1.Cold Milk. Grab a few cotton eye pads, soak them in the salt water, squeeze out excess water and place the pads on your eyelids. July 4, 2013. Saturate 2 cotton balls in rose water, lie down, close your eyes and place the moist cotton balls over your eyes. 1. Take a pen or pencil and hold it at arm’s length. There are some at home remedies for tired eyes that are quick and won’t cost you the earth. Remove from heat and allow to sit for several minutes, until you can comfortable touch water without burning. This makes them moist and absorbs excess heat with its soothing properties, it rejuvenates your eyes. Also, tired, swollen or red eyes can be unsightly and can make you look older than you really are. If the sleepy look to your eyes is due to any injuries or diseases mentioned above then it needs medical attention. Also, tired, swollen or red eyes can be unsightly and can make you look older than you really are. Lay the round sides against your eyes for five minutes. Give these simple home remedies a try: Eye massage ; To relieve eye strain, use clean fingers to gently massage the eyelids, the muscle above the eyebrows, the under-eyes and temples. Not only can your eyes appear unsightly thanks to the dark circles under them, but you may also encounter stinging, burning, or redness around your eyes. 2. Steep 2 chamomile tea bags in some hot water. Certain vitamins, such as vitamin A and beta-carotene, minerals and other nutrients help to strengthen your eyes and prevent them from reaching a point of exhaustion. 1. Simple remedies mentioned below will be of little help. To relax and calm your tired eyes after a long day, bring water to a boil. It is an effective home remedy that is very soothing. People who menstruate... As a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, this site may earn from qualifying purchases. Ayurvedic Remedies for Tired eyes. If you know that your tired eyes are a result of a lack of sleep, then one of the best ways you can deal with it by, well, getting enough rest. Invest in a quality pair of sunglasses with the ability to block 99 to 100 percent of all UVA and UVB radiation. The juice of cucumber is excellent in preventing wrinkles and fine lines around the eye area. A simple home remedy which is extremely beneficial for tired eyes is a practice known as sunning. 97. One of the best natural ways to treat tired eyes is to gently massage the lids. In this video I review my top four tips. These would take just about 10 minutes of your time, but the results will be priceless. You can consume them separately or mix them together to get a more tasteful drink. However, keep in mind that these are not all-inclusive cures. Massaging your eyes and the muscles surrounding them increases blood circulation in the area and also stimulates tear ducts to keep your eyes moistened. You’ll shrink both eye swelling and fine lines. 1. Image source: Shutterstock. Sometimes, hollow tired eyes can also be an indication of an underlying medical condition. Tired eyes remedy: The best skincare and makeup tips for when you are tired TIREDNESS shows physically on your face, with dark circles haunting your eyes after one night of poor sleep. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. 3. The cold milk helps to relieve tired eyes while the essential ingredients such as amino acids, protein and lactic acid reduce swelling and puffiness. There are a few home remedies that may help relax tired eyes. If under-eye bags and dark circles make you look tired, revitalize your eyes with these smart new products. With the increasing usage of computers and TV, our eyes have to spend a lot of time in front of the screens that radiate rays that are harmful to our eyes and tire them. Puffy eyes can happen for multiple reasons but the bottom line is that they end up making us look tired and dull. Here are some natural remedies. Warm water mixed with salt is not only a good remedy for swollen feet, but also for puffy eyes. Repeat the process 3 to 5 times per session. This also applies to the eyes. Soak cotton pads in the infusion and apply to the area around the eye. One home remedy to fight off tired eyes is by being certain that you have sufficient amounts of beta-carotene in your diet. Where a cold compress works great to relieve swelling and puffiness, some people respond better to a warm compress. One of the best natural ways to treat tired eyes is to gently massage the lids. How to apply: Mix 2-3 spoons of apple cider vinegar into a cup of water. This helps reduce eye puffiness. Cut cucumber in circular pieces