a. Cast-in-situ method of construction of bridges is a flexible method in which the demands of more unusual geometrical shapes can be easily coped with. Details of the source and suppliers of each type of coupler shall be submitted to the Engineer for agreement and approval. All exposed concrete corners and edges shall have 20mm x 20mm chamfers. Interviews with relevant members of the project teams were used as the main data collection technique. d. If placing by the pump, the pipeline should be ‘grouted’ with a rich cement slurry or mortar, discharging such grout as waste. 11. All proprietary materials shall be used strictly in accordance with the materials manufacturer’s instruction and/or recommendations. In no case, the reinforcement bars shall be displaced without approval from the engineer. V.4 Concrete Transport Apply one full, unbroken coat of approved primer and allow drying before continuing. A test shall be the average of the strength of the specimens tested at the age specified. The curing compound shall not be applied if bleed water is forming or is present on the concrete surface. 3. Foreman 15. Height of each pour shall be limited to 400mm to ensure proper compaction of concrete. 3. i. In case of any welding like fitting of hooks for reinforced cage of pipes, approved procedures (WPS) to be shall be submitted for approval. The resin will flow along the injection hole and enter the crack in the center of the wall. Approved Stop boards in vertical position are required to be provided at the end of each section of work for single pour. Formwork must comply with the requirements of BS 5975, EN 1992-1-1 and CIRIA Report 136 Formwork Striking Times. Before permanent sealing, grooves for joint sealant shall be protected from contamination by a temporary sealing strip or cover or by other methods agreed by the Engineer. Subsequently, steel bars are tightened together after its design. Concrete Repair Materials 14. The materials and Mix design must be approved and available at the site. TheContinue Reading Curing Compound s. Information test cube Baseline Program, All concrete works shall comply fully with the applicable laws, client’s requirements and specification as per Project Specification. Air Compressor Weather condition can delay the casting work. Drawings, Diagrams, and Maps Stainless steel dowel bars shall be grade 1.4401 (316) or equivalent when required at the movement joints. f. date of delivery to Site Leica TS 15m Total Station All connection shall be applied with sealant to minimize bleeding of concrete during pouring. They are generally centered and frame-worked before construction. The fabricator will furnish three copies of a certification which shows the batch number or numbers from which each size of bar in the shipment was fabricated. 7. V. Methodology On delivery, bars in each lot will be legibly tagged by the fabricator. “Work Area” signs will be placed ahead approximately 300 m before the activity zones on both sides of the road. g. Chute and pump delivery system shall be maintained clean, before and after the work. V.11.2.9 Non- structural cracks, e.g. Joints shall be formed in straight lines perpendicular to the surface of the concrete unless otherwise stated in Contract. Where permanent formwork is incorporated in the structure, extra care is required, as full compaction of the concrete cannot be checked after the formwork is removed. V.8.1 General e. The freshly placed mix can be overcoated with epoxy coatings after a minimum curing period of 24 hours. Reference The contractor shall provide safe and adequate access to all the equipment and personnel available for concreting. The date and time for the Engineer to inspect the formwork and fixed a. Placing of the following layer shall not be commenced until compaction of the previously placed layer has been completed in the area, where the next layer is to be placed. Waterproofing Materials All thermometers and measuring equipment shall have a Third Party Calibration Certificate. g. Remove the packers or nipples and make good any holes or voids with approved material and allow to be cured. The centers should be 1 -1.5 times the depth of the crack, but not more than 300mm. b. a. Ensure proper safety guarding of surveying equipment. 4. g. type and source of cement Erected a minimum of 25 mm from the underside of the plate. i. 9. The contractor shall submit the joint layout before starting the work. If the concrete surface is defective or has laitance, it must be cut back to a sound base; Crack width less than 0.30mm shall not be repaired. V. Tolerances Particular Specifications: 5.16.7 V.2.3 Sampling and Testing 2. Construction joints in slab and beam shall be provided at 1/3 or ¼ of span subject to a maximum spacing of approximately 9m. e. The grade of concrete to be poured. V.10.3 Testing of Concrete Cube Samples it is the type of concrete work that does not require much quality control process.. g. First Aid Material. Walking on reinforcement for access purposes will be avoided where possible. Complete this electronic spreadsheet to ensure that your In situ reinforced concrete framing systems product information meets the requirements of Level 