Al final, ambos perdieron influencia en golpes de estado, Rasputín en la. Sokka tried to talk about the coming solar eclipse, but was abruptly cut off by Long Feng. As Earth King Kuei's closest personal adviser, Long Feng hid the Hundred Year War's existence outside the Earth Kingdom city's walls while the Dai Li supplanted the king's power over his people. So, it was a calculated risk but it was all part of the plan and she was confident she could out maneuver Long Feng. Nickelodeon. Al poco tiempo, la primera Joo Dee volvió con el Equipo Avatar, tras ser nuevamente influenciada. Long Feng advises the Earth King. [3] However, the Dai Li were still loyal to their leader, and Long Feng struck a deal with Princess Azula to give her the Avatar in exchange for power over the city, though Azula double-crossed him and won the loyalty of the Dai Li, claiming Ba Sing Se in the name of the Fire Nation. Incarnations On BTVA: 2 Versions from 2 Titles. Taking them to a small, private chamber, Long Feng explained the true state of affairs in Ba Sing Se: that he is in charge of handling day-to-day affairs in the city, including all military matters. Long Feng y su mano derecha, aterrados ante la posibilidad de que su tapadera se descubriera, llegaron velozmente a la sima de la muralla y ordenaron detener al Equipo Avatar por mentir. By saying the trigger words "The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai", he could cause people who had been subjected to the Dai Li's hypnosis, such as Jet and Joo Dee, to obey his every word, essentially creating sleeper agents within the city.[6]. Despite Long Feng's efforts to hide as much evidence as possible by destroying his base underneath Lake Laogai, his attempt to write off the remains of the Fire Nation's drill as part of a construction project was unconvincing, and the King immediately ordered the Dai Li to arrest Long Feng. After he used his influence to get them through the gates, he introduced himself as a cultural minister to the king, and insisted on escorting them, not letting them out of his sight. Muerte It is the strict policy of Ba Sing Se that the war not be mentioned within the walls. Sokka and Katara are given an intelligence report that confirms the location of their father, while Aang receives the letter from Guru Pathik, offering to help him master the Avatar State. During the Coup of Ba Sing Se, Long Feng did not realize that he himself was the victim of manipulation. Hombre Read The King’s Avatar Chapter 1154: Group Arena Decider Applause! El acuerdo fue el siguiente: Long Feng Azula ayudaría a derrocar al rey de la tierra, y él a su vez ayudaría a capturar al Avatar. Long Feng moved lower, his hands sliding along Katara's body, his mouth trailing down the valley between her breasts. Long Feng engineered the Dai Li ploy to control Ba Sing Se and use King Kuei as a puppet, is totally ruthless, and sees his power grab as a high-stakes game. Long Feng bowed before Earth Queen Azula in acceptance of his final defeat. Color decabello They were also voiced by the same voice actor. Allí, él anunció que era la hora de traicionarla, y ordenó a los agentes arrestar a Azula. They of course know there is a war going on with the Fire Nation, and are constantly planning their defenses. Long Feng served as the secondary villain in. 20.1k. When his offer was refused, he activated the hypnosis command, forcing Jet to attack Aang. RELATED: Avatar: The Last Airbender – 10 Best Villains (Who Aren’t From The Fire Nation) With how acclaimed both series' are for bringing a quality of writing to their … El Equipo y sus aliados (Jet y sus compañeros) se dispusieron a enfrentarlo, pero Long Feng se limitó, tranquilamente, a disparar la clave de activación, con lo que Jet comenzó a atacar al Equipo. Era un maestro tierra, que consiguió manipular con sus habilidades mentales al Rey Tierra, a su joven hijo Kuei, y a sus compañeros. En ese momento, aparecen muchos guardias, y empieza una pelea. Long Feng was also capable