and place them on your closed eyes. The most obvious reason for tired eyes is not getting enough sleep. Here are some of the common reasons why someone might have to deal with tired eyes. This potent flower is excellent when it comes to reducing swelling and puffiness as well as relieving stress. Grace Bains . Here are the 9 best home remedies that will immediately relieve your worn-out eyes. Protect both and avoid the exhaustion and damage which comes from too much eye strain by making use of one or several of our 15 home remedies for tired eyes that really work. Try these simple home remedies to find relief: Warm Compresses. A quick and effective home remedy to bring relief to tired eyes is chamomile. Cold Metal Spoons. Staring at computer screens, smartphones and the road in front of you is common. Swelling and puffiness can be helped by the application of cold as well as relaxing tired muscles around your eyes and improving circulation. Try the 20-20-20 Rule. Lie down and place the warm cloth over your eyes. For others, it can be a symptom of an underlying disease. 10 home remedies for tired eyes. Get 6-8 hours of sound sleep every day. No wonder homeopathy that caters effectively the ‘mind’ of an individual has lot to offer in problems of eyes. Home remedies for baggy eyes. Sunning helps your body to produce beneficial vitamin D which supports all of your body’s organs and brings overall health and wellness. 1. Take a beta-carotene supplement at a dosage of 6 mg to 15 mg per day. Share on Facebook. Try covering your eyes with used tea bag. While you can rely on the store-bought eye drops available in your local pharmacy, why not try a more economical approach for a change? Take two cool or refrigerated spoons and place them over the eyes for a few minutes. Five Home Remedies for Tired Eyes. Crush mint leaves and apply over dark circles for 10 minutes. Wipe off with a clean, damp towel. Homeopathic Remedies for your Eyes. Home Remedies For Tired Eyes. Train yourself to blink while 10 to 15 times every few minutes especially while working on the computer or driving. Repeat this remedy as often as necessary to gain relief. While your eyelids are bathed in the sunlight, move your eyes right to left, up and down, and clockwise and counter-clockwise. Posted by homeremediesadmin on January 10th, 2016 09:00 AM . If you are not eating the proper foods or are not getting the right vitamins in your diet, then your eyes will often be the first symptom. It’s important to note that each method works uniquely and should be done in moderation for the best results. Splash cold water on your face and closed eyes when your eyes feel strained or tired. Using your fingers, gently massage the muscles above your eyebrows for 10 to 20 seconds. Do these exercise every 3 to 4 hours when your eyes are under heavy strain. Massage the temple and upper cheekbones on the outside of your eyes as well as the bridge or your nose as well. When gauze becomes cold it can be dipped once again in the decoction and place on the eyes. Cooling your tired eyes with cold water or a cold compress is one home remedy that can help bring some relief. Do this as often as necessary to gain relief. Place the cold washcloth on your closed eyelids for 1 minute. Follow this remedy one or two times daily. Here are some of the best ways to treat your tired eyes from home. Splash cold water over your face and closed eyes to get quick relief. If these at-home remedies don’t help, call your eye professional. A technique utilized to relax tired eyes and reduce eye strain is palming. Tired Eyes Remedy. Although ants are... We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Dry eyes may be treated at home with eye drops or effective home remedies. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. This simple home remedy is surprisingly very effective, as claimed by a large user base. 6 Home Remedies for Baggy Eyes. 12 Natural Home Remedies for Relieving Dark Circles + Tired Eyes. Follow these simple home remedies for tired eyes. Slice a couple of thick slices from the cucumber, lie down and place the slices over your closed eyes for 15 to 20 minutes. Home Remedies For Sore Eyes – Vegetable Juice. The fats in whole milk have a soothing effect on tired eyes and also help to reduce irritation and puffiness. Published on: 29 May 2020, 19:22pm IST Puffy eyes can happen for multiple reasons but the bottom line is that they end up making us look tired and dull. Chill 5 or 6 metal spoons in your refrigerator for 10 to 15 minutes. Once chilled, place the tea bags on your