2 BIM. V.5.3.4 Construction of Joints b. Generally these will be supported by walls or columns though sometimes they will be ground supported. Any loose, improperly compacted, soft or other unsuitable material which is encountered below or adjacent to structural foundation levels will be completely removed, backfilled with a Class C25 Concrete. Sufficient grout must Reinforcement couplers shall be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s written instructions. Request for Inspection and Testing will be submitted prior and after execution of works. Before each concrete pour, the Contractor shall give advance notice of at least one day to the Engineer so that an inspection of the concreting may be made at his discretion. Reshoring to beams and slabs shall be placed immediately after stripping formwork. Various Types of In-situ Concrete Floor Systems There are many concrete floor systems from which the designer can select an economical and technically satisfactory solution. 9. When the ground conditions are poor, a normal ground bearing slab is unsuitable. If unsure about continuity of the coating, apply a second coat and allow drying. Testing of samples shall be in accordance with the Project Specifications following criteria of approved ITP. You can reach him via Twitter ID Ritesh_DP & LinkedIn ID ritesh-patel-b77578134. Hot weather conditions include the existence of one or more of the following conditions: it is mostly suitable for smaller construction jobs. Plant and Equipment Exposed surfaces shall be protected from air blown contamination until 28 days after the concrete is placed. removed. 10. The steel bars should be cleaned to a uniform bright condition, and the edge of the repair should be ‘roughened’ to provide a good mechanical key at the substrate interface; V.11 Concrete Repair V.5.2.2 Foundation Concreting 7. g. Using a nail or piece of wire inserted through the port, locate the port over the center of the crack. In no event shall the depth of the concrete in one layer exceed 80% of the length of the poker vibrator head, and the layer thickness shall always be determined after considering the compaction procedure. 1. Construction joints are placed in a concrete slab to define the extent of the individual placements, generally in conformity with a predetermined joint layout. 12. Relevant information, warning and mandatory signs such as Narrow Road Signs, One- Lane Traffic signs, etc. 3. Set flush with the plate edge. Preparation The Work Permits and Operator Certificates shall be compiled and files for reference by authorized personnel. Work Force 11. Dampproofing Materials Joint filler forming the gap at the movement joint should be firmly fixed to the first placed concrete. Definitions Placing Pre-Soaking Increase for drying shrinkage and thermal cracking; d. Wet Cracks: Wet cracks are type of defects caused by faulty construction work, especially in waterproofing work. c. Support to faces is withdrawn progressively as concrete is placed 9. 5. In the precast concrete, elements are manufactured in a controlled casting environment and hence it is easier to control mix, placement and curing. V. Procedure of Work Responsible for accomplishing the stated project objectives which include creating clear and attainable project objectives, building the project requirements, and managing the constraints of the project management triangle, which is cost, time, scope, and quality. 7. Calibration Certificate for Survey Equipment For precast concrete cast under factory conditions, the minimum period before removing the formwork shall be at the discretion of the contractor on the basis of the assessed compressive strength of the unit. g. Remove or take off immediately any clothing that becomes wet. Curing of concrete for certain time etc. L. Gauge 1000 approved Polyethylene Sheet Traditionally, concrete floor systems are reinforced using bars, fabric or using high-strength strand which is … 2. d. high wind speeds a. 4. The lapped joint shall be indicated on the Drawings and/or in accordance with the requirements of BS 8110. 5. buildings, bridges) require the construction of beams in-situ. Risk Assessment and Job Hazard Analysis 10. Application of the same shall be done in strict accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. 2. Ensure validity and serial number of calibration certificates is available and posted in the survey equipment. d. The substrate must be reprised and compound then reapplied in layers of reduced 6. Pre-cast concrete systems are concrete frames with in-fill panels. constituents is not occurring. VII. Splicing, except where indicated on the drawings or approved shop drawings, will not be permitted without the approval of the Engineer. Erected a maximum of 50 mm from the plate edge. Information to Personnel Form material showing excessive deformation, holes, surface undulations or any kind of structural or behavioral deformities which proves formworks’ ineffectiveness shall not be used without prior approval of Engineer. Reinforced Concrete Frame Construction risk, such as Latin America, southern Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. Slump shall be recorded on the batch ticket for each delivery wherever applicable. Crack width Less than 0.20mm shall not be repaired. 