We elaborate on this in Section A2 of the supplementary material available at Biostatistics online. Chi Heem Wong, Kien Wei Siah, Andrew W Lo, Estimation of clinical trial success rates and related parameters, Biostatistics, Volume 20, Issue 2, April 2019, Pages 273–286, https://doi.org/10.1093/biostatistics/kxx069. Our 13.8% overall POS is higher than their 9.6%. The POS of orphan drug development programs. If, for example, Phase 2 data are missing for certain approved drugs, the estimated POS|$_{1,{\rm APP}}$| would be biased downward. Most cancer patients fail to take advantage of clinical trials due to lack of awareness. Finally, the overall POS for individual therapeutic groups when considering only lead indications shows mixed directions in comparison to the respective overall POS specific to the indication. We believe these revised estimates of the success rates of clinical trials will provide greater risk transparency to drug developers, investors, policymakers, and patients. FDA Approval Does Not Mean the Drug or Vaccine Works Well. We further note that if no phase transitions are missing, the path-by-path and phase-by-phase methods should produce the same results, but the former will be more representative of actual approval rates if phase transitions are missing. "Success" means that the drug or vaccine eventually received approval from a regulatory body like the FDA. The data set included 406,038 trials (of which 185,994 were unique)1 and well over 21,000 compounds. Should You Worry About Artificial Sweeteners? But this number masks a wide variation by therapeutic area. Since the FDA has a 6-month period to decide if it wishes to follow-up on a filing, and an additional 18 months to deliver a verdict, this places the overall time between Phase 3 and Approval to about 30 months, hence we set |$t_3 = 900$| days. By testing treatments that are tailored to the underlying biology of patients’ tumors, these trials are designed to overcome some of the greatest challenges facing cancer research: increasing the success rate of clinical trials and the speed with which safe and effective cancer therapies are made available to patients. Terminated Phase 2 trials tend to conclude 8.1 months earlier than advanced Phase 2 trials. At the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) conference in Chicago on Monday, Merck announced that in the Keynote-189 trial of … Dr. Alex Berezow is a PhD microbiologist, science writer, and public speaker who specializes in the debunking of junk science for the American Council on Science and Health. Treatment was well tolerated with no occurrences of symptomatic left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Oncology drugs are the least likely to succeed, while vaccines are the most likely. Most drug and vaccine candidates fail. We find that the median clinical trial durations are 1.6, 2.9, and 3.8 years, for trials in Phases 1, 2, and 3, respectively. We estimate aggregate success rates, completion rates (CRs), phase-transition probabilities, and trial durations, as well as more disaggregated measures across various dimensions such as clinical phase, disease, type of organization, and whether biomarkers are used. As can be seen, there is substantial variation in the use of biomarkers across therapeutic areas. Source: Chi Heem Wong, Kien Wei Siah, Andrew W Lo. To determine if a drug development program has been terminated in the last observed phase or is still ongoing, we use a simple heuristic: if the time elapsed between the end date of the most recent Phase |$i$| and the end of our sample exceeds a certain threshold |$t_i$|, we conclude that the trial has terminated. For instance, neither the antiviral drug Tamiflu nor the seasonal flu vaccine are particularly impressive. Results A total of 309 eligible patients were approached about trial enrollment. Sponsor: The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust. The POS over the period of January 1, 2005, to October 31, 2015, computed using a 3-year rolling window from January 1 in year |$t-2$| to December 31 in year |$t$|, with the exception of the last window, which terminates on October 31, 2015. Table 4 contains POS estimates for drugs that treat rare diseases, also known as ‘orphan drugs’. Furthermore, as 92.3% of the trials using biomarkers in our database are observed only on or after January 1, 2005, we do not include trials before this date to ensure a fair comparison of the POS between trials that do and do not use biomarkers. No matter what the FDA says, basic biology ultimately will determine how successful a vaccine is. The relative performance of the various therapeutic groups remains the same when considering only lead indications, with oncology remaining the lowest performing group at 11.4% for POS|$_{1,\rm APP}$|. However, terminated Phase 3 trials concluded about 3.2 months after advanced Phase 3 trials. The research team examined clinical trial drug development programs from 1998 to 2012 to determine how often breast cancer drugs were brought to market. Biomarkers are seldom used outside of oncology. There are some minor deviations, such as the POS of drugs and vaccines for infectious diseases increasing between 2005 and 2007. These results consider only trials that use biomarkers in patient stratification. Only 14.6% (59 208) of the data points required the estimation of end-dates. We provide a more detailed analysis of the differences between our analysis and Thomas and others (2016) in Section A7 of the supplementary material available at