of corrupting the Dai Li, an organization loyal to the Earth Kingdom and the Earth King for generations. Una vez allí, Kuei vio el taladro y le creyó al Equipo Avatar sobre que algo tenía que ver con la Nación del Fuego. Avatar: The Last Airbender (A:TLA) and sequel series The Legend Of Korra (TLOK) gave audiences some of the most memorable characters in American animation, including many of either series' villains. Su victoria es de corta duración, el Avatar Aang se fusiona con La para ahogar a Zhao y destruir su flota, mientras que la Princesa Yue de la Tribu del Agua toma el lugar de Tui como el Espíritu de la Luna. He also cryptically remarked that such an expulsion would make their search for Appa difficult. To put how embarrassing this is into perspective, Long Feng was the leader of probably the most extensive intelligence network in the world and could brainwash people and he couldn't stop a group of children from finding a bison. Avatar The Last Airbender Long Feng HD … He revealed to them that he was taken to the secret headquarters of the Dai Li, located beneath Lake Laogai.[6]. Long Feng azonban korrupt és hataloméhes ember is volt, aki céljai elérése érdekében semmitől sem riadt vissza, még a zsarolástól, a manipulációtól sem. Un gurú del Templo del Aire del Este ayuda a Aang a tomar el mejor camino en su viaje Avatar. Long Feng en su celda, siendo alabado por su mano derecha. Ba Sing Se (formerly)Dai Li (formerly) This list contains the deaths in the original series, and in the Legend of Korra All villains will be listed in bold. just now. Long Feng conspired with one of his own agents in prison, reminded that he still controlled the Dai Li. Esta página necesita ser expandida con el fin de alcanzar nuestros estándares de calidad. Estilo(s) de pelea Han Chinese were forced to wear queues under Qing Dynasty rule. Decidió que debía ejercer más control para que la gente no se diera cuenta, por lo que hizo una construcción subterránea fuera de la ciudad conocida como el Lago Laogai, donde llevaba a mujeres jóvenes, guías turísticas, y las hipnotizaba, lavándoles el cerebro, para que todas creyeran llamarse Joo Dee, y que eran simplemente cuidadoras del pueblo. RELATED: Friends: 10 Unpopular Opinions About The Show (According To Reddit) Ozai was power incarnate, but Long Feng had been running the Dai Li (and Ba Sing Se through them) for an undisclosed amount of time. Joo Dee, desesperada y temerosa de que volvieran a manipularla, le rogó misericordia. Long Feng repitió la orden y Azula le explicó que él tuvo que luchar para alcanzar el poder, pero que solo las personas con derecho divino pueden alcanzar el trono. He offered to drop all charges against Aang and his group and reunite them with Appa if they would immediately leave the city. Government official (formerly) Angrily telling Jet he had chosen his own demise, he departed the scene. Long Feng claimed that he hid information on the war so the Earth King would not be troubled, but in reality, he only did so to retain his power over him and the city.[5]. Sin embargo, Katara le recordó su pasado como luchador contra la Nación del Fuego, lo cual hizo que el poder de Long Feng desapareciera y Jet recuperara la consciencia. To preserve the culture and utopian life within the walls of Ba Sing Se, Long Feng explained, no mention of the war was permitted. En su último enfrentamiento con Long Feng, Appa lo mordió en una pierna. Anteriormente, fue un joven de clase muy baja, por lo que luchó todo lo que pudo para alcanzar el poder en el gobierno y la ciudad. Avatar: The Last Airbender › Long Feng. The Grand Secretariat of Ba Sing Se and the head of the Dai Li Secret Police. Not only did he capture Appa but he also used his power to lie to and brainwash the people of Ba Sing Se. Él se enfadó con ella por su fracaso con el Avatar. Después de tener éxito diciéndole que era un libertador, Jet atacó a Long Feng, quien lo golpeó con un pilar de tierra que lo hirió mortalmente. Sin embargo, estos ya habían decidido a quién eran leales, y se negaron a realizar un movimiento. He had to struggle up the societal ladder from the Lower Ring straight to the Imperial Palace, developing his skills of manipulation and influence. Aang y sus amigos, Katara, Sokka y Toph, estaban buscando a Appa desesperadamente. Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of the best Nickelodeon series of all time, and the show's second season was one of its highest points. Long Feng was the Grand Secretariat to the Earth King and head of the Dai Li. Fue capaz de salir de la pobreza y luchar por el poder, pero Azula finalmente dejó en claro que, para el poder, se nace. Long Feng fue el primer personaje en matar a otro personaje en pantalla. Long Feng, derrotado y sin la más mínima posibilidad de luchar, se inclinó ante Azula mientras los Dai Li se lo llevaban fuera de la Sala del Trono. Image gallery (24) Constant news of an escalating war will throw the citizens of Ba Sing Se into a state of panic. Long Feng chastised Joo Dee for failing to control the situation the Avatar's presence had created. Avatar: The Last Airbender is a cartoon on Nickelodeon. Earthbending masterGrand Secretariat of Ba Sing Se (formerly)Head of the Dai Li (formerly) (Just make sure it's Avatar related. The Avatar has agreed to come with him, along with his entourage. He watched as the guards engaged in a heated battle with the intruders, before fleeing the chamber as it became apparent that the Dai Li were losing. Últimaaparición However, the group ran into Smellerbee and Longshot by chance, who revealed to the group that Jet had been captured by the Dai Li, prompting them all to conclude he had been brainwashed. Profesión Sokka and Katara are given an intelligence report that confirms the location of their father, while Aang receives the letter from Guru Pathik, offering to help him master the Avatar State. Although he is a formidable earthbender in his own right, being able to capture Appa in the dead of night in the middle of Ba Sing Se without anyone knowing about it, his true strength lies in his command of the Earth King and … Ella dirigía a los Dai Li aterrándolos y, a la vez, inspirándolos a luchar. Sin embargo, Sokka recordó que aún estaba el Taladro de la Nación del Fuego que la princesa Azula había intentado usar para destruir el Muro de Ba Sing Se. With an inscrutable blink thrown at him, he was left with two guards, one of them the agent who was with Long Feng, the another a trainee, the … Long Feng Voice. 8 Long Feng Was Involved In Their Political Corruption Grand Secretariat Long Feng played an important role in manipulating the Dai Li into the scheming bunch of traitors they ended up becoming. 6 Could Defeat: Long Feng Of all the villains in Avatar , Long Feng may be one of the most cunning, with his only real competition being Azula. Long Feng le dijo al Avatar que se mantuvieran alejados de los Dai Li, y del Rey Tierra, y que serían constantemente vigilados. How any of those things happened was still beyond her understanding. El contenido de la comunidad está disponible bajo. Nickelodeon. Long Feng held a brain washing facility underneath Lake Laogai with the help of the Dai Li. Nickelodeon Animation Studios / IMDb Usaba su poder político e influencia sobre el … Galería de imágenes (10). Reino Tierra (anteriormente)Ba Sing Se (anteriormente)Dai Li (anteriormente)Azula (anteriormente) However, Azula's ruthless efficiency had such a profound effect on the Dai Li that they shifted loyalty to her. Sin embargo, Long Feng no quería que la guerra arruinara Ba Sing Se, su economía o su paz, por lo que decidió encubrir totalmente la guerra y negarse a colaborar. Long Feng nació en una familia de clase baja. Long Feng Clancy Brown is the voice of Long Feng in Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Kazuyoshi Hayashi is the Japanese voice. Fue de los únicos enemigos secundarios en cumplir su objetivo: conquistó Ba Sing Se y fue derrotado, pero no por el Equipo Avatar. Cuando Long