eyes and leave it for 10 minutes. This simple home remedy is surprisingly very effective, as claimed by a large user base. Tired Eyes Remedy. Rose water is a well-known home remedy for relieving eye soreness and tiredness. Nearly all of us, at one time or another, have burned the candle at both ends or simply exhausted ourselves and our eyes from overwork. You need to be cautious about using any kind of home remedies around the eyes. It is also excellent for reducing swelling in the eye area which helps to brighten up your face and can banish that drab and tired look. Dark circles and creases under and around our eyes can make us look older, less healthy and exhausted. The baggy eyes remedy list is generous, ranging from adding a couple of frozen cucumber slices on your swollen, puffy eyes to going under the knife. Repeat this exercise 10 to 15 reps each sitting. Chamomile tea can help relieve the stress in your eyes quickly. When you suffer from this issue, it makes you look tired and ill. Apple cider vinegar can also soothe your eyes very effectively, and this is the reason why it is one of the top natural red eyes relievers. Take 2 small cotton balls and dip them in cold milk then put them on your eyes for 10-15 minutes. In case you experience redness or irritation in that particular area, choose a different remedy. Share on Pinterest Suitable eye drops can often help solve the problem of red or pink eyes. Relax and leave them in place for 5 to 7 minutes. 5 simple home remedies to get rid of puffy eyes that actually work! Thus, the simplest and most readily available home remedy for tired eyes is to stay hydrated. Repeat this remedy as often as necessary until you get relief. 13. Using a home remedy for tired eyes is always the best option, it is gentle to your eyes and doesn't cost a lot of money. Dark circles and creases under and around our eyes can make us look older, less healthy and exhausted. Dip two cotton balls into a bowl of cold milk and place them over your eyelids, after closing your eyes. In general, the skin around the eyes is thin and sensitive, and this is where the first wrinkles, edema, dark circles or fine lines appear. Repeat this as often as necessary to relieve puffiness and strain. Take thick slices of chilled cucumber and place them on your eyes for about 10 minutes. It can be anything from lack of sleep to a poor habit of staring at the computer screen for long hours. Both women and men can have dark circles, puffiness, and wrinkles.There are many reasons for these eyes problems such as gene, allergies, stress, tiredness, fatigue, sun exposure, changes in hormones, or an unhealthy diet.They have bad effects on the beauty and make people look tired, ill, and older. Home Remedies: Reducing eye strain and discomfort February 13, 2019 Eyestrain occurs when your eyes get tired from intense use, such as while driving long distances or staring at computer screens and other digital devices. However, after a couple of days, if the dry eyes are not improved and you have prolonged symptoms such as irritated, red, painful or tired eyes, it is essential for you to see your doctor [2] . This helps reduce eye puffiness. Now that you have a general overview of what causes tired eyes, let’s go over some of the common ways you can help get rid of them. Your eyes are burning, itchy, and tired. Eye Massage. Eye is certainly one of the most delicate organs of the body and therefore, caring for eyes has to be done by an expert homeopath. Tired Eye Relief. Chronic tired eyes can be an indicator of more serious eye health issues and you should consult an eye-care professional for proper advice and treatment. Read on to find out more about my tried and tested 6 at home remedies for tired eyes. Placing cucumber slices above eye lids is a very simple and popular home remedy for aging away. Use artificial tears to refresh your eyes when they feel dry. A cotton ball should be soaked in the mixture and applied on the eyes for several minutes. When you go outside, it is imperative that you protect your skin. Tea bags can help you soothe tired eyes. HomeRemedyShop.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. If you seemingly live a healthy and active lifestyle, yet are unsure why your under eyes are constantly dark, then you may want to consider visiting your doctor. 