Mothers reading to their 3-year-olds: The role of mother-child attachment security in becoming literate. Literary research that makes a difference: A study of access to literacy. Engaging children's minds. Newark, DE: International Reading Association. 1979. Lines and paragraphs break automatically. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. The language experience approach to the teaching of reading. A picture book reading intervention in day care and home for children from low-income families. 1977. See more ideas about Kindergarten goals, Kindergarten, Kindergarten reading. Most kindergarten children can understand basic motivations for characters and events. Lundberg, I., J. Nature 301: 41921. Newark, DE: International Reading Association. Not by chance: Creating an early care and education system for America's children. Shepard, L. 1994. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Adams, M. 1990. New York: Psychological Corp. Dyson, A.H. 1988. Evaluation of a program to teach phonemic awareness to young children: A 1-year follow-up. Moyer, S.B. (May, 1998) A joint position of the International Reading Association (IRA) and the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Thresholds of quality: Implications for the social development of children in center-based child care. Here is an example of a simple reading passage: I have a cat. Kindergartners as writers and readers. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 5: 53754. 1994c. This means using different voices for characters, reading with excitement if there’s an exclamation point, and to trying to read with the same voice you use when having a conversation with a friend. 1993. See more ideas about academic goals, teaching, teaching reading. Wong Fillmore, L. 1991. New York: Macmillan. In Children achieving: Best practices in early literacy, eds. Foundational skill goals include basic concepts of print, such as reading from left to right and turning the page, and basic phonological awareness skills including an understanding of sound symbol correspondence and the ability to use this knowledge to decode basic unknown words. All of these goals are taken directly from the Arizona Early Learning Standards, and they’re what I use to plan curriculum for my class, Learn and Play to K. It lists 20 main language & literacy goals and 20 main math goals to focus on in preschool. Young Children 49 (5): 78. Shepard, L., S.L. 2, eds. Long-term effects of preschool teachers' book readings on low-income children's vocabulary and story comprehension. Evaluation of a program to teach phonemic awareness to young children: A 2- and 3-year follow-up and a new preschool trial. Transforming curriculum in language and literacy. 1995. 1980. Henderson, E.H., & J.W. In Advances in writing research, ed. The theoretical basis for relationships between language and literacy in development. Reading Research Quarterly 21: 360406. Whitmore, K., & Y. Goodman. Pearson, 24680. The nature of phonological processing and its causal role in the acquisition of reading skills. Review of Educational Research 49: 22251. Learn more about reading goals for end of kindergarten and what reading and writing milestones your child should be hitting by the end of kindergarten. IRA (International Reading Association). If learning to read is like building a skyscraper, then kindergarten is the year to construct the most solid foundation possible. Find the best apps for building literacy skills. In Reaching potentials: Transforming early childhood curriculum and assessment, vol. Pre-school children's knowledge of English phonology. Reading Research Quarterly 24: 17487. Appreciate the drawing and dictating of young children. First Steps writing developmental continuum. Pinpoint the problem a struggling reader is having and discover ways to help. Rev. Gibson, E., & E. Levin. 1993. In Handbook of reading research, vol. Reading Research Quarterly 23: 89107. Position on inclusion. Early readers will begin to grasp the concept of a story as they listen. New Haven, CT: Bush Center in Child Development and Social Policy, Yale University. 1990. New York: Longman. 1994. Excerpted from: Learning to Read and Write: Developmentally Appropriate Practices for Young Children, part 4: Continuum of Children's Development in Early Reading and Writing. Howes, C., D.A. Reading the passage over and over will help with comprehension, accuracy and speed. Most kindergarten children learn to recognize whole words by sight. Establishing reading goals at the beginning of the school year can set the tone for the kind of reading work you expect from your students—and what they expect from themselves. I am not worried about reading levels, achieving results on assessments, or forcing kids to think they need to leave kindergarten reading. 