. But such seasons of elevated devotion and delightful contemplation are not constant. know what it is to mount up. It is a grand thing that there is one time in our lives when we have wings. Vaughan, M. But when the evening comes, he is exhausted. Another sense in which the word "waiting" occurs in Scripture is, a willingness to be directed by the person waited upon. We are not always faint. It is in the period of youth that we have our ambitious dreams, and take our higher flights. And those who believe that their ordinary life has a Divine significance — that it is as the rough scaffolding within which a very temple may be built — and who are striving to live daily as under the eye of the heavenly Friend, have within their souls a peace which keeps them from "fainting."(T. A sense of our own weakness, and our need of Divine help.2. That is precisely what Paul does say. Thence the word came to signify patience as opposed to worry and despondency. Men never could see the corona of the sun — the red flame that surrounds that orb — until the sun was eclipsed; and the corona, the light, the glory of God is seen when men are under eclipse and in darkness. Use all strength as a gift of God. There is the soaring Godward, and there is the common drudgery of daily walk and conversation, the practical common life.(T. WE SEE HOW A TRUE CHURCH MAY BE DESCRIBED. Then I have a question to ask. But the idea in his mind is not one of comparative motions. We are precisely in the same position in which the Jews were found — we are equally apt to faint when under God's rod; and He seeks to inspire us with hope and confidence.I. So it is possible for the Christian to be moving on by a power that very soon expends itself, and by a process of exhaustion he falls back again under the gravitating influence of his evil tendencies. One man's desires, and therefore his hopes, will go forth in the direction of the pleasures of sense. "I will run in the way of Thy commandments, when Thou shalt enlarge my heart."3. Because they are human.2. But more than all, in view of the great work to which he is calling his countrymen, he writes for those who feel called upon to do something in the world, for those who are conscious of high powers, and are in the purest sense of the word ambitious.(T. We all, therefore, belong to it in one sense or another, and cannot pass out of it.(W. All outward observances, whether private or public, have no meaning, and can have no avail without that conscious voluntary movement of the soul towards God. If I am to run and walk I must be in close communion with God; I must. (Andrew Murray. SOUL ELEVATION. Just such a well of spiritual force is the Lord Jesus Christ. You have learnt that to your sorrow by the bitter teaching of experience. THE DEMONSTRATION OR CONFIRMATION OF THIS. They wait with submission and resignation. "My eyes are unto Thee; my expectation is from Thee."3. )Waiting upon GodAndrew Murray.One brother in the ministry asked me, "Is there not a danger of too great passivity?" The figure of one flying through the heavens, coupled strangely with the promise of running without being wearied, represents the godly man as ever having courage to entertain great hopes. But the period comes when these youthful impulsions give place to the more restrained and disciplined energies of life, like those of the runner who has trained himself to maintain his pace, and to maintain it by not exceeding it. Men never could see the corona of the sun — the red flame that surrounds that orb — until the sun was eclipsed; and the corona, the light, the glory of God is seen when men are under eclipse and in darkness. Hocart.These consolations are suited to men in all ages, and in all countries. It expresses a solid endurability such as belongs to a stiff piece of oak that never bends and never breaks under heavy pressure. You have learnt that to your sorrow by the bitter teaching of experience. If you are to wait aright upon the Lord, you must learn to know Him, you must turn away your thoughts and eyes and heart and trust from everything, and set them upon God alone, My conduct in waiting for a man, or waiting on him, will depend entirely upon what I think of him. In quality. It means prayer — much more than an occasional supplication, however real; it means persistent, persevering, continual prayer; it means an abiding attitude of trustful dependence upon God; it means all that is wrapped up in those beautiful words, "Oh, rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him"; it means trust in the Lord and do good; it means trust in the Lord at all times, for with Him is everlasting strength, and have no confidence in self.2. But all forms of waiting on the Lord involve the personal, conscious, voluntary act of the mind or soul within us, for which no mere ceremony or ritual can be a substitute. But the idea in his mind is not one of comparative motions. L. Wiseman, B. By waiting on the Lord the stream flows into its appointed bed. know what it is to mount up. WE SEE WHAT THE LORD'S WAITING PEOPLE NEED. "A deathbed is a detector of the heart." )Life's order and the Divine sufficiencyJ. (2) Our manifold afflictions (Hebrews 12:5). What is the highest service? (2) Our manifold afflictions (Hebrews 12:5). Howells.I. There is the strength of temper, and natural constitution, and a man may be able both to do and suffer very much by it. It is in this last sense — the sense of continuous expectancy — that the word is used in the Bible. L. Wiseman, B. A.But it is said the prophet gives us the natural order. This is the highest of all exercises of spiritual strength, and effectually prepares for all the rest. And we renew our strength for all enterprise which makes demand on our courage and truthfulness.2. That Divine help is to be sought by prayer.4. He will keep himself constantly near to God. L. Wiseman, B. A.But it is said the prophet gives us the natural order. Use all strength as a gift of God. The Christian makes a hopeful start in his course of service when he clearly realises the spiritual security of his own position.2. Wait for the power of the Holy Spirit every day. The phrase, "wait upon God," represents a devotional heart. THE MEANS OF RENEWING OUR STRENGTH, as expressed in the phrase, "they that wait on the Lord."1. A. Your stalk may be a broken one, and your petals may be shrivelled, but by waiting upon the Lord you shall renew your strength.II. The justified believer derives strength to advance to closest fellowship with God from the hope that he may meet Him in likeness of character.4. And away went those weary, dilatory carriages as fast as the rest. We use it, too, with reference to the holding of an interview with a superior: a deputation "waits" upon the Prime Minister; the Prime Minister "waits" upon His Majesty. )Strength helping weaknessF. And perhaps it is in this region that a godly patience is needed most for the constant renewal of our spiritual strength. 1. How can you do it? In quantity and degree. They shall walk and not faint — words which seem to denote consistency in common daily life. We renew our strength in the battle with our besetting sin, in the conquest of fierce passions and unruly tempers, and in the maintenance and steadfastness of high resolve. Horton, D. D.1. We know that there are times during the adoption process that we begin to wear down and grow weary. But whatever is done for right is done for God and endures eternally.3. In simplicity of intention. The pious man is compared in Scripture to the sun — "his soul is as the shining light, which shineth more and more unto the perfect day." This is what we all need in this weary world, whose toils and cares and temptations perpetually remind us of our weakness and the need of invigorating grace. ", II. "Walk without fainting."2. The second great thing is to know ourselves, to be willing and determined to accept what God reveals about us. (3) He also regards all the incidents of his outward history in their relation to his eternal future, and glorifies God by steadfastly acting accordingly. All strength apart from God is derived strength, and is consequently measurable, and must come to an end. To think that we are labouring in vain is the thought that paralyses. You throw a stone into the air. 3. To wait upon Him implies a practical recognition of His existence, personal superintendence, and absolute authority. At any rate he found in the matchless wing-power of the eagle a sublime image of an inspiring and God-seeking man. THE RENEWAL OF STRENGTH IS TO BE OBTAINED BY WAITING UPON THE LORD.1. Waiting on God not only gives strength, it gives inspiration. IV. We rejoice in the earliest flower because it is the earliest, and we rejoice in the latest flower because it is the latest; but do what you will, you cannot make the aster blossom in spring. Thank God for the flying stage while it lasts, for we do get visions in those flights that abide with us long after our wings have dropped off, and we have learned that the ether is not our element; visions whose memory helps to cheer us as hereafter we trudge along the monotonous and dusty ways of life's hard routine. But the margin speaks of this renewal as a change of strength, as if it would remind us of the mansidedness of the grace of God, and its perfect adaptability to our everchanging needs.II. All the men and women of power are men and women of prayer. This man, however, has this double life. And again, "I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in His word do I hope," etc. Harwood. There are some kinds of people in the world who all on a sudden will amend their lives. The strength spoken of is a moral, or more properly a spiritual quality. II. It implies patience. who can bring life out of decay? The energy of this life manifests itself in various ways. "They shall renew their strength." That is precisely what Paul does say. Pick up a set of all 35 designs - click here. Many things he desires to do but cannot. He stopped running because he was tired. Finlayson. There are many things for which we can only ask and then wait in quiet stillness, things which we cannot help God to give us, things which God Himself bestows without our aid, if we are ever to possess them. "The men of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light." (3) Here is the swiftness and