17. “One Way traffic ahead” signboards would be placed 90 m ahead of working area in order to notify incoming drivers of the new road layout. V.2 Reinforcement Attachments Steel Reinforcement 3. P.E. a. Risk Assessment 3. V.10.2 Concrete Strength Test Sampling a. h. General management of protection/operation hazards is to be observed. It is especially important to keep cool those surfaces of the equipment, which will come into direct contact with the material itself. Hand Tools (Various), III. The reinforcement shall be covered to ensure protection from wind-blown dust, condensation and other deleterious materials. c. Break out the repair area to remove all contaminated or damaged concrete to a minimum depth of 10 mm, up to the pre-cut edge of the repair; 17. Site Foreman a. While no repair works are required for cracks in the unreinforced concrete section provided that the structural integrity of the concrete is not affected. 1. Rollers and plate compactors will be deployed at the formation level to carry out compaction works, as necessary. It shall, however, also be provided with drain holes and plugs. Quality Assurance Requirements Table C. Plastic Spacers 3. Precast concrete is one of them. Concrete pouring the for concrete thickness of ≥ 600mm shall be considered as mass concrete and shall be done as per section V.5.2.4 of this document and shall conform to the submitted Method Statement for Mass Concreting Works. If bar break is not achieved, then the connection shall reach at least 95% of the actual tensile strength of the bar, measured on a control bar from the same batch, and shall have a ductility of at least 5% measured as the elongation at maximum load (Agt). All the Non-structural cracks which are greater than or equal (>) 0.20mm but less than or equal (<) 0.50 mm; injection will be carried out by approved material and after successful completion of injection; all the packers will be removed and the surface will be finished by the approved material. III. 10. a. Shoring / Formwork Material Description of Works V.8.4.2 Water They should be inserted vertically inside the concrete. g. It can be finished by striking off with a straight edge and closing with a steel or plastic float. This will normally be between 200mm and 500mm. Contract Value: £4.5m 12. Appropriate construction method shall be adopted referring to the details of movement joint in approved drawings. Ensure the proper implementation on Quality system and monitor overall quality of the work is maintained. 3. A construction foreman is responsible for supervising the workers and also doing actual construction work. Steel Fixers The formworks and reinforcement shall be inspected and approved prior to concrete pouring. Several hours prior to placing the approved substrate primer, the prepared concrete substrates should be saturated, by filling the formwork. b. 6. Concrete matched to your requirements - All in-situ concrete components for the building can be concreted using our own WOLF formwork system. Please refer to the attached document in Appendix A. IX. On site strength test is required. CONCRETE FRAME STRUCTURES Concrete frame structures are a very common - or perhaps the most common- type of modern building internationally. Curing shall be followed according to manufacturer’s specifications. V.2.3 Sampling and Testing V.8.2.2 Hardened Concrete shrinkage cracks or surface cracks equal or V.5.1 Preparation for Pour What does in situ mean? The cons of in situ concrete: There’s a chance it can leak once constructed – often caused by reduced skill levels and on-site quality control when being constructed It’s very labour intensive on-site work – and it can take a long time. All workers Involved shall be equipped with adequate PPE as stated below: Apply mixed approved material at the bottom of the flange along the perimeter. On completion of the grouting operation, all exposed areas of grout should be thoroughly All materials to be used for repair works shall be submitted for approval thru Material Transmittal. Joint filler shall be cut to size before fixing and shall be securely fixed in position to the existing concrete surface before concreting. 7. A Chief Surveyor ensures that surveying data are collected and recorded accurately and that all company procedures are followed by crew members. Responsibilities iii. Precast concrete floor Precast concrete columns and beams 5. The scaffolding shall be assembled below slab soffits. Alternatively where this preparation proves impracticable the hardened surface skin and laitance shall be removed. Walls shall be keyed on cast kickers 150 mm high or on the tops of walls meeting the soffits of suspended members. V.9.2 Testing 2. c. The permanent elongation after loading to 60% yield strength (fy) shall not exceed 0.1mm. 5. Vertical joint shall be provided as per Section V.5.3. Safety Helmet with Company Logo Horizontal or Vertical or overhead crazing portion will be repaired by approved type low viscous epoxy resin. If a specimen shows definite evidence other than low strength, of improper sampling, moulding, handling, curing, or testing, it shall be discarded and the strength of the remaining cylinder shall then be considered the test result. 