Biostatistics online. Some trials are missing end-dates due to the failure of their sponsors to report this information. However, this assumption breaks down when we look at short windows of duration, for example, in a rolling window analysis to estimate the change in the POS over time. Prudent resource allocation relies on the accurate and timely assessment of risk. Their results were published in the journal Biostatistics in 2018. In the landmark study of this area, Hay and others (2014) analyzed 7372 development paths of 4451 drugs using 5820 phase transitions. (, Hay M., Thomas D. W., Craighead J. L., Economides C. and Rosenthal J. Clinical Trial Success Rates by Phase and Therapeutic Area, The Next Plague and How Science Will Stop It. Table 3 shows only trials that use biomarkers to stratify patients. See why a U-M oncologist believes the oncology clinical trial failure rate is so high. This is done by considering only those drug development programs with phases that ended between |$t_1$| and |$t_2$| in the computation of the POS. Achieving success in the development of a cancer drug continues to be challenging. Drug development is not for the feint of heart. POS of drug development programs with and without biomarkers, using data from January 1, 2005, to October 31, 2015, computed using the phase-by-phase method. Oncology drugs have a puny 3.4% success rate, while vaccines for infectious diseases have a 33.4% success rate. We find that 13.8% of all drug development programs eventually lead to approval, which is higher than the 10.4% reported by Hay and others (2014) and the 9.6% reported by Thomas and others (2016). Given our development-path framework, we can compute the POS using an algorithm that recursively considers all possible drug-indication pairs and determines the maximum observed phase. The same concern will remain for any approved coronavirus drug or vaccine. In our database, only 7.1% of all drug development paths that use biomarkers use them in all stages of development. Caution must be exercised in interpreting the results for 2015, which very likely overestimate the true success rates due to boundary effects. Conflict of Interest: No conflicts of interest are declared for Chi Heem Wong and Kien Wei Siah. We also thank them and Justin Burns, Linda Blackerby, Lara Boro, and James Wade for specific comments on this manuscript. s = \begin{cases}
However, success rates were higher for … A drug development program is the investigation of a particular drug for a single indication (see top diagram of Figure S2 of the supplementary material available at Biostatistics online). This indicates that our algorithm produces similar results even when a different data set is used. Are "Low Dose" Health Effects of Chemicals Real? There are a plethora of drugs and vaccines in the pipeline to treat or prevent COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. In the first, we investigate the use of biomarkers only for patient selection, as did Thomas and others (2016). {\rm POS}_{j,j+1}^{p} (t_1,t_2) & = \frac{n^{j+1}(t_1, t_2)-n_m^j(t_1, t_2)}{n^j(t_1, t_2) - n_{ip}^{j}(t_1, t_2)}\\
There are currently no clear estimates of success rates in clinical trials for breast cancer drugs and the factors that can impact success. While Phase 3 trials are often riskier and costlier, they have a higher CR than Phase 2 trials. Our phase-specific POS estimates are higher in all phases. \end{align}. Broadly speaking, orphan drug development has significantly lower success rates, with only 6.2% of drug development projects reaching the market. Abrantes-Metz and others (2005) surveyed 2328 drugs using 3136 phase transitions (e.g., from Phase 1 to Phase 2 in the approval process), while DiMasi and others (2010) studied 1316 drugs from just 50 companies. A significantly different pattern emerges when we consider the phase POS for lead indications. Funding: Accuray, Varian, and The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. ACSH does not have an endowment. Biostatistics 20(2): April 2019, Pages 273-286. Previous studies of success rates have been constrained by the data in several respects. We thank Informa for providing us access to their data and expertise and are particularly grateful to Christine Blazynski, Mark Gordon, and Michael Hay for many helpful comments and discussion throughout this project. Without up-to-date estimates of the POS, however, investors may misjudge the risk and value of drug development, leading to lost opportunities for both investors and patients. Conversely, the POS for lead indications may be higher if many of the initiated clinical trials for the same drug fail. Figure S1 in Section A1 of the supplementary material available at Biostatistics online contains an illustrative sample of the data set and some basic summary information. In contrast, extant papers define the phase transition probability as the ratio of observed phase transitions to the number of observed drug development programs in Phase, \begin{align}\label{eqn4}
"Estimation of clinical trial success rates and related parameters." In our industry-sponsored analysis, we counted 41 040 development paths or 67 752 phase transitions after the imputation process. The lowest success rate is in the treatment of cancer where we still have a long way to go to truly understand all the mechanisms in play. Equation 3.1 is the conservation law for drug development paths in Phase |$j+1$|. ip, & \mbox{if all the trials are in progress}\\