1995. Infants and children: Prenatal through middle childhood. 1994b. Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically. 1998. Download PDF. While it's important to help set goals for your kindergarten students to strive toward, kindergarten teachers need to have their own set of goals as well. 2, eds. They learn to distinguish punctuation marks, letters from words, and when words start and end. ed. Young children's strategies in learning the "book language" of information books. Burns, & P. Griffin. Incidental learning of word meanings by kindergarten and first grade children thorough repeated read aloud events. What parents, teachers and child care providers need to know. May 2, 2019 - Explore Y Z's board "Academic Goals" on Pinterest. …Enrolled in the program. I can listen to a word and say a word that rhymes. 2d ed. What is your favorite part about Downing, 55180. Evaluate reading progress and apply goal setting strategies and monitor progress toward meeting reading goals; Evaluate books and authors to share reading experiences with others; Language Arts Skills Language Arts Skills K-2. Our reading resources assist parents, teachers, and other educators in helping struggling readers build fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. Vocabulary acquisition from listening to stories. Help your little one achieve these reading milestones. In Handbook on reading research, vol. Reading Research Quarterly 30: 9981015. Find out what parents and teachers can do to support kindergarten literacy skills. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. York, ME: Stenhouse. 1980. The method of repeated readings. Brown, A.L., & J.S. Discourse Processes 14: 20325. ed. 1997. DEC/CEC (Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children). In Examining central issues in literacy research, theory, and practice, eds. USSR. Sulzby, E. 1985. Neuman, S.B. GYNS AT WRK: A child learns to write and read. Roberts, B. The cat can see a rat. Rhymes, nursery rhymes, and reading in early childhood. In Handbook of research on the education of young children, ed. Watch one-on-one reading support in action with K-3 students, FAQs Journal of Learning Disabilities 15: 61923. Young Children 51 (2): 412. Frost, & O.P. 1994. Woo. Paper presented at invitational conference on "The Impact of Wide Reading" at Center for the Study of Reading, Urbana, IL. If you want to raise a kid having good reading skills and better comprehension of language, then it is important to choose the right kindergarten … Chomsky, C. 1979. Flunking grades: Research and policies on Retention. Griffith, & P. Gough. PRE-K GOALS PRINTABLE. After reading various statements, STUDENT will distinguish fact from opinion, 4/5 times with 90% accuracy. By the end of the year many children can recognize and read sight words in books. Beginning to read. 1989. Education Department of Western Australia. Rev. Create your own booklists from our library of 5,000 books! The long-term effects on high school seniors of learning to read in kindergarten. Literacy's beginnings. West. Bond, G., & R. Dykstra. 1980. NAEYC position statement: Responding to linguistic and cultural diversity--Recommendations for effective early childhood education. Bristol, PA: Taylor & Francis. Reading Research Quarterly 32 (April-June): 202-10. Read, C. 1971. 1988. Stanovich, K.E., & R.F. 1975. Then send your curated collection to your children, or put together your own custom lesson plan. NAEYC. 1991. Clay, M. 1979. Reading Rockets is a national multimedia project that offers a wealth of research-based reading strategies, lessons, and activities designed to help young children learn how to read and read better. Chicago: National Reading Conference. Barron, R.W. 1992. Language Arts 71: 32836. Pearson, 75988. Reading Research Quarterly 27: 20225. This worksheet offers young students an opportunity to practice goal setting with reading words. Shepard, L., & M.L. McGee, L., & D. Richgels. The rat runs fast. 1987. 1986. When do children begin to read: An exploration of four-year-old children's word reading competencies. Principles and recommendations for early childhood assessments. DEC (Division for Early Childhood) Task Force on Recommended Practices. Berk, L. 1996. Darling-Hammond, L. 1997. The Future of Children 5: 2550. Linguistic interdependence and the educational development of bilingual children. 1991. Acadience Reading Technical Adequacy Brief. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 1: 8597. Smaller classes really are better. If we set high, yet realistic, goals for them in reading, and provide targeted instruction throughout the day that supports their language development, then according to research, most ELLs will catch up with their native English speaking peers in about 4-7 years. R. Barr, M. Kamil, P. Mosenthal, & P.D. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Shepard, L., & M.L. Reading Research Quarterly 15: 20327. By the end of kindergarten, most children associate letters with sounds, and they can identify and write upper and lower case letters. J. Hannon, P. 1995. As part of that foundation, kindergartners will be working on the five pillars of kindergarten reading: understanding the relationship between sounds and words (phonetics), reading fluently, understanding what they read, expanding vocabulary, and building knowledge. Bryant. Baltimore: Paul Brookes. Journal of Educational Psychology 78: 24355. Preparing the classroom environment to promote literacy during play. Reading Research Quarterly 24: 40233. S.B. Ehri, L. 1994. DEC recommended practices: Indicators of quality in programs for infants and young children with special needs and their families. Clarke, L. 1988. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Educating African American learners at risk: Finding a better way. Writing and reading. McGill-Franzen, A., & C. Lanford. Developmental Psychology 30: 67989. Journal of Educational Psychology 87: 488503. Reston, VA: Council for Exceptional Children. 1995. Neuman, S.B., & K. Roskos. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 12: 8198. Rowe, D.W. 1994. 1994. 1995. cat) and recognize common and color words (I, the, … 1996. Eller, R., C. Pappas, & E. Brown. Morrow, L.M., & C. Weinstein. In Awakening to literacy, eds. This FREE pre-k goals printable is great for a quick reference for parents and teachers. Bookmark this to easily find it later. Children usually understand consonant sounds before vowel sounds. Elkonin, D.B. Effects of an extensive program for stimulating phonological awareness in preschool children. Questions about reading, writing, dyslexia and more, Author Interviews In the At Benchmark range, the overall likelihood of achieving subsequent early literacy or reading goals is 70% to 85%. Leung, C.B., & J.J. Pikulski. Kagan, S.L., & N. Cohen. Journal of Educational Psychology 83: 45669. 1989. 1995. Mason, J., & S. Sinha. Norwood, NJ: Ablex. In other words, your children should eventually be able to use the pictures to help tell the story as if they were reading it. Becoming literate. As you prepare for the year ahead by finding guided reading book lists for every level and setting up your classroom, here are six smart steps for planning to set reading goals with students. Johnston, P. 1997. Literacy knowledge in practice: Contexts of participation for young writers and readers. Bredekamp, S., & C. Copple, eds. In Literacy theory and research: Analyses from multiple paradigms, eds. Maclean, M., P. Bryant, & L. Bradley. Chicago: National Reading Conference. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 9: 15370. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Tips on finding great books, reading nonfiction and more. 1996a. "I No EverethENGe": What skills are essential in early literacy? Young Children 51 (6): 1116. Approaching reading through invented spelling. New York: Longman. Reading to young children: Its significance for literacy development. 1992. Setting goals for oneself can be invaluable both in the learning process and in boosting self-esteem. 1967. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Cambridge, MA: Abt Associates. C. Kinzer & D. Leu, 391404. Bryne, B., & R. Fielding-Barnsley. Cost, quality, and child outcomes in child care centers, public report. First Steps oral language developmental continuum. Journal of Educational Psychology 85: 10411.Bryne, B., & R. Fielding-Barnsley. Design information, reliability, and validity data for Acadience Reading. Snow, C., P. Tabors, P. Nicholson, & B. Kurland. Bus, A., M. Van IJzendoorn, & A. Pellegrini. 1998. Mason, J. Newark, DE: International Reading Association. Evaluation of a program to teach phonemic awareness to young children. New York: Academic. When learning a second language means losing the first. Reading Research Quarterly 27: 1326. Journal of Educational Psychology 83: 45155. van IJzendoorn, & K. Crnic. Invented spelling ability and printed word learning in kindergarten. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 18: 395409. Research on the reading-writing relationship: Interactions, transactions, and outcomes. 1986. 1988. 1986. Whitehurst, G., D. Arnold, J. Epstein, A. Angell, M. Smith, & J. Fischel. Instead, I want them to know what a wonderful experience reading … The challenges of assessing young children appropriately. Morrow, L.M. Harvard Educational Review 41: 134.Richgels, D.J. Meaningful differences. Even in Kindergarten, these ideas have an impact. Child Development 63: 44960. Durrell analysis of reading difficulty. 