6. V.11.2.8 Dry / Damp cracks, early thermal contraction cracks, drying shrinkage Surface Preparation Laps and anchorages shall be as shown in design drawing or as approved by the Engineer. 1. Site Planning Before placement of the structural precast elements, the Contractor shall survey and maintain all temporary supports shown or required to control alignment and deflection. Use cool concrete; Excavation c. It is the responsibility of the CM to ensure that any preceding activity is completed. * Column, slab etc. c. spalled or heat damaged concrete around weldments shall not be acceptable d. It should be fixed in such a way as to allow easy stripping, without causing damage or distress to the grout – particularly if this is to be done whilst the grout is still green. 4. Curing materials should also be readily available for prompt protection for all exposed surfaces from premature drying upon completion of the placement. While cast-in-situ concrete is cast in its actual location, precast concrete is cast at another location, either at the building site or in a factory, and is then lifted to its final resting place and fixed securely. When all the ports or packers are in place, apply the said mortar in a strip 20mm wide and 2-3 mm thick between the ports and centered on the crack. d. Different substrate priming shall be selected and approved depending upon defect like chloride contaminated concrete etc. 8. 10. a. Survey Aide 6. Less number of joints present in structural system. Concrete spacers shall be pre-installed prior to lifting and installation of steel cages. Cubes shall be numbered consequently and marked: i. all reinforcing bars The tag shall show the manufacturer’s test number and lot number and other applicable data that will identify the material with the certificate issued for that lot of steel. Method Statement for Waterproofing System 2. Total construction time is more as compared to precast. g. Immediately after the formwork has been struck, all exposed faces of the repair should be thoroughly soaked with clean water to remove residual traces of the shutter release agent. 14. implemented as required by this method statement and similar is in the place for back up arrangements. 1. During the casting, periodic checking of the verticality and stability of formworks shall be done. All waste shall be disposed as per Construction and Environmental Management Plan, ref. 4. 2. V.5.3.1 General REINFORCED CONCRETE FRAME BUILDINGS Reinforced concrete (RC) frames consist of horizontal elements (beams) and vertical elements (columns) connected by rigid joints. Probable Cause/s: Impact from Heavy Object; Form Stripping, Poor Vibration, Loss of Grout. There are various types of precast concrete frames such as skeletal frame, H frame and portal frame. c. The elements to be concreted. Where preparation techniques result in voids of greater than 10 mm depth, alternate method and material shall be used as approved material data sheet. All steel reinforcement to be used shall be from an approved manufacturer. The contractor shall ensure that curing shall be done as per approved curing compound. 4. In wet weather, the concrete shall be adequately protected as soon as it is placed. Appendix C: Permit to Work V.5.2.1 General Special Safety Requirements 1. a. Honeycomb not exposing rebars; c. Placement should be a continuous process, to avoid the formation of a ‘cold joint. a. V. General Determine and report any non-conformance and recommended corrective actions. The responsibility for inspection and testing of concrete works rests primarily with the Site Engineer and Discipline Foreman with assistance from an audit by the Site Agent and Inspectors. 1. e. Proper curing by means of wet Hessian cloth covered by polythene sheet for at least 2 days or used approved applicable curing materials (water pounding is not recommended). Surface retarders shall not be used on any formwork surface in contact with concrete unless authorized. 9. 5. HCC comprises a combination of in-situ and precast concrete elements. l. time of loading and departure from ready-mix plant P. Curing Compound 4. 12. Perform tasks involving physical labor at building, assists the skilled workers, remove trash, and residual building debris. Rigger As per site requirements It involves pouring liquid concrete into removable forms and then dismantling the forms once the concrete has hardened to leave a solid wall behind. Any defect in concrete shall be recorded including the severity of defect. The addition of small quantities of water to the finishing trowel will be permitted to aid finishing. 6. Deliver sealants in the manufacturer’s original unopened containers. S. Concrete Repair Materials 30 to 40 mm wide and 2 to 3 mm thick. 5. Fixing design shall ensure the correct position and fixation of embedded items. 4. Decreased durability from cracking; Exposed waterstops shall be protected from exposure to conditions which may affect the waterstop and shall be kept free from rust, hydrocarbons and other deleterious material. 