This is done by modifying Algorithm 1 (see Figure S5 of supplementary material available at Biostatistics online) to increment counts only if there exists a biomarker trial in that phase. Because there aren't any good alternatives. Phase I Transition Success Rates by Disease Success rates for Phase I ranged from 53.9% to 84.8%, with the average for all disease indications coming in at 63.2%. These findings are similar in spirit to the analysis by Thomas and others (2016), which also found substantial improvement in the overall POS when biomarkers were used. However, when we expanded the definition of a biomarker trial to include trials with the objective of evaluating or identifying the use of any novel biomarker as an indicator of therapeutic efficacy or toxicity, in addition to the selection of patients, we obtained significantly different results (see Table S3 in Section A6 of the supplementary material available at Biostatistics online). We find that the average number of Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, and Phase 4 trials per drug development path are 1.7, 2.0, 2.8, and 3.2, respectively. Clinical Development Success Rates 2006–2015. Gathering such data is expensive, time-consuming, and susceptible to error. n^{j+1}=n^j + n_{m}^{j} - n_{ip}^{j} - n_{t}^{j} \qquad \forall j=1,2,3
One of the biggest challenges in estimating the success rate of clinical trials is access to accurate information on trial characteristics and outcomes. Similar to Abrantes-Metz and others (2005), we examine whether there is a difference between trials that fail to transition to the next phase of drug development (‘terminated’) and those that transition successfully (‘advanced’). The probability that at least one coronavirus vaccine will win FDA approval is quite high, though that does not mean it will work well. In this article, we construct estimates of the POS and other related risk characteristics of clinical trials using 406 038 entries of industry- and non-industry-sponsored trials, corresponding to 185 994 unique trials over 21 143 compounds from Informa Pharma Intelligence’s Trialtrove and Pharmaprojects databases from January 1, 2000 to October 31, 2015. Formerly, he was the founding editor of RealClearScience. Of these, 34.7% (141 086) are industry sponsored and 65.3% (264 952) are non-industry sponsored. This may potentially increase drug development costs and lower the profitability of the drugs in the long run. The probability of success (POS) of a clinical trial is critical for clinical researchers and biopharma investors to evaluate when making scientific and economic decisions. In this article, we attempt to use trial data to trace every drug/indication/sponsor triplet from first trial to last. In two recent papers, Smietana and others (2016) computed statistics using 17 358 phase transitions for 9200 compounds, while Thomas and others (2016) used 9985 phase transitions for 7455 clinical drug development programs. Nonetheless, these results suggest that there is a systemic factor driving the trends over time. The POS by therapeutic group, using data from January 1, 2000, to October 31, 2015. Clinical trials show success for new cancer treatment. Journal of Pharmaceutical Finance, Economics and Policy. \end{equation*}, \begin{equation}\label{eqn1}
Andrew W. Lo has personal investments in several biotechnology companies and venture capital funds; is an advisor to BridgeBio Capital, and a director for the MIT Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research and Roivant Sciences, Ltd.; has received personal fees from AlphaSimplex Group, outside the submitted work; and is a member of the Board of Overseers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Apart from the gains in efficiency, our algorithmic approach allows us to perform previously infeasible computations, such as generating time-series estimates of POS and related parameters. The trials range from January 1, 2000, to October 31, 2015, the latter being the date that we received the data set. The overall POS (POS|$_{1,\rm APP}$|) increases when considering only lead indications, which is in line with the findings by Hay and others (2014). Published by Oxford University Press. Let |$n^j$| be the number of drug development paths with observed Phase |$j$| trials, and |$n^j_s$| be the number of drug development paths where we observe phase transitions of state |$s$| of Phase |$j$| (defined below). \end{align}, \begin{align}\label{eqn5}
Also, no funding bodies had any role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Don't Panic, Everything Goes to Pot: Myths Are Driving FDA, CDC Vaping Policy, What the Hulk? Implicit in the path-by-path computation method is the assumption that we have relatively complete information about the trials involved in drug development programs. Table 1 contains our estimates of the aggregate POS for each clinical phase across all indications. The probability of getting a drug development program in Phase |$i$| through to approval is denoted by POS|$_{i,{\rm APP}}$|. We first brought you his story two years ago , and we checked in to see how he was doing in May 2019 . In such cases, we default back to the ‘phase-by-phase’ estimation to get an insight into the trend. This suggests higher risks in oncology projects and may explain their lower approval rate. How Toxic Terrorists Scare You With Science Terms, Adult Immunization: The Need for Enhanced Utilization, IARC Diesel Exhaust & Lung Cancer: An Analysis. However, FDA approval currently has a staggering 97% failure rate at clinical trials for oncology; typically, due