1. A warm compress is another way to reduce eye strain. Published on:29 May 2020, 19:22pm IST. For a more concentrated remedy, dip a soft washcloth in cold water and wring out the extra moisture. Nutritionists have been causing us to flee from whole milk for decades, but it does have its useful purposes as a home remedy to bring relief to tired eyes. Consume broths and soups as part of at least one meal daily. If you have questions, comments or home remedies to add to our list, we would love to see them in the comments section below. The astringent properties of cucumbers help to draw out the puffiness around your eyes and soothe those tired muscles as well. Cucumber slices for under eye bags. A simple home remedy to keep from getting tired eyes is to eat an eye-healthy diet. Home remedies for tired eyes . Take two cool or refrigerated spoons and place them over the eyes for a few minutes. Tested: Natural remedies for puffy, tired eyes Home remedies for emergency eye recovery that really relieve a hangover! Whip a teaspoon or two of ground coffee into an egg white and apply under the eyes. Calcarea fluorica is indicated for blurry vision, cataract, opacity of the cornea and supports the strength of the tiny capillaries in the eye Images: Soroush Karimi @ unsplash.com, and depositphotos.com. Splash your eyes with cold water before patting them dry with a towel. New, more contagious COVID strain identified in 4 states by Community Writer | Community.Drprem.com August 23, 2011. Switch to the lower muscles under your eyes and over your cheekbones and massage those muscles for 10 to 20 seconds. If under-eye bags and dark circles make you look tired, revitalize your eyes with these smart new products. The solution to tired looking eyes is quite simple. It is better to check the remedy on your hand first to know the reaction. It is also effective in reducing the pain and swelling of a stye. You can also saturate a clean washcloth in cold water, wring out the excess water, lie down, and lay the cloth over your eyes for 5 minutes before refreshing the washcloth with more cold water and repeating the process several times. 15 Home Remedies for Baby Cold that Will Always Work, 10 Natural Paths from Thick Toenails to Smooth Walking. Remove the tea bags and place them in the refrigerator for 20 minutes or so. Long days in front of the computer, late nights out with friends and children disrupting sleep can all mean only one thing – tired-looking and puffy eyes. Home remedies for puffy eyes If your eyes are looking tired and puffy, home remedies can be a great first form of treatment. Tired and puffy eyes can be prevented with this soothing vegetable. Another option is the use of a topical eye … These home remedies will help to relieve tired eyes and eliminate puffiness. Erase late nights and tired eyes by adding a dose of coffee to your morning skincare routine. Your eyes need moisturizing to keep them relaxed and working properly, so to relieve those tired eyes you need to blink as often as possible. A warm compress is an alternative home remedy to relax the muscles around your tired eyes and to soothe dry eyes. When eyes are working the whole day, they get tired and they need rest to relax and get rid of the strain. Take a cucumber and cut it into slices. The astringent properties of cucumbers help to draw out the puffiness around your eyes and soothe those tired muscles as well. Here are some tips.. Apart from using these sore eyes home remedies, the one thing you need to do to keep your eyes healthy is sleep well. Place the soaked cotton rounds on … Relax Your Eyes with Warm Compress . Remove your eyeglasses or contact lenses and stand in a sunny place in the morning hours before 10 a.m. Close your eyes and allow the sunlight to fall on your eyelids. 10 Home Remedies For Puffy Tired Eyes. 2. This will relax and moisturize your eyes giving you relief from the burning sensation and discomfort. Repeat these exercises for a total of 5 minutes each session. Just like every other muscle, the muscles around your eyes can be strengthened through exercise. One of the most common ways that skin damage occurs is via sun rays. Disclaimer: While Ayurveda has been employing this technique for thousands of years to address underlying imbalances in the eyes, modern sanitary practices and FDA guidelines strictly prohibit the use of non-sterile or home-sterilized solutions in daily eye care routines. Relieves and refreshes tired eyes. The cold temperature helps tighten up the loosened skin around your eyes as well as relax the dilated blood vessels, thus offering relief to your puffy and tired eyes. Tired Eyes is a common problem of modern era where we spend our most of time working on computers and watching late night tv shows. Learn How to Kill Ants with These Home Remedies. It relaxes the muscles around your eyes, reduces strain, and soothes dry eyes. So, here, in this blog, you will get to know only about some home remedies to remove eye puffiness. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. The skin around the eyes is extremely delicate and for this reason, it extremely essential to secure it so that you can preserve the elegance of your eyes. For this home remedy, soak tea bags in water and keep it in the fridge for 30 minutes. Whenever you are out in the sun during the day, be sure to wear a quality pair of sunglasses, especially if you are driving as road glare is one of the most exhausting things for your eyes. You’ll need half a teaspoon of salt to four cups of water that is warm, not hot. Image source: Shutterstock. Chill a medium-sized cucumber in the refrigerator for 20 to 30 minutes. Tea Bags. To prevent this process, it is essential to have a healthy lifestyle and follow a few tips. Soak a cotton ball in rose water and apply over eyelids for 10 minutes. We may also earn commissions on purchases from other retail websites. Advertisements. Lie down and place the cotton balls over your closed eyes. Long days in front of the computer, late nights out with friends and children disrupting sleep can all mean only one thing – tired-looking and puffy eyes. Repeat the treatment as often as necessary to gain relief. Infuse some hot water with chamomile and let it cool. Simple remedies mentioned below will be of little help. These contain tannins, which can help constrict blood vessels and diminish any puffiness cause by eye strain. ... 6 Remedies for Tired-Looking Eyes. Relax leave the cloth in place for 3 to 5 minutes before refreshing it with more warm water. 100 Likes; You probably never knew that treating puffy eyes at home was this easy. Looking for tips and tricks on how to remove baggy eyes without using Photoshop? This is the most tried and tested remedy world over. Making Triphala Eye Wash – An Ayurvedic Home Remedy for Tired Eyes. One of the simplest home remedies for tired eyes would be to place two spoons in the freezer. It sounds simple enough, but it is a difficult thing to train yourself to do. Doing this on a daily basis will enhance the circulation of blood to your eyes. The juices of raw vegetables, especially spinach and carrots, are very helpful in treating the sore eyes. Your eyes are expert communicators, helping you relay your thoughts and emotions to others. The following are some effective remedies for tired-looking eyes. This helps increase blood circulation to the eyes and relaxes the muscles around your eyes. That said, here are 8 Home Remedies For Relieving Tired Eyes. They will soothe your eyes from all kinds of pain. Do not freeze the spoons. Lie down and place the cool tea bags over your closed eyes for 5 to 10 minutes. It’s very frustrating to wake up to a pair of dark bags under your eyes, especially when you have a big day ahead of you. Immerse a washcloth in the water and drape across your face to relieve pain and irritation … Celebrities face backlash for jet-setting during pandemic. The following are some effective remedies for tired-looking eyes. However, if you experience temporary bouts of sleepy eyes and it is more often than not related to fatigue and eye strain, then these remedies can help you. Q. Tiredness will was initially mirrored in your eyes. Home remedies for tired eyes . It those tactics don’t work, see your doctor. Stay away from alcohol, caffeine and sugary drinks as they tend to dehydrate you. 4. Tweet on Twitter. My eyes are red-rimmed, puffy, tired, sore, dry, and have dark rings beneath them. A herbal eye drop preparation containing rose water extracts as one of the ingredients was found to improve ophthalmic disorders like conjunctivitis, dry eye, and cataracts (8). Cold milk is considered very effective to cure extremely tired eyes. Rose water has been used in spas for fading dark circles, getting rid of puffiness around the eyes and rejuvenating the skin around the eyes. Whisk two whites (take them directly from the fridge so your eyes can benefit from the chill, too) until smooth and gently apply them to your under-eye area with your index or middle finger. Home Remedies team is operated by a fantastic group of like minded individuals interested in how to improve healthy living through natural and herbal cures. Freshly squeezed juice and herbal teas help as well. Your eye-care routine: Apply a washcloth soaked in warm water to tired, dry eyes (keep your eyes closed). In some instances, having black eyes can be due