2. Surface Preparation Curing shall be started immediately after removal of formwork for all required surfaces using approved curing compound. all embedded Secs We focus on: Continuous Improvement in Health, Safety and Wellbeing for the sector 3. V.1 General 4. The steel bars should be cleaned to a uniform bright condition, and the edge of the repair should be ‘roughened’ to provide a good mechanical key at the substrate interface. For concrete using PFA/GGBS the curing (sealed type) period shall be a minimum of Seven days after casting. Where concrete is to be placed on the rock, loose, shattered or unsound rock fragments shall be removed. injection hose at a 45 deg. a. that concrete testing is being carried out in accordance with the requirements of Project Specifications and approved ITP Formwork Release Agent Cast-in-place concrete is a common type of building material for commercial structures and residential homes alike. 11. The curing period above may then be reduced in proportion subject to approval. The tag will show the manufacturer’s test number and lot number and other applicable data that will identify the material with the certificate issued for that lot of steel. All loose material shall be removed before starting construction joint between vertical members and vertical to horizontal structural connections before proceeding further. c. With clean water. 7. b. control of heat build-up by limiting voltage, electrode size, and rate PRECAST CONCRETE CAST-IN-SITU-CONCRETE * Elements are manufactured in a controlled casting environment and have it is easier to control mix, placement and curing. In situ concrete slab. 14. V.8.2 Potential Problems Associated with Concreting in Hot Weather Carry out pre-construction survey to fix the locations and corresponding elevations as per the approved shop drawings. Bearing Plate/Base Plate Kicker sections of walls, columns etc. XI. F. Tie Wires 1.6mm b. Section of work from which samples are taken Kickers shall be done as per approved shop drawings. Chief Surveyor Check if proper access is available. All piece marks are to be correlated with test reports and plan layouts or erection drawings. Mason Upon approval of waterproofing works, preparation for concrete casting shall follow. Disposal Requirements 3. Mats used for curing can either be left in place and kept saturated for completion of the curing, or can be subsequently replaced by curing compound, plastic sheeting, reinforced paper, straw, or water. 4. Mr. Ritesh Patel is a Civil Engineer who has earned Bachelor’s degree in 2005. Site Planning b. a. Pouring side: Special Safety Requirements Subcontractor/Suppliers 10. 8. Contractor shall ensure that all gate passes, permits, tools, materials for safety precautions, manpower and equipment are available before commencement of work. 3. Cast-in-place concrete dates back to early experiments by Thomas Edison. 8. 4. Shores of abnormal height or special requirements shall be specially designed. But prior to this, ensure that approved bonding agent is applied. Grooves shall be formed by using timber or other approved formers and shall not be formed by cutting back or raking out the joint filler. 7. Gauge 1000 approved Polyethylene Sheet 16. The concrete plan shall suite the method of placing concrete so that continuous flow of concrete is available at all times and cold joints can be avoided. 9. Exposed steel reinforcement should be securely held in place to avoid movement during application, as this will affect the compaction, build and bond of the mortar; This document applies to all concrete foundation, below ground structure, slab on grade, column, beam, retaining wall, slabs, raft concrete works, precast concrete work, concrete repair work and any structural work where concreting is required. Duration of works shall be as per Baseline Schedule, 7. 8. No concrete shall be placed in a foundation until the extent of excavation and the character of bearing material have been approved and no concrete shall be placed in any structure until the placement of reinforcing steel and the adequacy of the forms and falsework has been approved. It can be defined as the ability of a material to … revolved 300 revolutions, whichever comes first, after the introduction of the mixing water to the cement and aggregates or the introduction of the cement to the aggregates. f. One end of the injection hose shall be attached to the lowest packer on vertical cracks or to either end of horizontal cracks. If water stop resin has been used to stop the flow of running water, drill out the same holes and re-inject with the permanent seal resin. Immediately prior to application of approved material, the prepared substrate should be blown clean with oil-free compressed air. Their design must be checked before construction. Precast concrete does not offer a monolithic architectural character. cured. Supervision and Monitoring Arrangements, Ref: CIRIA C660: Early Age Thermal Crack Control in Concrete, V.8.2 Potential Problems Associated with Concreting in Hot Weather, V.10 Sampling and Testing (Based on QCS 2010), V.11.2.9 Non- structural cracks, e.g. Photographs would be taken for information to maintain traffic safety record-keeping. Appendix B: Risk Assessment 9. V. Tolerances 2. 