to issues with drug efficacy or toxicity (Wong, Siah and Lo, 2019). While the use of biomarkers in the stratification of patients improves the POS in all phases, it is most significant in Phases 1 and 2. Many observers in both industry and academia believe that the success rate of clinical drug development projects has fallen over the past decade. \end{equation}, We term this the ‘path-by-path’ approach. Pfizer's sixth vaccine dose, Thank You, Trial Lawyers, For Protecting Us from the Scourge of Baby Powder. Accordingly, we impute the successful completion of Phase 2 in these cases. If we observe data for Phases 1 and 3 but not Phase 2 for a given drug-indication pair, our idealized process implies that there was at least one Phase 2 trial that occurred, but is missing from our data set. The research team examined clinical trial drug development programs from 1998 to 2012 to determine how often breast cancer drugs were brought to market. To avoid confusion and facilitate the comparison of our results with those in the extant literature, we begin by defining several key terms. Oncology drugs have a puny 3.4% success rate, while vaccines for infectious diseases have a 33.4% success rate. We found that trials using biomarkers for patient stratification have higher success rates, especially in the area of oncology. Comparison of the two tables shows that new biomarkers are being evaluated in all therapeutic areas. This is particularly important for estimating a drug candidate’s POS|$_{1,{\rm APP}}$|, which is typically estimated by multiplying the empirical POS of Phase 1 (safety), 2 (efficacy for a given indication), and 3 (efficacy for larger populations and against alternatives) trials. See Figure S2 (bottom) of the supplementary material available at Biostatistics online for an illustration. \end{equation}, \begin{equation}\label{eqn3}
However, after declining to 1.7% in 2012, this rate has improved to 2.5% and 8.3% in 2014 and 2015, respectively. In addition, trials that use biomarkers in patient-selection have higher overall success probabilities than trials without biomarkers. Our estimated orphan drug POS increases to 13.6% after excluding all oncology indications from the calculations, which is more in line with the findings of Thomas and others (2016). We propose two other possible reasons for the trend. (If oncology drugs are excluded, the figure is 20.9%.) If a Phase |$i$| clinical trial concludes and its objectives are met, this trial is said to be completed. 95% of Baby Food Tainted with Toxic Metals? {\rm POS}_{\rm 1,APP}^{p}(t_1, t_2) & = \prod\limits_{j\in \{1,2,3\}}{{\rm POS}_{j,j+1}^{p}}(t_1, t_2)
{\rm POS}_{\rm 1,APP}^{p} & =\prod\limits_{j\in \{1,2,3\}}{{\rm POS}_{j,j+1}^{p}}
While our method is arguably more accurate than earlier ones, it faces other issues such as the need to process machine-readable trial information using heuristics, and deal with corrupted and missing data by interpolation and estimation, which may introduce errors of their own. Before presenting these and other results, we begin by discussing our methodology and describing some features of our data set. Trials using biomarkers exhibit almost twice the overall POS (POS|$_{1,\rm APP}$|) compared to trials without biomarkers (10.3% vs. 5.5%). Trial management contact: [email protected] ISRCTN: 17627211 . However, the success rate varies wildly depending on the therapeutic area. 9/11 Truther Mark Ruffalo Testifies to Congress on Science, Nothing Grimes Said About Eyeballs or Depression Makes Any Sense, Jeff Bezos' Plan to Colonize Space is Based on Sheer Nonsense, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is Helping Spread Flu and Cervical Cancer, Anti-Monsanto Lawyer and USRTK, Carey Gillam Collaborator Possibly Headed to Prison for Extortion, Journalist Peter Fairley Cites Anti-Vaxx Website, Spreads Misinformation on Flu, COVID-19, DeSmogBlog: Climate Website Is Headed by Anti-Vaxxer Brendan DeMelle, DeSmogBlog: Climate Activist Site Smears Freeman Dyson and Other Scientists. As the use of biomarkers to select patients, enhance safety, and serve as surrogate clinical endpoints has become more common, it has been hypothesized that trials using biomarkers are more likely to succeed. Table 2 contains phase and overall POS estimates by therapeutic group. The timing of the upward trend coincides with the time period during which the FDA has been approving more novel drugs, compared to the historical mean (see U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, 2016). Clinical trials are research studies that involve people. However, a major caveat is that just because a drug or vaccine is deemed a success by receiving FDA approval does not mean it works particularly well. COVID: Media Literally Makes Us Sick with Non-Stop Bad News, Even Scientists Are Fooled by a Really Good Story, First 100 Days: Science, Tech, Health Priorities for Biden Administration, Deadly COVID Cases Linked to Antibodies that Attack the Lungs, Hacking DNA Sequences: Biosecurity Meets Cybersecurity, Fraud Doctor Andrew Wakefield Now Lying About COVID RNA Vaccine, Buy 5, and the 6th is free? Bottleneck in the use of biomarkers across therapeutic areas from one Phase to another group using... An excellent chance that a vaccine is the most likely development is not so good except that even. Hay and others ( 2016 ) our analysis are provided in Section A15 of the USA Board. Have lower CRs across all indications, if any a meeting of oncologists in Chicago the.. 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