1986. See more ideas about kindergarten, kindergarten goals, homeschool kindergarten. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Bus, A., & M. Van IJzendoorn. New York: Harper & Row. 1994d. McGee, L., R. Lomax, & M. Head. Explicit versus implicit instruction in phonemic awareness. The meaning makers. Hanson, R., & D. Farrell. Dickinson, D., & M. Smith. Real questions from parents and educators, answered by experts. What could we do to improve Themed Booklists Tierney, R., & T. Shanahan. Wallenhorst. Bus, A., J. Belsky, M.H. Apr 29, 2020 - Explore Alexandria Amos's board "Kindergarten goals", followed by 244 people on Pinterest. The Reading Teacher 32: 40308. Neuman, S.B., & K. Roskos. Reading Research Quarterly 23: 26384. 1993. My students are really genuinely invested in making the world a better place. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.Graves, D. 1983. Newark, DE: Author. Click on an item in the set below to see more info. Durrell, D.D., & J.H. 1995. Fulton, & M.P. New York: Teachers College Press. Research has begun to document the acquisition of literacy‐related knowledge and skills prior to formal instruction in learning environments where informal instruction occurs, i.e. Holdaway, D. 1979. Doing what matters most: Investing in quality teaching. 1986. Escalating academic demand in kindergarten: Some nonsolutions. Dozens of carefully selected booklists, for kids 0-12 years old, Nonfiction for Kids Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Joint book reading makes for success in learning to read: A meta-analysis on intergenerational transmission of literacy. Stanovich, K.E. Cunningham, A. 1986. Watch or listen to our classroom video, author interviews and more. The cooperative research program in first-grade reading instruction. Perfect For One such source is the class building kit. One of the easiest ways to assess reading comprehension in kindergarten students is the Informal Reading Inventory, also known as a Qualitative Reading Inventory. Upgrade to Premium membership to download thousands of curated worksheet sets. I think about the impact this could have if more and more young children were familiar making goals. They understand that we read until the end of the line, then we return to the left to read a new line. 1996. What did I write? Click the "References" link above to hide these references. London: Paul Chapman. Young children's written language knowledge: What environmental and functional print reading reveals. In Children achieving: Best practices in early literacy, eds. 1997. Literacy, home and school. Most kindergarten children develop a stronger concept of print. S. Bredekamp & T. Rosegrant. Copyright © 2020, Inc, a division of IXL Learning • All Rights Reserved. Richgels, D.J. 1980. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Reading Research Quarterly 30: 96109. Elley, W. 1989. Clay, M. 1975. 1988. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 1: 6983. Preschoolers as authors. SHELL: Oral language and early literacy skills in kindergarten and first-grade children. In kindergarten, children develop basic concepts of print and begin to engage in and experiment with reading and writing. 1995. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Hart, B., & T. Risley. Technology Task Cards For Kindergarten. Worksheet sets are available to Premium members only. Psychological Bulletin 101: 192212. View our examples of reading benchmarks, reading components, vocabulary development, and SMART goals to learn how to set goals that are specific enough to provide you with strategies. 1990. The lexical development of kindergartners: Learning from written context. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 6: 32346. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 50: 42944. In Children's thinking: What develops? In Theory and practice of early reading, vol. Phi Delta Kappan 76: 20613. It contains some important products for a Kindergarten c Encouraging voluntary reading: The impact of a literature program on children's use of library centers. Foorman, B., D. Novy, D. Francis, & D. Liberman. How letter-sound instruction mediates progress in first-grade reading and spelling. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Barnett, W.S. Skills, plans and self-regulation. Bryne, B., & R. Fielding-Barnsley. What will your child learn about math and numbers in kindergarten?What will they be expected to know at the end of the kindergarten year? Reading acquisition of preschool children without systematic instruction. Neuman, S.B. Rhyme and alliteration, phoneme detection, and learning to read. New York: National Commission on Teaching and America's Future. Children who read early. PARENT GUIDE TO READING LEVELS KINDERGARTEN TO GRADE 3 LEVEL F: • Recognizes 50 or more sight words. If you decide to create an account with us in the future, you will need to enable cookies before doing so. Please note: Use the Contact Us link at the bottom of our website for account-specific questions or issues. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Browse kindergarten reading goals resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. 1997. Visual and phonological strategies in reading and spelling. Effects of play interventions on young children's reading of environmental print. Wells, G. 1985. Kagan, & E. Wurtz, eds. The condition of education. Access to print for children of poverty: Differential effects of adult mediation and literacy-enriched play settings on environmental and functional print tasks. While most reading curricula involve formal instruction, this paper proposes that informal instruction is more developmentally appropriate for four‐and five‐year‐olds. Bryant, P.E., M. MacLean, L. Bradley, & J. Crossland. Developmental Psychology 26: 42938. Research in the Teaching of English 22: 281309. Preventing reading difficulties in young children. In kindergarten, children develop basic concepts of print and begin to engage in and experiment with reading and writing. Just by building an awareness, through the content I explore, we are finding ways to connect to the goals. Some of these students, especially those with scores near the benchmark, may require monitoring and/or strategic support on specific component skills. Snow, C. 1991. Reading Research Quarterly 30: 90833. Bradley, L., & P.E. Anderson, R.C. At first your children will point to the picture and say one or two things about the page, by the end of this unit the goal is for your child to be "reading" these stories through the pictures. Kindergarten is also a great time to learn about reading with “expression”. Exposing the edge of the preschool curriculum: Teachers' talk about text and children's literary understandings. Journal of Reading Behavior 20: 524. 1995. Vernon-Feagans, L., D. Emanuel, & I. Reading Research Quarterly 2: 5142. Applebee, A.N. Neuman, S.B., & K. Roskos. Catterson. In Theoretical models and processes of reading, eds. Language Arts 71: 26473. Beginners need some decoding skill to read words by analogy. The teaching of reading. R. Ruddell, M.R. Washington, DC: National Education Goals Panel. 1989. Research in the Teaching of English 20: 33955. Phillips, & M. Whitebook. Nashville: Center of Excellence for Research in Basic Skills, Tennessee State University. Snow, C., M.S. Reading Research Quarterly 32: 1032. Samuels, S.J. Repeated reading. 1988. Knowing literacy: Constructive literacy assessment. First Steps spelling developmental continuum. Fulton. Education Department of Western Australia. Stauffer, R. 1970. Literacy instruction in half- and whole-day kindergarten. How likely are you to recommend to your friends and colleagues? J. Zutell & S. McCormick, 23140. M.Farr, 12799. 1998. Every child will enjoy reading. 1982. Nye, B.A., J. Boyd-Zaharias, & B.D. 2, eds. 1996. Pinpoint the problem a struggling reader is having and how to help, Reading Interventions In Comparative Reading, ed. The goal is for the reader to understand what they are reading and develop comprehension skills. 1998. Durkin, D. 1966. Newark, DE: International Reading Association. In kindergarten, children develop basic concepts of print and begin to engage in and experiment with reading and writing. Teale, W. 1984. The psychology of reading. Collaboration on the gridiron: an interview with Fred Bowen and James Ransome, Enjoy being read to and themselves retell simple narrative stories or informational texts, Use descriptive language to explain and explore, Recognize letters and letter-sound matches, Show familiarity with rhyming and beginning sounds, Understand left-to-right and top-to-bottom orientation and familiar concepts of print, Begin to write letters of the alphabet and some high-frequency words, Encourage children to talk about reading and writing experiences, Provide many opportunities for children to explore and identify sound-symbol relationships in meaningful contexts, Help children to segment spoken words into individual sounds and blend the sounds into whole words (for example, by slowly writing a word and saying its sound), Frequently read interesting and conceptually rich stories to children, Provide daily opportunities for children to write, Create a literacy-rich environment for children to engage independently in reading and writing, Daily read and reread narrative and informational stories to children, Encourage children's attempts at reading and writing, Allow children to participate in activities that involve writing and reading (for example, cooking, making grocery lists), Play games that involve specific directions (such as "Simon Says"), Have conversations with children during mealtimes and throughout the day. 1973. Invented versus traditional spelling in first graders' writings: Effects on learning to spell and read. L.B. 1979. New York: Macmillan. 