4. 10. Reinforced concrete flat slab; In situ concrete frame with post tensioned slab; For all options the foundations have been designed as unreinforced mass concrete pads, the core construction is steelwork cross braced framing with a medium density blockwork infill for the steel options and concrete shear walls for the concrete options. We are an independent family run company specialising in groundwork, concrete works, agricultural and industrial buildings. The contractor is responsible for remedial measures. 1. The coupled bar assembly tensile strength shall exceed 287.5 N/mm2 for grade 250 bars, and 483 N/mm2 for grade 460 bars. Method Statement for Temperature Control and Monitoring for Mass Concrete Implement removal, replacement, or remedial work 13. The joints of waterstops shall be glued by epoxy cement in formed recesses. The foreman monitors employees to ensure that the work is done efficiently and within quality standards. Ltd. They are constructed directly on the openings monolithically with the masonry walls or columns. 1. 7. Contact between concrete materials and fresh concrete with metal surfaces exposed to solar radiation should be minimized. Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) shall be provided. Immediately before placing the blinding concrete the rock surfaces shall be thoroughly wetted so that water is not absorbed from the blinding concrete. 4. Excavation Specification In-situ Columns Many structures will require in-situ columns. will be placed at approximately 25m from the last advanced signs. Consider the following in-situ frame and its bending moment diagrams. Assist Surveyors in taking measurements, record measurements manually or electronically, and peg out boundaries. 2. 10. a. You can reach him via Twitter ID. 3. a. high ambient air temperature Curing shall not take place until all material related to subjected curing (e.g. Cast-in-Situ Lintels. V.5.1 Preparation for Pour First Aider Equipment/Machinery Operator Reference Documentation The Contractor shall assess the weather conditions immediately prior to pouring concrete in watertight concrete structures and shall if necessary, either suspend placing of watertight concrete or carry out placing during the late afternoon or evening if the weather is considered to be too hot and/or sunny. Note that water can be drawn to the surface if ‘overworking’ with the float occurs, and an unsightly finish may result. In-situ concrete is strong, durable, stable, readily available and relatively economic in terms of construction and life time maintenance. c. Superintendents Notices/Memos This paper explores various stakeholder views on the reasons for adopting a particular solution, and the particular challenges associated with the use of hybrid concrete. Materials Work Force 2. a. Elements of varying lengths and shape can be developed. The other method is called precast concrete, in which building components are manufactured in a central plant and later brought to the building site for assembly. Preparations must be made to transport, place, consolidate and finish the concreting works at quickest time as possible. For priming in other conditions, apply approved primer as per its current instructions. d. If packers are being used, drill holes along the center of crack to accept the packers. Verticality and post concrete dimension check is a must for all elements. consistency of cement used for concrete in hot weather conditions It is essential that the approved material is thoroughly mixed and that the temperature of the mixed material should be below the maximum allowable temperature as per approved data sheet. 1. 6. 1. G. Formwork Release Agent Where permission for welding is given by the Engineer, the following shall apply: An overall Case Study will be prepared for the project as a whole, summarising the overall benefits. 2. Continue with the succeeding ports until the grouting process completed. a. Blowholes The use of freshly ground cement at very high temperature shall not be permitted; d. Fully expose any corroded reinforcement in the repair area and continue until uncorroded steel is reached. The temperature difference from core to surface in a cast-in section shall not exceed the limits mentioned in approved ITP unless it can be demonstrated, by measurement of coefficient of thermal expansion of the concrete to be used, that a higher value can be used without risk of early age thermal cracking. Operating procedures site investigation has to be provided at the point of the corrosive elements non-shrink! The relevant standards applicable shall be done as per section V.5.3 concrete elements equipment. Out the injection gun with the succeeding ports until the grouting process completed surface before.... Before proceeding further with precast concrete structure is less compared to the prepared substrate should be per! For the removal of wedges or vibration which might cause damage to permanent structure in partial full! Mixing is done efficiently and within the formwork is capable of handling operational load, concrete temperatures ;.. 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