We will concern ourselves with examples of "beat" as a verb in all of its tenses, including in the active, passive, conditional, and modal forms. The Sun (2014) I'm glad you got an old beat-up car instead of a gross Cadillac or something. I've been really beating myself up about that fight I had with my mom. use "beat up" in a sentence The school principal is investigating an incident at the school in which two children threatened to beat up another child if he didn't give them his lunch money. Mode of trial and sentence. Many gamers agree that as much as it is fun to beat up monsters and get the bad guys, RPGs are mostly about the story line. 2. They beat up and down the ranges like tired hunting-dogs, all their efforts fruitless. Angry Christopher Townsend, aged 29, downed ten bottles of strong … Except beneath the scribbled-on-walls, beat-up dance floor, and smoky atmosphere lurked a very different bar in the basement. The statement, "A mother beat up her daughter because she was drunk" is a clear case of ambiguity. Beat-up definition is - dilapidated, shabby. A judge has slammed 'nonsensical and very wrong' sentencing laws after he was forced to let off a Spice-addled thug who beat up a boy with a shorter jail … Referring to a beat-up offensive line's poor showing in the spring, Holmes says, Our skill positions are stacked at every spot.. To beat a dead horse would be pointless, as it wouldn't be able to go anywhere. : We encourage deferential leaders to not hold back, not beat around the bush or dance around the subject, skirting the real issues. The beat-up list of example sentences with beat-up. Example sentences with the word beat-up. I saw some expensive new ones today that were all beat up. Examples of Upbeat in a sentence. Find more ways to say beating up, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Beat up whites of eggs very stiff and mix in lightly, adding the strained juice of lemon. Need to translate "BEAT-UP" from english and use correctly in a sentence? 7. Ambiguous expressions, either caused by a phrase or a word/lexical item, are … Pair beat-up mary janes in brown leather with ripped jeans, impeccably smooth shoes with glossy outfits, or mix-and-match for something edgier. How to use beat-up in a sentence. To be thoroughly fatigued or physically exhausted. High quality example sentences with “beat up” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English Playing an upbeat song when you are sad can help you feel better. What does beat yourself up expression mean? Search the definition and the translation in context for “ beat ”, with examples of use extracted from real-life communication. beat up definition: 1. A husband who beat up his wife in a row over rubbish going into the wrong recycling bins is facing jail. Oh, honey, I know you're upset about failing the driver's license test, but try not to beat yourself up too much. 4. Subscribe to our free daily email and get a new idiom video every day! Otherwise, beat would mean bested in a contest of rivals. I try to stay upbeat and refuse to let negative things bring down my mood. How to use beat the odds in a sentence. They looked as though they could shoulder their way through solid rock and. In English, ambiguity is a situation where a sentence can be interpreted in more than one way. Nassar, 54, who is serving a 60-year federal sentence for possessing child pornography, was also sentenced to up to 175 years in state prison for molesting seven girls. An early written form of this popular idiom is found in an 1859 issue of the London paper Watchman and Wesleyan Advertiser: “It was notorious that Mr. However, where section 40 applies, it can be an additional charge on an indictment. He threw himself into one of the beat-up chairs in the tiny comms center. beat up translate: golpear, destartalado/da [masculine-feminine]. But it's just so 1985 to beat up on the black poor. A convicted gang member who said he beat up jailed R&B singer R. Kelly in a Chicago cell in August has been sentenced to life in prison for a racketeering conviction that involved two 1999 murd… 16 7 She saw the glow of his eagerness and tried to be more upbeat than she felt, for his sake. The cheerleader’s upbeat attitude got the crowd excited. The whole gang would end up jumping him and he would beat up each and every one, always careful to hold back enough so as not to kill anyone. The lenses can also be used in special effects if it is necessary to make the actor look especially beat up and bruised or unhealthy. Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact: Meaning: v. 1. give a beating to; subject to a beating, either as a punishment or as an act of aggression 2. gather beat-up. The twins seize the opportunity to beat up Shampoo through her paralysis. The twins seize the opportunity to beat up Shampoo through her paralysis. I would just like to know how long is the minimum sentence. Lowry, Lois ANASTASIA KRUPNIK (3-IN-1) (2001) Kenneth would send him and he'd come like a beat-up, punch-drunk fighter; useless and straight into the trap. All Free. A convicted gang member who said he beat up jailed R&B singer R. Kelly in a Chicago cell in August has been sentenced to life in prison for a racketeering conviction that involved two 1999 murders. Gabriel began to beat up the dummy again. There was no need to take the time to. Try out Spruce , our experimental quotations search engine. They rushed out of the apartment building to her beat up car. Try out Spruce, our experimental quotations and lyrics search engine. linked by duran, December 28, 2014 #4800861 Tom ameaçou me bater. Beaten-up definition is - worn, battered, dilapidated. A federal judge in Hammond, Indiana, sentenced Farmer on Tuesday, Oct. 27, 2020. 4. He lent an army to Ferdinand for the invasion of Gascony, and landed himself at Calais with 25,000 men, to beat up … Beat up is an idiomatic expression requiring both words in the phrase. 1. give a beating to; subject to a beating, either as a punishment or as an act of aggression 2. gather Familiarity information: BEAT UP used as a verb is rare. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. ; Danny s uncle, Ray, wants to beat up someone but Danny is afraid to tell him who. beat (oneself) up To continually criticize or question oneself, usually about something that one cannot change. Angry drunken lout beat up his mum after she asked him to turn music down. More example sentences ‘he apparently loves fighting so much that he beats up … 7. beat-up old ice cream van from car dealer Charlie Smythe. Examples of Upbeat in a sentence. He threatens to beat up Bart as soon as he is untied. Find more ways to say beat, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The ship beat up to windward. Grate about two tea-cupfuls of stale bread-crumbs, and beat up the yolks of four eggs. 5. • BEAT UP (verb) The verb BEAT UP has 2 senses:. : We encourage deferential leaders to not hold back, not beat around the bush or dance around the subject, skirting the real issues. Lloyd was in no mood to beat around the bush, and so put direct the question he wished answered. In England and Wales, it is a usually tried as a summary offence under section 39 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988. How to use beaten-up in a sentence. 6. It's difficult to see to beat up in a sentence . Sentence with the word Beat-up. Lloyd was in no mood to beat around the bush, and so put direct the question he wished answered. Take it off the fire, beat up the yolks of three eggs with a spoonful of oil, and stir up all together till it is quite cold. Definition of beat about the bush in the Idioms Dictionary. 6. It's crazy to a point where he may even be getting more beat up by the public than he did after his "George Bush doesn't care about black people" debacle. VIOLENCE : Dice beats up someone, and there is that tragic shooting. Learn more. beat yourself up phrase. She's never going to get anywhere if she tries to, 28. In vain did the pope explain his reasons and yield certain points; the fathers would listen to nothing, and, relying on the decrees of the council of Constance, which amid the troubles of the schism had proclaimed the superiority, in certain cases, of the council over the pope, they insisted upon their right of remaining assembled, hastily beat up the laggards, held sessions, promulgated decrees, interfered in the government of the papal countship of Venaissin, treated with the Hussites, and, as representatives of the universal Church, presumed to impose laws upon the sovereign pontiff himself. Then beat up six eggs in a sufficient quantity of new milk to make a stiffish batter. Beat up as a transitive verb means: "to give a severe beating to, etc.". 2. It wasn't in bad shape, a little beat up, but I needed the color to be darker to start with, so I used a mix of Reclaim Mocha and Reclaim Licorice, a paint we carry that is usually rolled on, but sometime I … Thomas, Craig THE LAST RAVEN (2001) What does beat yourself up … They're not even the most polished of all the other shoes in the corporate world, or the most beat up in the midst of jobs that require physical labor. He beat up on her bad. 23. Definition of beat yourself up in the Idioms Dictionary. ; But somehow they didn't mind having a person in their command who beats up someone they love . He wore black goggles and an old, beat-up, black wizard 's hat. Deidre was breathless and upbeat when the lake came into view over an hour later. 32. Like this video? Tom threatened to beat me up. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. There has been nearly a two-year hiatus for the Beat Up? A group of kids stood by and watched the school bully, 26. I believe this is a felony, and i'm sure the cop he assaulted is not happy so he may throw in some extra charges like disorderly conduct, blah blah. It's difficult to see to beat up in a sentence . In the preceding sentence, "beat" wore the trappings of a noun, but, like many words, it's versatile enough to perform additional duties as a verb or adjective. Playing an upbeat song when you are sad can help you feel better. In her hands she clutched a beat-up copy of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, open to the middle. It was a crazy, sexy, murderous relationship Weary entered into with people he eventually, 27. beat-up example sentences. His lab coat was all the overcoat he wore, and he hopped in place beside a beat-up VW Bug whose engine coughed as if it were on its last leg. Any estimates would help, we live in California if that helps. 5. The more beat up a book is, the greater the discount. ‘Friends say they saw Bianca climb into a beat-up van driven by a man who appeared to be in his 20s.’ ‘I didn't have it in 1960 because there's a beat-up old photograph of my room from then, with no sign of the rocker.’ ‘Lehder took one look at my clunky, beat-up old tape recorder and gave me a new one.’ Similar English verbs: unbeat , to-beat , browbeat Example: I got beaten up by thugs on my way home.. Also, Cambridge says: Beat up: to hurt someone badly by hitting or kicking them repeatedly: Example: He claims he was beaten up by the police.. Now, let's say someone is bothering a bully who doesn't tend to fight them. beat verb conjugation to all tenses, modes and persons. How to use beat in a sentence. (of things) in bad condition: 3. damaged and in bad…. (of things) in bad condition: 2. How to use beat-up in a sentence. Beat up whites of eggs to stiff froth, add one tablespoonful of sifted sugar and half teaspoonful lemon juice. The cheerleader’s upbeat attitude got the crowd excited. 3. To fail or be defeated. Learn more. English examples for “beat up whites” - You beat up whites of eggs and mix powdered sugar with them, and put in a few drops of cochineal. Well my friend beat up a cop, I guess he was not being too smart. Referring to a beat-up offensive line's poor showing in the spring, Holmes says, Our skill positions are stacked at every spot.. Mark Nason pulls rocker cool together so flawlessly, all you need is a beat up pair of jeans and you're iconic. Translations of the phrase BEAT UP from english to french and examples of the use of "BEAT UP" in a sentence with their translations: You can't beat up a girl on national television. Gabriel began to beat up the dummy again. beat about the bush phrase. Some violent men beat up their sons, until the boys are strong enough to hit back. A good writer should march to the beat of a different drum, except marching to that beat represents a cliche, something all writers should avoid. Another top star of the seventies, David Soul, 24. Officers beat up an elderly man who tried to joint the students. A Brighton-based boxer, Eubank is a middleweight world title contender the boxing critics love to, 25. Another word for beat. Beat the odds definition is - to succeed despite not having a good chance of succeeding. That still leaves us 29 days to beat up on one another. Let it stand to cool, beat up three ounces of syrup of betony with a large spoonful of ale yeast, and put it into the liquor. added by CK, September 12, 2014 #3715876 Tom beni dövmekle tehdit etti. In the preceding sentence, "beat" wore the trappings of a noun, but, like many words, it's versatile enough to … She made herself a cup of tea, cut bread for toast, 30. As a motivational speaker, it was … 13. Beat up in a sentence 31. He threw himself into one of the beat-up chairs in the tiny comms center. Beat definition is - to strike repeatedly:. Word, phrase, or sentence: New: You can type any word, phrase, or sentence into box above to find relevant quotes and lyrics in this tab. After two hours in the gym and another hour swimming, I was beat by the time I got home. While the moves may not serve to beat up an attacker, the fight in itself will turn many attackers off and they'll run away. All Rights Reserved. What does beat about the bush expression mean? linked by Luciosp, December 30, 2015 : We hem and haw, guess and beat around the bush, so that after we have finished telling the patient, he knows about as much as he did before we started. 2. Beaten is the past participle of to beat. Drivers can mistreat or beat up their cars and ignore or delay necessary maintenance and repairs until their car quits running, so age makes a difference when searching for a used car. (of things) in bad condition: 2. 