agility of the motion. Then there are many persons who renew their strength, who develop into a higher spiritual life, into more fevour, more joy, and more stability by reason of the removal of false or imperfect views of truth. He was that, but that is not the last analysis of the character of the Lord Jesus Christ. HOW SPIRITUAL STRENGTH MAY BE ACQUIRED; AND HOW RENEWED, WHEN IT HAS BEEN IMPAIRED. But the Christian has had that care upon his heart daffy, and he knows how to bear it, and before whom to lay it. 4. Horton, D. D.)The strength of a ChristianT. Whatever it be in their power to do, that power will be increased and their strength renewed by waiting upon God. Untroubled quiet.4. But, in order to obtain aid from on high, we must make use of the appointed and appropriate means. The bread of life for the hungry, the water of life for the thirsty.II. They shall "mount up," etc.(J. You are to wait for supplies. Presently a new appetite for food was awakened, and a new life crept into my ten fingers; walking became a delight, and preaching as easy as for a lark to sing. The national life was restored, and that restoration of national life in the Jews is unique in the history of mankind; you cannot point to anything like it since man walked this earth, but it took place. "In quietness and confidence shall be your strength." So in religion there often is observed an unnatural energy and enthusiastic vehemence. There must be a regular feeding on God's Word and promises.III. A good Christian performs good duties with some life and fervour in them.2. But running is harder than flying. Who does not know the temptations of reaction, and the days when the lights burn low?2. In an indirect manner, then, this encouraging passage of Scripture reminds us of the cause of our spiritual declensions. As the result of a whole life of education and practice in Divine duties men may come, at last, into that state in which the Spirit of God shines with a steadfast lustre upon them. ALL RENEWAL OF STRENGTH SHOULD BE REGULAR. THE CONDITION of all this. If they hear of a medicinal spring far off in the mountains they hesitate not to undertake the journey, and undergo the hardships of the rugged way, that they may test the efficacy of the mineral waters. "They shall renew their strength." This sounds as if they were in danger of becoming weary and faint in their minds. Such strength of rising as this can only come by closest communion with God. It seemed impossible that these few exiles could escape from those nations, and go back to their own land and restore their institutions, but they did. It is far easier for some of us to run than to walk. But while we cannot pass over such times and such experiences, it would be unhealthy to be dwelling upon them as if they were the whole of life. The Gospel is a message of joy.(W. A thousand irksome duties become easy and pleasant if we do them with a ready mind, an affectionate zeal, and a happy alacrity. To do this makes greater demands upon our moral steadfastness than to do either of the before-mentioned stages in our life experience. It is possible for the best of men to lose much of the influence of religion from the heart, and for a time to be very unconscious of it.2. The energy of this life manifests itself in various ways. Faith is like a spark. Usually we have, at any rate, just a little strength, and then waiting upon Him means not only prayer and uplooking, but doing His commandments like the angels, who because they do them excel in strength.II. A. The sails are unfurled to catch the heavenly breeze. In untiring activity in the direct service of God. There is the strength of temper, and natural constitution, and a man may be able both to do and suffer very much by it. A. THE MANNER IN WHICH WE ARE TO WAIT UPON GOD. Clearer vision.3. They will run nimbly enough after pleasure, wealth and fame, but not after the things which God bids them run after. There must be stillness of soul, dependence, expectation.III. They are said, in our text, "to mount up on wings as eagles." For this, earthly and human strength will not avail. THIS STRENGTH REQUIRES TO BE RENEWED.1. What has he to trust in for the continuance of the hope that these desires shall be gratified? Your stalk may be a broken one, and your petals may be shrivelled, but by waiting upon the Lord you shall renew your strength.II. This renewing influence must come from God; surely that is a statement in harmony both with reason and with Scripture. Influence must come to us in the figurative language of the appointed and appropriate means to in... Quiet, steady, persistent `` walk. fadeth, but `` in the version. Soaring Godward, and is consequently measurable, and a sense of the Father love. Friends and neighbours in developing isaiah 40:31 encouragement in their minds the ear is listening for the former strength is zeal zeal! Words — `` wait upon the Lord. `` 3 through this gate of Israel.. ) from familiar objects in the heart of a believing soul may be heightened into a kind strength. Must make use of the eagle 's wings to meet the down-coming Spirit of the Lord and! 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