Feng ve que está perdiendo, decide escapar, perseguido de Aang y Jet. Desilusionado, Long Feng afirmo que ella pudo vencerlo en su propio juego, a lo que Azula replicó que nunca fue su juego y que él jamás representó un problema para ella. His ulterior motives were exposed by the Avatar when the Dai Li could not hide all evidence of the Fire Nation's invasion from the Earth King, so Long Feng was imprisoned for treason. Long Feng, se parece en ciertas formas al monje y místico ruso. [1], Later, he utilized a mimic of Aang's bison whistle to trick Appa into approaching him. Voz dedoblaje Aang le explicó que robó a su bisonte volador, pero Long Feng negó saber que todavía existieran tales criaturas. 7. Long Feng brainwashed Jet into attacking Aang. Two of the most hated characters ever. When Yu Feng retreated, Tang Rou… No teniendo otra opción más que ayudar a Long Feng o ser delatada, Azula aceptó. Tal control demuestra ser más poderoso que la Sangre Control, ya que esta solo permite controlar el cuerpo del usuario, mientras que su mente queda totalmente intacta. Lleva tu comunidad favorita contigo y no te pierdas de nada. Intelligent, ruthless and patient, he was able to achieve his goals by occupying important offices. Happy birthday to Clancy Brown (voice of Yakone, as well as Long Feng from Avatar: The Last Airbender)! "La Ciudad de Muros y Secretos" Kuei, que compartía una relación estrecha con Long Feng al ser criado prácticamente por este, no les creyó y se rehusó a aceptarlos en su palacio. Total Actors: 6 Appearances: 2 Franchise: Avatar: The Last Airbender. Tierra Control He requested an audience with the young airbender, stating that his friends would already be waiting for them. RELATED: Avatar: The Villains, Ranked By Likability As Earth King Kuei's closest personal adviser, Long Feng hid the Hundred Year War's existence outside the Earth Kingdom city's walls while the Dai Li supplanted the king's power over his people. As stated by Reddit user SamaritanPrime, "Long Feng is the most dangerous Avatar villain. Long Feng envió a una de sus "Joo Dee" para que los mantuviera alejados del Lago Laogai y de cualquiera que supiera de la Guerra. After re-watching The Earth King episode, we see that the Council of Five consists of the highest ranking generals in the Earth Kingdom. 8 The Chase, Episode 8 (9.0) He revealed himself to Appa and, after a swift and powerful earthbending move, trapped the bison underground.[2]. Long Feng manipula a Jet para que luche contra el Avatar. After several attempts, they seemed to break the Dai Li's hold on Jet. El Equipo Avatar rescató a Appa con la ayuda de Zuko, el príncipe de la Nación del Fuego, y escaparon. Long Feng a Föld Királysága egyik magasrangú tisztségviselője volt, aki több pozíciót is halmozott: ő volt Ba Sing Se főtitkára, a Dai Li vezetője és Föld Királya Kuei személyes tanácsadója. Without the power of the Dai Li to back him up, he was forced to bow before her as she took control of both the Dai Li and Ba Sing Se. This plan unfolded as a brainwashed Jet and a janitor worked to lead the Avatar and his group out of Ba Sing Se under the illusion that Appa had been shipped to Whaletail Island. [ 3 ] he preferred to use other people as pawns long feng avatar of facing his enemies directly, displayed! Charismatic, manipulative and power-hungry individual familia de clase baja control the situation the Avatar 's presence had.! Poder al Rey Kuei, manteniendo su papel hasta el final Nation, Kazuyoshi... De clase baja list contains the deaths in the original series, and King Bumi Omashu. He did pet bear, Bosco Nickelodeon Who is the voice of long Feng is voice! Agentes Dai Li still remained loyal to him. [ 3 ] las tropas y con de. Asesino de Maestros Fuego '' incarnations on BTVA: 2 franchise: Avatar the! Decían era cierto Sicily, and arrested shortly afterward mentioned within the walls sobre su.. Manipular a las mujeres y a Jet para que luche contra el.. 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