1998. Morrow, L.M. —, National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), Developmentally Appropriate Practices for Young Children position statement (full-text PDF), Supporting Children with Autism During COVID-19, Mary Amato’s Tips for Keeping a Writer’s Notebook. Why doesn’t increasing knowledge improve reading achievement? Beginning first graders' "invented spelling" ability and their performance in functional classroom writing activities. Journal of Research in Childhood Education 10: 3748. Vocabulary I can describe familiar object using details. Education Department of Western Australia. Layzer, J., B. Goodson, & M. Moss. Feitelson, D., B. Kita, & Z. Goldstein. American Educational Research Journal 30: 95122. You are welcome to print copies for non-commercial use, or a limited number for educational purposes, as long as credit is given to Reading Rockets and the author(s). I think posting goals should meet these characteristics to be effective for kindergarten: be visible {not hidden away or inaccessible - should be available for reading the room } be for the students {not for the administrators} include visuals for non-readers {which is pretty much every single student at the beginning of the year } INDEPENDENT READING LEVEL GOALS BY GRADE END OF KINDERGARTEN GOAL END OF GRADE 1 GOAL END OF GRADE 2 GOAL END OF GRADE 3 GOAL PRE- Resnick & P.A. R. Barr, M. Kamil, P. Mosenthal, & P.D. Smith. Goals of Acadience Reading K–6. 1993. Copyright © 2021 WETA Public Broadcasting, Visit WETA's other education websites: Start with a Book  |  Colorín Colorado  |  AdLit  |  LD OnLine, The reasons why some kids struggle with reading, Target the Problem! ... National norms for the Acadience Reading measures for kindergarten through sixth grade. Long-term effects of early childhood programs on cognitive and school outcomes. S.B. 1991. 1988. Karweit, N., & B. Wasik. 1998. Given minimum assistance, the student will demonstrate reading comprehension by completing two-step written directions, which encompasses reading two sentences and answering “who, what or where” questions in 4/5 recorded opportunities. Print letters, pretend to read own writing, see self as a writer; Copy names and familiar words including own first name Writing: Teachers and children at work. Reading Comprehension IEP Goal Skill Builder Non-Fiction SCIENCE TOOLS for autism, reading intervention, and students with special learning needs.This reading comprehension IEP goal skill builder worksheet packet focuses on science tools vocabulary and meaning using pictures, symbols, or … The foundations of literacy. 1994a. 1996b. Ruddell, & H. Singer, 32358. So what are my reading goals for kindergarten? Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Young Children 43 (3): 2532. Find out what parents and teachers can do to support kindergarten literacy skills. The effects of story reading programs on literacy and language development of disadvantaged pre-schoolers. 1992. Weaver, 4365. DeLoache. Reading Research Quarterly 21: 33046. 1993. For commercial use, please contact the author or publisher listed. The American School Board Journal 179 (5): 3133. Patterns of development in narrative stories of emergent writers. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 33: 25581. Juel, C., P.L. 1995. Petersen. Different states and even different schools may have slightly different goals, but this list can provide you with an idea of what you can expect your child's kindergarten … Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. The IRI allows instructors to individually assess a student’s fluency, word recognition, vocabulary, comprehension, and oral reading … Phonics in the early reading program: A position statement. Goal in kindergarten your child will start by being able to read cvc words consonant vowel consonant words such as t a p. Vukelich, C. 1994. In Cognitive processes in spelling, ed. An iep goal is not unlike a personal goal. They can make predictions and relate the story to their own lives. Warning - you are about to disable cookies. Morrow, L.M., D. Strickland, & D.G. 1995. Journal of Research in Childhood Education 6: 510. In my class, reading is fun. Categorizing sounds and learning to read: A causal connection. Literacy objects as cultural tools: Effects on children's literacy behaviors in play. Cummins, J. 1996. Kindergarten Goal 2 states that: The learner will develop and apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed. 1978. 2d ed. 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