6. Then beat up six eggs in a sufficient quantity of new milk to make a stiffish batter. My thoughts would often rise and beat up like birds against the wind, and I persisted in using my lips and voice. It is little consolation to know that the kid who beat up my son has been caught, nothing will really happen to him, and he won't even have to apologize. adj. Down by 10 points with only two minutes left, we knew we were beat. It was a beat-up Camaro parked half a block down. Beat up as a transitive verb means: "to give a severe beating to, etc.". Let me take a rest(sentence dictionary), I'm all. Everybody beat up on him because he made the team. beat-up adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." This is not the job of soldiers, to beat up on children, I would get the other big guys to beat up David Robinson. We haven't been able to beat up on the little guys ." A guy pulls up in a beat up old station wagon to offer a lift. 5. Here are many translated example sentences containing "BEAT-UP" - english-finnish … As a motivational speaker, it was … Example: I got beaten up by thugs on my way home.. Also, Cambridge says: Beat up: to hurt someone badly by hitting or kicking them repeatedly: Example: He claims he was beaten up by the police.. Now, let's say someone is bothering a bully who doesn't tend to fight them. He beat up on my brother's kid one time. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary. In her hands she clutched a beat-up copy of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, open to the middle. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Except beneath the scribbled-on-walls, beat-up dance floor, and smoky atmosphere lurked a very different bar in the basement. But it's just so 1985 to beat up on the black poor. Lowry, Lois ANASTASIA KRUPNIK (3-IN-1) (2001) beat up in a sentence and translation of beat up in English dictionary with audio pronunciation by dictionarist.com I'm glad you got an old beat-up car instead of a gross Cadillac or something. Beat up in a sentence 1. : We hem and haw, guess and beat around the bush, so that after we have finished telling the patient, he knows about as much as he did before we started. I try to stay upbeat and refuse to let negative things bring down my mood. Now beat up an egg and then add one-half of the beaten egg to one and one-fourth cups of milk. 29. What does beat about the bush expression mean? beat up someone definition: to hit someone hard and repeatedly: . RALEIGH — NC State’s Devon Daniels only needed a five-word sentence to sum up what it meant for the Wolfpack to snap its five-game losing streak against rival North Carolina on Tuesday night. 7. Farmer, a convicted gang member who says he beat up jailed R&B singer R. Kelly in a Chicago cell has been sentenced to life in prison for a racketeering conviction that involved two 1999 murders. US, slang (vehicle: in poor condition) destartalado/a adj adjetivo: Describe el sustantivo. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. beat up definition: 1. blare party members cruised the streets in beat-up pickup trucks blaring patriotic Kurdish folk songs through loudspeakers. All Forms of Beat beat up - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. tyret they are now met by militant villagers who puncture the tires and even beat up the drivers and send them packing. Beat up the eggs before you add the flour. We beat up for soldiers. Another word for beating up. be beat 1. A convicted gang member who said he beat up jailed R&B singer R. Kelly in a Chicago cell in August has been sentenced to life in prison for a racketeering conviction that involved two 1999 murd… He lent an army to Ferdinand for the invasion of Gascony, and landed himself at Calais with 25,000 men, to beat up the northern border of France. damaged by blows or hard usage. It was a beat-up Camaro parked half a block down. But they are now met by militant villagers who puncture the tires and even beat up the drivers and send them packing. 1 beat up on someone North American Assault and injure someone by hitting, kicking, or punching them repeatedly. Sentence with the word Beat-up. How to use beat-up in a sentence. I wish I could take back a lot of the things I said. Puede ser posesivo, numeral, demostrativo ("casa [b]grande[/b]", "mujer [b]alta[/b]"). The loyalists vandalised many buildings and beat up two police officers. Katie hesitated to speak her mind, her gaze taking in Sasha.s beat-up body. An example might be, "The opposing team was soundly beaten." beat up in a sentence - Use "beat up" in a sentence 1. This sentence is original and was not derived from translation. Now beat up an egg and then add one-half of the beaten egg to one and one-fourth cups of milk. 8. Learn more. Dictionary entry overview: What does beat up mean? Kelly's attorneys say it's unresolved whether jail personnel encouraged and allowed the attack to happen. (of things) in bad condition: 3. damaged and in bad…. ; Guatemala is a macho country, and its not manly to beat up someone who looks like your mother. Of the beat-up chairs in the gym and another hour swimming, was! Out Spruce, our experimental quotations and lyrics search engine clear case of ambiguity we knew we were.... To offer a lift ) destartalado/a adj adjetivo: Describe el sustantivo our free daily email and get a idiom! Things I said mind having a person in their command who beats up someone but Danny is afraid to him! 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