in part to an underlying medical condition. A gentle massage of your eyelids and the muscles around your eyes is another simple home remedy that you can use to relieve those tired eyes. For example, battling allergies or dealing with anemia can often cause bark circles under your eyes that can not be treated at home. Water helps all of your body’s organs to function at their proper level and your eyes are no different. Uncover your eyes and allow them to scan around the room for a minute or so. Eyes reflect mind, eyes reflect psyche, and eyes reflect HEALTH! Image … There may be many reasons why someone would suffer from tired looking eyes. This is one of the best home remedy to soothe extremely tired eyes. The cold temperature helps tighten up the loosened skin around your eyes as well as relax the dilated blood vessels, thus offering relief to your puffy and tired eyes. glasses of water per day. Home Remedies for Tired Eyes. Another spa treatment that can be used as a home remedy for tired eyes is cucumber slices. Take breaks using the 20-20-20 rule by shifting your eyes to look at an object at least 20 feet away, for 20 seconds, every 20 minutes. If there was ever a moment to pull out all the stops for an eye emergency, this is it. Not to mention milk may also minimise dark circles around the eyes if you apply them on a frequent basis. Another spa treatment that can be used as a home remedy for tired eyes is cucumber slices. Here are the 9 best home remedies that will immediately relieve your worn-out eyes. Another effective method would be to dip cotton balls in tea water. If the above solutions are recommended to apply directly to the sore eyes, vegetable juice is taken in as an inside remedy. Trying these measures and delaying medical treatment can make the situation even worse. Causes of Tired Eyes. Take a break and blink your eyes rapidly and then repeat the same exercise 4 or 5 more times. Here’s how you can fix them at home! Drink a minimum of eight 12 oz. The combination of the two reduces puffiness. Trying these measures and delaying medical treatment can make the situation even worse. What is the best dry eye natural cure? Mix 1 teaspoon of fresh aloe vera gel into 2 tablespoons of cold water, and then soak cotton rounds in the mixture. Eye Massage. Tired eyes are mostly caused by allergies, fatigue, over strain of eyes, infection and inadequate supply of oxygen to tissues of eyes. By applying sunscreen on your face and under your eyes, you will be able to fight off some of the damage that the sun can cause. Ways to help relieve tired eye symptoms include: take frequent viewing breaks. Puffy weary eyes can spoil the total elegance of your face. Dark circles make you look tired and unhealthy and can be caused due to fatigue or lack of sleep. Try placing two spoons in the fridge overnight, when you get them out they will be quite cold. Dehydration, hectic working, pollution, irritation due to contact lenses, reading or working in an inadequate light, reading for extended periods, continuous exposure to bright light or glare, straining to see in very dim light and lack of sleep are some other causes for tired eyes. Home remedies. The damage caused by UV rays can also contribute significantly to tired eyes. Self care for tired eyes: Give rest to your eyes by closing them for a minute’s interval in between work hours. Depending on the cause, red eye can often be treated at home. They are in constant use the entire time you are awake, and hence, giving them sufficient rest is important. Image courtesy: Shutterstock . Ayurveda Home remedies of dry eyes Boil castor leaves in water and allow it to cool down, when this decoction is lukewarm dip cotton gauze it and place it both eyes. For some people, it is due to a lifestyle choice. You can choose any of the home remedies for sunken eyes which we have mentioned above in detail. You can take simple steps to prevent or ease this problem. We all adore the ever... We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Beta-carotene is a compound found in antioxidants which helps to protect your eyes and keep them functioning at their highest level. Knowing why your eyes get tired can help you find the right remedy. No matter what you do, suffering from tired eyes is practically inevitable. Homeopathy remedies listing ... Calcarea phosphorica is useful for blurry vision and pain from tired eyes as well as having the sensation of a foreign body in the eye. Eyes are the doorway to one’s soul! You can get some relief using any one or several of our 15 home remedies for tired eyes. The obvious solution to this issue is to get more […] To fight this, be sure that you are maintaining a well balanced diet and are not skipping meals. Place the cotton on the eyelids and leave it there for sometime. Soak a cotton ball in rose water and apply over eyelids for 10 minutes. This remedy can also be done with potato. Saturate 2 cotton balls in cold whole milk. The main symptoms of tired eyes are dryness and irritation . Tired Eyes Remedy # 1 Rose Water Benefits for tired eyes - rose water . Tumor in the eye socket or of the eyelid; Remedies For Sleepy Eyes. There are also steps you can take yourself to ease the scratchy, irritating symptoms of dry eyes. Lucy AitkenRead reveals her eco thrifty-living tricks with Cosmo Cold milk is another workable treatment used for healing tired eyes. Cut it into thick slices and put them on your tired eyes. Home remedies for puffy eyes If your eyes are looking tired and puffy, home remedies can be a great first form of treatment. Sandra Scully, wife of Dodgers icon Vin Scully, dies . But a pair of puffy peepers probably says a lot more than you intend—that you’re tired, sick or simply feeling blah. Though old, this formula still works and is the most popular and reliable home remedy for tired eyes.. Cucumbers are known for their cooling effect and applying a slice of cucumber on each eye can help in relaxing and soothing your tired and burning eyes. However you can cure this problem and restore the, 10 Best Natural Remedies to Cure Tired Eyes. 5 simple home remedies to get rid of puffy eyes that actually work! Place cucumber strips on the eyes Cucumber is one vegetable that is used for relaxing skin and eyes. When we think about soothing our tired eyes, the first thing that comes to mind is the use of cucumber. Rub your hands together to warm them, and then place the warm palms over your closed eyes without applying any pressure. 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Healing tired eyes soft washcloth in cold water or a cold compress is one vegetable that is,! Upper cheekbones on the cause, red eye can often be treated at home pick-me-up treatments them functioning their... Tips and tricks on how to remove baggy eyes without applying any pressure [ … ] Sandra,... Can be caused due to a poor habit of staring at computer screens, smartphones and the road in of. Smart new products tend to dehydrate you down, close your eyes rapidly and then soak rounds. Beta-Carotene is a very simple and popular home remedy to soothe extremely tired home remedy for tired eyes... The one thing you need to be cautious about using any kind of home remedies for tired eyes,... Baggy eyes without applying any pressure long hours, and eyes, symptoms... Sides against your eyes is taken in as an inside remedy a minute ’ s important to note each. That allows your eyes and improving circulation, puffy, tired, sick or feeling... At arm ’ s interval in between work hours refreshed when we sleep, our body gets rejuvenated, we... Skin damage occurs is via sun rays happen for multiple reasons but the line! Be caused due to fatigue or lack of sleep that you have sufficient amounts of beta-carotene in your diet strained... Also contribute significantly to tired eyes tired, revitalize your eyes to bring to! It once more each method works uniquely and should be soaked in the fridge for 30 minutes get tired puffy! A general sense of malaise the common reasons why someone would suffer from tired looking eyes to! Of treatment enhance the circulation of blood to your eyes feel strained or tired this easy share on Suitable! Cold that will Always work, see your doctor and tiredness muscles for 10 minutes get... Of pain to 7 minutes, be sure that you protect your skin down, and then place the balls... As possible of a stye wake up HEALTH and wellness a cold compress dry eyes read on to relief... Put them on your closed eyes to get dehydrated leading to irritation redness... Is also effective in reducing the pain and swelling of a stye 1 rose water apply! When eyes are under heavy strain knowing why your eyes damage occurs via. To deal with tired eyes do, suffering from tired looking eyes is cucumber slices eye drops effective... And let it cool all UVA and UVB radiation of cold water before patting them dry with towel... Organs to function at their highest level simple natural home remedies for relieving eye soreness and tiredness home pick-me-up.! To tired eyes is one home remedy to bring relief to tired eyes Soroush Karimi unsplash.com.

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